Loss of Father Poem

Poem For Dad In Heaven

Death is not the end; it is only a bridge to another place.

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When I lost my dad to suicide, I read this poem to my family. I then decided that I wanted to share this with our close family at his service. Any day when I really miss him and when it's...

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My Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

I know this man
Who is dear to my heart.
Suddenly one day
It was torn all apart.

This man taught me everything
That I needed to know,
But I never really listened
Until he had to go.

He gave me love
And touched my life.
It's all over now;
He no longer has to fight.

He tried to teach me
Right from wrong.
The day he left
I wasn't that strong.

He is gone now,
It is hard to believe.
This man is my dad
Whom I will never see.

But I will see him again,
This I know.
The day will come
When it's time for me to go.

So, I'll hold him dear
And close to my heart
'Cause the day we meet
I know we'll never be torn apart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Catherine by Catherine
  • 4 years ago

I lost my dad on November 21, 2019, due to kidney failure. I was so weak I cried myself to sleep for days. My dad taught me everything about life. He was my best friend, and with him gone, I was lost. I'm still trying to find myself. I saw my dad at his worst while fighting for his life. I know he is in a better place with no pain. I don't want to be a selfish daughter. One day we will meet, but for now, papa keep resting in peace.

  • Derek Sims by Derek Sims
  • 5 years ago

On December 5, 2007, I lost my dad. I was 7 when my dad died. He was my best friend, and I miss him every day. There is not a day or week or month that goes by when I not think about him. I know he's in a better place and I will see him again. Thank you.

  • Gracey by Gracey
  • 5 years ago

When my dad left me, 18 years ago, I was only 8 months. I do not have any idea what was happening because I was so young. June 2001, he died. Days, months, years passed. I was looking for someone that can be called "Daddy," but then my mind was open up that "Dad already left me." Throughout the years, I am hurt, I feel the pain every day. Living without a dad, seeing your mom working so hard just to make sure that you will have a better life, they were rough and dark days for me. I was the youngest in the family. It has never been easy for me. I live with envy to those people who have a complete family. It was not easy! Really not easy! I do not want to accept the fact that he is in God's Heaven. But then, I opened my mind and accept the fact, I saw beautiful reasons and signs that he, my dad, is everywhere. I became better, my mother molded me that way. Now, 2019 has opened, I'm missing him. ALWAYS. I love you so much dad!

  • Mandira Singh by Mandira Singh
  • 5 years ago

Missing my dad so much. He was a wonderful man. He was suffering from kidney failure. When he left us, I was so young and couldn't even bear the pain. Mom died 2 years back. It's terrible to live without your parents. Everything has changed after you left, Mom. I'm not the same as I used to be. I miss both of them so much.

  • Lyn by Lyn
  • 6 years ago

On November 19, 2017, much of who I am left with my dad. He was hard-working, tough, and loving. I wanted so much to take him home to die, but he was far too sick. He practically begged to go home, but I couldn't do that one last thing for him. I love you, Dad, and miss you so much. We'll be together soon.

  • Jenna by Jenna
  • 6 years ago

When I lost my dad to suicide, I read this poem to my family. I then decided that I wanted to share this with our close family at his service. Any day when I really miss him and when it's almost unbearable, I come back to this poem. It brings me back to how I felt on the day of the funeral and it shows me how much I've grown as a person, for the better and even for the worst. Being thirteen when I lost him and sixteen now, it's still pretty new to me. But what I really wanted to say is I hope this poem does for someone else as it did for me. Thank you!!

  • Amber by Amber
  • 7 years ago

On April 21, 2017, I lost a wonderful man who had been my whole life. That man is my dad that I love very much. I never wanted to let go of him. He was my only dad. I always remember good times with him. He had always been there for me, but now that he is in heaven, he is always going to be in my heart forever and always.

  • David Lloyd by David Lloyd
  • 7 years ago

Hi amber. I lost my dad, too, many years ago, and it still hurts me today. I hope you find the strength to get through this sad time in your life. Your dad will be looking down at you now and will always be with you. Remember all the good times you had, and as long as you keep the memories in your heart he will still be there with you. God bless you, and RIP to your dad. The angels will look after him now.

  • Bella Maralit Quiambao by Bella Maralit Quiambao
  • 7 years ago

I lost my father 12 years ago (October 5, 2005), and that was my birthday. I still don't believe it. It's hard to believe, but I know he loved me a lot. I thank God for my Dad. I know now he is watching over me wherever he is. When I read your poem I just can't stop myself from crying. It hurts a lot, but thanks for the lovely poem!

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 7 years ago

My dad passed away on the 1st of January from pancreatic cancer, and there's not a day that I don't miss him. I love you so much and miss you so bad. You fought to the end, but it was so sad to see you so ill, but I'm glad you're not in any more pain. God bless you, Dad, and thank you for being the best dad in the world.

  • Alexandra by Alexandra
  • 7 years ago

My dad just passed away on May 1, 2017 of prostrate cancer that developed into his liver. It was very sudden. He was doing really well before it too. He got a month at home before he had passed away. He was in palliative care since I had to work and was not able to assist him with enough care until my brother came back from his posting to give him a month at home. The day my brother was supposed to leave to go back onto his post, he passed away. It's going to be the first Father's Day without him, and I can't imagine how much it is going to suck. He was a very strong and stubborn man. He fought for 8+ years for his kids. I miss him every day. He was one of a kind and definitely one of the best dads a girl could ask for. I am very sorry for your loss, but they aren't in pain and aren't suffering anymore.

  • Sandy Cox by Sandy Cox
  • 7 years ago

My Dad too passed away with Pancreatic Cancer July 20, 2015, after months of pain and treatments. We tried to save him. He fought the good fight like the Marine he was and the man that taught me respect, honor, honesty and hard work, so many life lessons I will ever be grateful for. I was with him through it all and until the bitter end, just like he taught me. I miss him every day, and you know, he wasn't even my biological father. He loved me because he wanted to be my Dad, which makes it all the more special.

  • Anjali by Anjali
  • 7 years ago

I lost my father to cardiac arrest one month ago. He was 62 years old and a very healthy and physically fit person. Never had any issues related to his heart. It's still so raw. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I am not able to accept that he is no longer here in this world and I'll never be able to give him a hug or speak with him again. The pain of separation is unbearable. I can now understand and relate to each and every word of the poem. :(

  • Laura Lee by Laura Lee
  • 6 years ago

I've just lost my dad 2 weeks ago to cardiac arrest. He was 54. I am so heartbroken. We were so close, and I can't believe he's gone. It's his funeral on Thursday, and I can't bear to say goodbye.

  • Angela by Angela
  • 7 years ago

My dad passed away on the 26th of June 2017. He was 64 and died of a heart condition. This will be the first father's day without him. I've found it so hard to accept that he is no longer here. Sending everyone who's lost their daddies all my love...

  • Anurag by Anurag, Jaipur rajathan
  • 7 years ago

Twenty-five days before I lost my father due to cardiac arrest and on same time I was planning for discharge from hospital. But almighty discharged him from life. My father was legend, born fighter and true hearted. "He was the gem of the Earth." I lost my mentor, guide, best critic, best friend. I'm unfortunate son.

  • Louise Lynam by Louise Lynam
  • 7 years ago

Oh my darling, I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel every word you say. I miss my dad's voice and his sweet laugh. I'd give anything just hear it and give him the biggest hug. I'd never let go. Love you sweetie, keep the faith.

  • Annie Joy M. Ragsac by Annie Joy M. Ragsac
  • 8 years ago

My dad, I call him "tatang," died September 15, 2016. I was very sad because I know that I did say something not good to him. I regret those days that I didn't even say, "I love you, Tatang," and I also regret not giving him a good life. I still have to start my career here in Dubai, and I feel so lonely that he passed away two weeks after I left the Philippines. Every day I feel so down and weak. I always asked for my father's forgiveness and pray to Heavenly father to save his soul and forgive him also for all his shortcomings. I love you, tatang ko!

  • Alyssa Outlaw by Alyssa Outlaw
  • 8 years ago

My dad was killed a week ago, his friend shot him in the back. Everyday since then is worse than the last. He was my protector, the big tough guy everybody was scared of. I recently found out his last words were tell them I'm sorry, and that's probably the hardest part in all of this. He made mistakes, but I never wanted him to be sorry. This poem reminded me of his and his youngest son's relationship, my little brother who is 7. Being 14 and losing him was hard enough. I really enjoy these poems. Me, my mom, and my little brother were reading some of them yesterday, they're so peaceful and emotional.

  • Felicia Vaniadiva by Felicia Vaniadiva
  • 8 years ago

My father just died roughly two weeks ago. We were really close back then but not anymore, I sort of neglected him and ignored him and hated him just because he got a stroke. Now you guys probably have known already. I regret all the things I have done to him and all the mean things I said to him. Even the day before he collapsed and fell into a coma, I didn't speak nicely to him. I just hope I can see him one more time and apologize to him. I still see him each day (even though it's imaginary) and I miss him so much... This makes me cry a river.

  • Mary Grace G. Solatorio by Mary Grace G. Solatorio, Zamboanga City
  • 9 years ago

Every time I miss my dad I always look to our picture that was taken during my graduation in college. My father took his journey to heaven 9 months ago. It really hurts knowing that we can't do our usual bonding everyday. I'm the only daughter among his four boys. I'm the closest to my dad among us. Everyday I'm still mourning his loss. It's just I can't live without my dad because I really love him. He is everything to me and my mom. My family is my strength. Thank you for that heart touching poem, though it made me cry I really love it because it really reminds me of my Dad. May all our fathers in heaven rest in peace and be happy together in the hands of our Almighty loving God.

  • Andrew Bolander by Andrew Bolander
  • 8 years ago

My dad was my rock. Although he never went to College, he was absolutely brilliant. He would have made an incredible mechanical engineer; he could do anything. Fortunately some of his brilliance rubbed off on me, but not enough. He was humble, kind, opinionated at times, and strong. My dad was tough; he could take all comers. My dad was MacGyver way before the television series. He was a private pilot, had an incredible aerospace career, he was an inventor, an incredible mentor, and had a wonderful sense of humor. I can honestly say that my parents gave me everything they could. One cannot fathom the void from losing one's personal hero, until it happens. I'd like to think that he can see me. I wish I could speak with him so badly it hurts. I've also lost my mother and sister, so I'm the only one left. Oh the pain. I feel so alone sometimes. But death is just the beginning, not the end. I know that I'll be reunited with them when it is my time to go. My pets better be there as well.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Person County
  • 9 years ago

This just really touched my heart once I read it. My father just passed on March 21, 2015 and all I could think about was how he use to tell me stuff and I wouldn't listen until I got older. I am really going to miss my father and all his jokes. I just wish I could talk to him just one more last time.

  • Nicole Hobbs by Nicole Hobbs, New Mexico
  • 9 years ago

My father passed away March 24, 2015. My father took his own life. I'm an only child, my mother did the same in December 09. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.

  • Reanna Novencido by Reanna Novencido, California
  • 9 years ago

Your poem was beautifully written. My Dad, my hero, & best friend passed July 23,2014. Yesterday was his birthday. He would have been 61. I wish I could tell him how important and wonderful he was. He sacrificed so much as a single parent to three not so good at times kids. Being on here reading other stories, makes me grateful for the 33 years I had him in my life. He was able to see each of us have children of our own. I'll forever and always be thankful for him. And look forward to seeing my Dad again....When God calls me home.
Love you with all my heart.-Your Little Girl

  • Zesuka by Zesuka
  • 9 years ago

This touches my heart. I lost my dad 2 days ago because he had a heart attack. I miss him so much. But, I'll try to be strong for him. I'll be strong for my dad.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 9 years ago

My dad died of leukemia just about 10 days ago and I'm devastated. There was so many things I wanted to tell him and I can't anymore. What should I do because I am going to hate Father's day without him and his birthday was 4 days after he died. I can't take this and I'm only 13 what should I do please someone tell me

  • Ruben by Ruben, South Carolina
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad about 4 years ago he got shot and I was four, now I am 9 it hurts me when I even think about it. I keep suffering from it everyday but its okay because I know my father is watching over me and he still will protect me from all the bad things in the world but most of all he still loves me and I will always love him too R.I.P daddy forever in my heart

  • Sabrina by Sabrina
  • 10 years ago

I am 12 years old, my friend lost her father 2 months ago she is the elder sister in her family with 1 brother and 2 sister who are younger then her, her mother is about 30 years old, when her father died and she was like nothing has happened and in the morning when she wakes up she feels like her father is still on work to his office. But I don't know how she settle all these problems and how did her mother faced it easily and so simply .
I pray for her and may her father's soul be happy and well.

  • Richie by Richie, England
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad 2 days ago and this poem hit the nail on the head, I will read it at the funeral if I can hold back the tears. Thank you for writing this poem R.I.P Dad always thinking of you, your loving son xx

  • Annellyse by Annellyse, Pennsylvania
  • 10 years ago

I have two sisters. We all have different dads. My dad and my older sisters dad's weren't in our lives. My little sisters dad, however took their place. Sadly, he died when my little sister was 7 weeks old. He had been there for our family for 5 years and spent every minute he could with us. He never missed a night of saying he loved us and tucking us in. He was amazing. I guess he got tired of his weight and decided to go for surgery for it. Next thing I knew we were gathered in his hospital room as he was dying. Something went wrong. He smiled until he couldn't no more. The last thing he said to me was "I love you". He was gone. I love him and miss him soo much. This poem helped me. Thank you!
P.S. I miss you daddy :(

  • Lana by Lana
  • 10 years ago

I Lost my Dad 4 3 years ago, He meant the whole world to me, Loosing him is like missing part of my body.

I thank God for my Dad. I know now he is watching over me wherever he is.
When I read your poem I just can't stop myself from crying, it hurts a lot!!! But thanks for the lovely poem.

I love you dad and missing so much!!!

  • Shayahas by Shayahas
  • 8 years ago

I miss my dad, too. He meant the world to me; he was my backbone. Without him, it's like I've lost my backbone. He died 1 month ago, and I still cry. I loved him dearly, and he loved me dearly, too. I love him, and I regret all the things I did to him. I want to apologize, but his photo in a frame is the only strength for me. I am sorry for your loss, too. May God's blessing be with you and your family.

  • Irene Szobolai by Irene Szobolai
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away one month ago this poem is really touch me. I know my dad is in heaven now. I love my dad so much I couldn't imagine that he's gone now. He died from cardiac arrest. I love him so much. How I wish I see him again.

  • Aneela by Aneela, Boise Idaho
  • 11 years ago

My dad died 6 months ago from an untreatable cancer. This poem made me cry a lot because it is so true. I never thought there would come a day that I would loose my dad but I guess it was his turn in line to go meet the man upstairs himself. I can't blame anybody for this but I always think it is my fault. He wasn't even my real dad he was my step dad, but he was he best father figure in the world!
Daddy's little girl! Xoxoxox

  • Abdul Rehman by Abdul Rehman, Islamabad
  • 11 years ago

Whoever wrote this! I want to say thank you. I lost my dad in a car accident... I really do miss him and can never forget him. The thoughts that one day we'll get together consoles me.

  • Becky by Becky, Michigan
  • 11 years ago

I lost my father 9 months ago to lung cancer. I cried reading this. He was diagnosed on October 5th and we were told he had 9 months to a year to live. It was only 22 days from diagnosis to death. I miss him terribly.

  • Mumbai by Mumbai
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad six years ago when I was in sixth grade. I have no siblings so I was to one to do all rituals at his funeral.. I still don't believe ..it's hard to believe. He loved me a lot. He gave me my name my identity. Did a lot for me. Sometimes I cry.. cry louder harder I just wish he comes back. :( but I know its not possible.. and loved your poem. Thanks. Love you dad missing you like hell.

  • Karen Nelson by Karen Nelson
  • 11 years ago

I can really relate to this poem, it's my dads birthday tomorrow he would of been 71, we lost my dad 2 half years ago, I miss him so much, my dad died from cancer and really suffered at the end, my dad was a fighter xxxxxx love and miss you dad xxxx

  • Darlene by Darlene, Seattle
  • 11 years ago

My father passed away last week, on May 23rd. His funeral is tomorrow. He was 86 and I am 46. He was still my Daddy and I his little girl! Thank you for sharing your stories. It helps.

  • Mayssa by Mayssa, Tunisia
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away February 10th 2013 after a long fight with cancer, I really do miss him , I can't forget how my dad was suffering and becoming so weak ... I'm 17 and I need my dad to be by my side, I wish I could see him again. may he rest in peace

  • Kysha by Kysha
  • 11 years ago

My father, my dad, my hero passed away Nov. 26 2013. His name is Clifford also known as cooker. he was the greatest dad a little girl could have. although I'm an 38 yr. old adult I will always be daddy's little girl. I just wanted to share how much I love and miss my dad. It just seems so unreal at times. It is the pain that never goes away...and to watch him slowly die of cancer to see this strong man become so weak and fragile is the hardest thing to watch. I take little comfort in knowing you no longer have to suffer that way but I will forever wish to live life with you again. You sleep peacefully now..

  • Morgan by Morgan
  • 11 years ago

I know that I will see him again but I still miss him and I will still remember him in my heart even though he passed away. He's always been the best person in my heart. He was the most caring person that I knew. I know he still watches over me and I will keep praying for him.

  • Chris by Chris, UK
  • 11 years ago

I miss my dad, I lost him the 3rd of December. Man this made me cry and is exactly how I feel word for word. Sometimes I even feel I want to see him again but sooner but I know that wouldn't be right on my mum or my brother just my dad, I went to see him for everything all my problems, or even just for some banter. But I lost him after 4 1/2 years of him struggling he died painlessly and peacefully but there was a car accident not crash that cut his life expectancy from 6 years to 4 1/2. This has taught me expect the unexpected and cherish every moment. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him. RIP dad... 03/12/12<3 from your son.

  • Joanna by Joanna
  • 11 years ago

My Dad passed away on 11/04/12 from cancer, he was getting weaker and I seen him until he could no longer go on in life. He was my hero. We had such a great bond I was his little girl. Till God took him from me I have so much anger. I wish he could of waited, to see me graduate high school and show him my good grades, so many things we still needed to do but his time came to soon. My last dance with him was when I was 15, and how I'd love to get one more dance with him .. He fought this cancer for 12 years until he no longer could. I miss you Dad and I love you. Until we meet again till then guide me in life because I can't do this alone you were always there for me, in flesh now in sprit I ask you to guide me.

  • Jessica by Jessica, West Virginia
  • 11 years ago

I grew up with my Dad and an older brother. My mom moved away when I was in 2nd grade so it was just us. I was a Daddy's girl from the day I was born! We were so close and had a bond that was unbreakable. When I had my daughter, it was like watching him raise me all over again, except he let her chew gum :) He loved her and thought she was so special (and I agree with that) and of course spoiled her rotten. Last year, on fathers day, he called me early in the morning and said he had called 911 and I met him at his house and followed the ambulance to the hospital. He was only 63 years old. 7 and 1/2 weeks later, after being on a vent all that time, I had to make the decision as medical power of attorney to take him off. He passed with grace on July 29, 2011. I was looking for some comfort as this time of year is rough and found this poem. I cried and remembered how grateful I am to have had such a wonderful dad and poppaw in my life.

  • Teachawonna by Teachawonna, Mississippi
  • 11 years ago

My daddy died when I was five he shot in the head I'm 13 now its Christmas eve and I miss seeing my daddy. This poem is so true.

  • Jane by Jane, Yorkshire
  • 11 years ago

25/11/2012 Sunday evening, my dad said goodnight for the last time. He did not know he was leaving us and we did not have the heart to tell him he was surrounded by his daughters, son and wife. I saw this poem whilst looking for something to comfort my sisters and brother and it did help. I don't know how were going to get through the next few days but we are lucky to have each other and our Mam.

  • Kiran by Kiran, London
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Dad on 27 Nov 2011 to a rare type of NHL. He battled against his cancer for 9 months and he was doing well. But suddenly he was taken away. He did not suffer his latter days and maybe that's why it was unexpected. Its left a hole, a dark hole that nothing else can fill because you realize there was so much more that I'd like to have said. For daddy's little girl its hard to believe that he is no more. But for those that still have a chance once you've read this go speak to your Mum and Dad tell them how much they mean to you- while you still have a chance. This poem has made me realize that I am not alone in the pain we feel, it was perfect!

  • Ann by Ann, Scotland
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad on the 9th Dec. 2011 and the pain is so bad. I loved the poem and it sounds so much like my dad I feel he was beside me when I was reading it xx rest in peace dad miss you and will see you soon xx

  • Amanda by Amanda, Il
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched my heart! I lost my father a two months ago today from COPD, and heart failure. Thank you for brightening my day!

  • Danielle Rooney by Danielle Rooney
  • 12 years ago

My dad died two years ago. He was 39, he died after long of suffering. At least know I know he isn't suffering.

  • Cheryl Ochang by Cheryl Ochang, Kenya
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 10 years old. He had struggled with diabetes and high blood pressure. Though I was young I fondly remember his love for me and all his teachings. Apart from when I was in school I always spent the rest of my time with him. He was my bestfriend and though he has been gone for 12 yrs 3 months now it still feels like yesterday. I still love you so much dad and I cherish every moment we shared. May you continue to rest in eternal peace. Amen

  • Portia Elliott by Portia Elliott
  • 12 years ago

I am 13 years old and lost my dad on October the 15th this year. He was going through a lot and couldn't cope with it any more, he hung himself. This poem really got to me. This is the first Christmas with him being gone :( I loved him and I was a daddy's girl. I pray for the others that have to go through this. The pain is unbearable. Love you daddy , R.I.P <3

  • Frank by Frank
  • 12 years ago

Beautiful poem , very simple and raw. I lost my dad Oct. 25, he had a stroke and recovered after a month in the hospital...went through physical therapy, and seemed like he was going to make it after it all. We had good times during these days especially when he was recovering. I painted a room where he was going to be at his house. Then he went home. And on the second day Pop stood up and fell. They rushed him to the hospital. He had another stroke. Unbelievable! He fought for his life, but just didn't make it. I now know what its like to lose a dad. I feel for all that go through this. God bless all and pray for all that go through this human tragedy and others....

  • Jeannie by Jeannie, West Virginia
  • 13 years ago

Lost my dad 6 months ago to a DUI driver. Saw this poem and it brought forth all the pain I have been feeling. I am 48 years old but it doesn't stop the pain and hurt that I feel. My dad was my rock and now he has been taken from me and my brothers and it is so unfair at the way he was taken... I do know he is in a much better place than we are here but doesn't stop the pain and hurt.

  • Dolly by Dolly, Nigeria
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father 7 days ago. This poem really touched me because the best moment which I'm waiting to share with him never came before he passed on. But I thank God for his life he is a great man and a hero in my community. PEACEFUL REST Sir.

  • Megan by Megan, London
  • 13 years ago

my dad died when I was 7 I don't think anyone can explain how hard it is to lose a dad especially when you're his little girl RIP daddy :'( xx

  • Karly by Karly, Olean NY
  • 13 years ago

My dad died 2 years ago from lung cancer. I was put up for adoption 9 years ago and have been through 7 homes. I was adopted 4 years ago but haven't seen him since I was a child. the last thing I remember about the last time I saw him was the big smile on his face cuz he was happy to see me. I always hoped I would see him again...

  • Desirae by Desirae, Florida
  • 13 years ago

My friend's Father just died of cancer this morning...I'm the one who cried the most... but this poem is so touching and inspiring. thank you for letting me see in a different way.

  • Rachel Marmora by Rachel Marmora, Ontario
  • 13 years ago

This poem was amazing!
My dad has a disease called Fibromyalgia and this slowly kills him. I lost the two closest people to me when I was 5 and 7, these were my grandparents. My dad is the last close person to me. I cannot lose him, it kills me everyday seeing him suffer thru this.

  • Sherrie Davis by Sherrie Davis, Hillsboro
  • 13 years ago

My father is dying from lung cancer. He is in his last stages. We knew it was coming but to see him suffer and slowly die is still the most devastating thing I've ever had to go through. Its hard to think that once he passes ill never be able to hug him or talk to him again. I still cant wrap my head around the fact he will be gone forever. Dad I love you with all my heart and you were the best parent any kid could ever have. You'll be forever in my heart. No one will ever take your place.

  • Dallas Texas by Dallas Texas
  • 14 years ago

My dad died when I was five years old, he got ran over and this poem hit me hard.

  • Sharon by Sharon
  • 15 years ago

My dad passes away yesterday and I am so lost without him. I read this poem and I felt as though he was by my side. I would like to read this at the funeral but not sure if I will be able to. It seem to give me peace.

  • angela dawn johnston by angela dawn johnston
  • 15 years ago

my dad passed away 14 years ago in a house fire and I miss he so he was my life. I was a daddy girl all my life, I just miss dad so bad. I have 3 boys now he never met I hope he can see them with me now I love you're poem it helped me through a bad day

  • tonya by tonya
  • 15 years ago

my dad passed away almost 6 months ago, he was 84 and he died of cancer. this has been the worst thing of my life. I am 33 years old but its still killing me trying to get through this time. I feel like my whole world has been pulled out from under me. I was a daddys girl all my life. I just miss him so bad. my mom is still with me thank god.

  • wanda schuster by wanda schuster
  • 15 years ago

My father passed six months ago. This is our first Christmas without him. The poem really touched me.

  • leah by leah
  • 15 years ago

my dad committed suicide when I was 4, and this poem is amazing!

  • julie by julie
  • 16 years ago

My friend lost her dad just last night, I lost mine 5 months ago. I was looking for a poem to go in a card, this one made me cry, remembering how true it is, and how much I miss him.

  • Amanda Carroll by Amanda Carroll
  • 16 years ago

I lost my dad to cancer 4 months ago. this poem made me cry. Not in a bad way. I enjoyed the poem.

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