Drug Abuse Poem

Poem About Alcohol Addiction

I like to jot down my thoughts and I am 15 years old.

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I am 14 years old. I was diagnosed as an alcoholic at 13. Please, please, for me, don't pick up that bottle. It's ruined my life. Use me as a lesson.

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Drip Drop


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2014 with permission of the Author.

drip drop
the concoction of squished up white grapes
and alcohol blend into a golden liquid
that by the looks of,
could make miracles,
but that's not the case;
because it does the opposite,
it destroys people and makes them do things out of ordinary
it destroys families and relationships
it destroys

drip drop
it gives people this temporary happiness
and that's what everyone wants, isn't it?
happiness is what people crave,
and wine is the best temporary answer
and the wine drowns their problems
and the wine drowns their conscious
and the wine drowns

drip drop
but most of the time,
it doesn't lead to happiness
so as another glass of the shimmery liquid is poured
another fight is yet to come
another night of children hiding in their rooms
no more nights will be innocent
the child has been exposed
the child has to act far more mature than their age
the child is slowly being lost

drip drop
that child can now see her parents as their disorder
and sees how it's the wine
but no matter what she tries to do
they won't stop.
so she slowly watches them
destroy themselves and do things out of the ordinary
destroy their family and their relationships

drip drop
that child is no longer a child anymore
and being exposed to alcohol for so long she think it's ok
and now,
that same child is doing what her parents did every night
and she drowns her problems
and she drowns her conscious
and she drowns
drip drop


  • Stories 2
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  • Rating 4.39
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Veronica Hachy by Veronica Hachy
  • 3 years ago

Wow this poem was really good. It made me think of my friend who acts weird whenever she's drunk. I am so touched by this poem.

  • Ashley Sanchez by Ashley Sanchez
  • 5 years ago

I am 14 years old. I was diagnosed as an alcoholic at 13. Please, please, for me, don't pick up that bottle. It's ruined my life. Use me as a lesson.

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