Mother Death Poem

Honored In Heaven

My mum, Sharyn, passed away after a very brave fight with multiple tumors. After battling breast cancer, bowel cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer, it was a brain tumor that finally took her life. She is my inspiration - she put up such a brave fight. We had 7 months after she was diagnosed with the brain tumor to say goodbye, and I cared for her until the tumors had spread to her spine and she could no longer walk...she passed away 4 weeks later - just 9 days after my brother's 30th birthday.

Having someone in your life who is such an inspiration really changes your perception of pain, love, and sorrow. To everyone who has lost someone - I am with strong, be brave, and know that they are always listening...

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My mom lost her battle with what started as breast cancer in 2006 on December 8, 2010. She went for treatment after treatment never giving up hope. She was a miracle within herself. She is...

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Angel Wings


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

I want to know if you can hear me
I talk to you all the time
To tell you how I am, how I am feeling
I want you to know that I am fine

Nothing will ever take the hurt
But I am so proud of your fight
For 6 years you battled, 6 different tumors
Guided by a blinding light

You lived for us children
We were your world, your dreams
But it came and took it all away
My heart feels torn at the seams

It breaks my heart to know
That you won't be by my side
How can I walk down the aisle
Wearing your brooch and gorgeous smile?

I prayed for a sign, a gift
Something to show me that you were here
And you gave me my husband to be
He saved me, helped me with my fear

Jamie is a mum now, you would be so proud
He is so beautiful, with curly hair
And it's blonde, just like yours
But he won't ever know you; it's not fair

I keep a photo of you
It's the one from your funeral day
Did you hear me as I told the story
About how much I needed you to stay?

I said, "Mum has got her angel wings,
She has graduated from this place
To be honored forever in heaven
With your caring nature, your loving face"

I will never stop missing you
One more thing, i'ts never too late
That when I leave the earth, when my time has come
You will meet me at the pearly gates...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Melissa by Melissa, Dallas NC
  • 13 years ago

My mom lost her battle with what started as breast cancer in 2006 on December 8, 2010. She went for treatment after treatment never giving up hope. She was a miracle within herself. She is and was my best friend, she was always encouraging me to do my best and never give up. My greatest achievement was 2 years old when she passed. That is the hardest thing about losing her is that he will never have the time to spend with her. Even though she was sick his whole life he was a big part of hers. He was one of the reason she never gave up. I have pictures of them together to share with him as he gets older. As time passes it doesn't get any easier I miss her so much and look forward to seeing her at the pearly gates of heaven one day. This poem brought back memories of the past and hope for the future. I miss my best friend!

  • Briana by Briana
  • 14 years ago

MY sister died of cancer last month I still feel her heart beat I can feel her breath I miss her so much and need her in my life no matter where she is she will always be in my heart

  • Teresa Leonard by Teresa Leonard, California
  • 14 years ago

My mother passed of lung cancer, I held her hand till God came and took her home. I still talk to her and there are times when I really need her. This poem brought me to tears cause it was so spot on.

  • Kelly Whelden by Kelly Whelden, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

My mom, Lillian Emma Whelden, passed away from an on again, off again battle with cancer. It started as breast, then went on a destructive path to invade her spine, liver, lungs, & brain. PLEASE DO NOT get me wrong, in those 7 years aside from the devastating affects from meds. my mom would go, on her lunch breaks, to get her chemo treatments. It was all "mind over matter!" she would say!! She died on Jan.27th,2009. 5 days before my second son Benjamin was born. Lately, I feel like everyday is,Jan.27th,2009! I miss her more than I loved her! I didn't know that was possible!!!

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 14 years ago

I wish most daughters and sons will be like you. Caring for a sick parent is the most important role we can play as children and looking them in the eyes every day will make good memories when they've left. It happened to me. I miss my mum dearly but I don't have any regrets because I cared for her and she knew I loved her.

  • Buffy by Buffy
  • 15 years ago

This really hits home. I just lost my mother to brain cancer. She fought for 5 years. I'm sorry for your loss. And I still don't know how to grieve.

  • Andrea Wentzel by Andrea Wentzel
  • 15 years ago

Wow this sounds exactly like my story. My mother passed away back in May of this year (2008) my sister just recently last month had a baby, that yet my mother will never see. I play sports and my mom will never see again, but oh did she love my basketball skills. Or see me walk down the isle of graduation or even marriage day! I feel your pain throughout this poem, and its great, I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

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