Anniversary Poem

From Husband To Wife

A husband uses poetry to express his feelings about his love to his wife on the occasion of their anniversary.

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I can't find the right words to make one and I am very lucky because I found you poem! Thank you so much!

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Happy Anniversary

© more by Kirk A. Finney

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

When years are passing by like days,
and in my hand your hand is placed,
a knowing smile crosses your face.
A simple touch can still make my heart race.

When I can see my soul in your eyes,
and you see your soul in mine, we realize
that a love so deep can harbor no lies,
where our only tears shed were happy tears we've cried.

I love you as much now as I ever did before.
If possible, I may love you even more,
all starting from a feeling we did not ignore,
a feeling of connection we chose to explore.

I don't know what it is that you saw in me.
In you I saw the utmost happiness that could ever be,
even more so on the day you and I became "we."
I can still smile and say with love and truth, "Honey, I love you. Happy Anniversary."


more by Kirk A. Finney

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Robert Meacham by Robert Meacham
  • 5 years ago

The consequence of love is loneliness. And before we met, I was that person and then you began making me feel the boundless spirit of love. The consequence of life is death, but I know when I leave this world, cherubs and angels align the celestial gate and sing out your name to join a love that will last for eternity. Love you, sweetheart.

  • Jerome T. Parel by Jerome T. Parel
  • 8 years ago

I can't find the right words to make one and I am very lucky because I found you poem! Thank you so much!

  • Onasvi by Onasvi, India
  • 10 years ago

I am small just 11. But I have opened this site to make an Anniversary card to my Mom and Dad. Their Anniversary is on 11th May and they are a Romantic couple just made for each other. I love you both. Many Many best wishes for new couples.

  • Rosheka Williams by Rosheka Williams
  • 10 years ago

This Anniversary Poem describes mine and my husband's relationship perfectly...Today is our Anniversary and he surprised me by sending me the link to this poem...My husband is my life and I love him more with each passing day...

  • Chris by Chris, Lagos Nigeria
  • 11 years ago

I've had a wonderful marriage and I cant but thank my wife for taking so much time to tolerate me, I'm not perfect but then she sees perfection in me , a wise one asked me once what would be the wisest decision you ever made ? I simply just smiled and said it was marrying the woman of my dream. I love till pigs fly. Happy anniversary !!!!!

  • Vicki by Vicki, India
  • 12 years ago

Hi my name is Vicki,
This is my first marriage anniversary, and my wife is not with me because she lives in USA. I love and miss her so very much, and today is our marriage anniversary and I'm having to spend this special day without her by my side. I wish she was with me to spend this beautiful day with me, but it is not possible. I'm so crazy here without her, I wish she could be with me so I could hold her in my arms. I miss her more than any words could ever explain. Happy Anniversary to My Angel. Always remember your Vicki Baby will forever love you my darling.

  • Vicki by Vicki, India
  • 12 years ago

My wife is not with me right now she is in the US and I'm in India and I miss her a lot I love you my angel. Today is my wife and my 1st Anniversary and I miss you angel so very much muhaaaaa <3

  • Cari by Cari, Cullman
  • 12 years ago

April 21st is me and my husband's 11 year Anniversary!! I AM STILL giddy over him and fall more in Love with him every day!! He truly is a dream come true!

  • Missouri by Missouri
  • 12 years ago

This was so very beautiful and touching. Today is my husband and mine's third wedding anniversary and I can only hope my husband can be half as romantic!!!

  • Jacki by Jacki, Missouri
  • 13 years ago

I sought out looking for a poem that would help me express my love and admiration for my husband on this our first wedding anniversary. This poem was beautifully written, I am still teary eyed from reading it.

  • Hoss by Hoss
  • 14 years ago

I think that I feel like the author. I love my wife with all my heart but we are not together, I pray the lord will put us back together thank you for posting great things and your partner and children are the greatest gifts from heaven.

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