Drug Abuse Poem

Teen Daughter's Pain Growing Up With An Addict Mother

I am 17 years old. This is obviously written about my mom, who has a horrible drug and alcohol problem. She used to leave me home alone to go gamble for hours; sometimes for days. Whenever she came back, she came back drunk and abusive. I can remember nights where I stayed up and waited for her to come home. Half of me wanted her to come back safely, and half of me wished I'd never see her again. She almost killed me about a month ago. I filed a restraining order, and can't see her anymore.

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The amount of tears that left my eyes reading this poem should be a crime. My mother was an amazing woman in my memory until she cheated on my father. Then when they divorced all she could do...

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One Thing To Say


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

There's only one thing I could ever say,
about the way I felt that day.
The day we sat with coloring books,
and kept laughing at our funny looks.
A memory forever imprinted in my soul,
the only one I'll ever have, since you've lost control.

There's only one thing I could ever say,
about the way I felt that day.
The day you hurt me for the first time,
and made me think breathing was a punishable crime.
A memory I'd give anything to trade;
The day my mother started to fade.

There's only one thing I could ever say,
to describe how I hated every day.
The days I waited up all night,
because I couldn't sleep until you made it home alright.
A memory of mine you never even knew,
because when you arrived, I'd hide and avoid you.

There's only one thing I could ever say,
to express how you made me cry that day.
The screaming and hate I saw in your eyes,
wasn't my mother, but an effect of her highs.
A memory that haunts and refuses to decay.
and you don't even remember it, anyway.

There's nothing I could ever say,
to tell you how I feel today.
The pain in my heart that I'll never get used to,
because it's illegal for me to speak to you.
I love you, though you've never believed it;
through your anger, your hate, and temperamental fits.

There's nothing you could ever say,
to make the pain all go away.
I'll remember you for who you were,
from early memories of jumbled blur.
I miss my mother, and all she could have been,
if she hadn't let alcohol let her life cave in.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kayla Rich by Kayla Rich
  • 2 months ago

The amount of tears that left my eyes reading this poem should be a crime. My mother was an amazing woman in my memory until she cheated on my father. Then when they divorced all she could do to cope was drink. I know how it feels to love someone so much but also fear them with everything in you. I used to pretend to be asleep so that she wouldn't come into my room. I started writing poems when I got out of that abusive home to cope. I couldn't process my feelings on my own. Sometimes I forget that other people out there just understand. Not just say "I'm sorry that sounds so bad". Which I am thankful for but still feel alone and crazy after telling them. I encourage you to continue to write poetry and to continue processing these emotions to break the cycle. No matter what we can live to be better than where we came from. Also Jesus loves you <3

  • Cid Porter by Cid Porter
  • 8 years ago

The poem was wonderful. People who have never had problems do not understand. I had a bad drinking problem a very long time ago. I was lucky enough to overcome the problem and become the person I used to be. It is not a hard thing to do. You just have to look around you - at your children, your grandchildren, your family, your friends and ask yourself, what is more important? The answer should come easily.
What people have to remember is this - have faith and confidence in yourself and everyone else will as well.

  • Madison Jebson by Madison Jebson, Missouri
  • 9 years ago

This story really hits home. It reminds me of my father before alcohol and drugs took him away from me completely. When we would watch cartoons on Saturday before he would chase his cereal down with whiskey. I can't see him either due to the fact that he tried to kill my mom and I. I know how you feel so if you ever wanna talk feel free to email me :) Stay strong because you are an amazing person.

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