Loss of Father Poem

Missing My Dad Poem

This is a poem I wrote after my father passed away from prostate cancer. I miss him dearly, only been gone 8 months and it hurts every day.

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I lost my dad 2 years ago on the 22nd of July. A week after his birthday and 4 days after mine. He was battling stage 4 bone cancer. I miss him a lot, and when I was growing up he was in and...

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My Dad, My Angel

Jamie A. Cirello © more by Jamie A. Cirello

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2010 with permission of the Author.

Your battle is now over; no more tears flowing down your cheek,
no more pain, no more suffering; now you are no longer weak.
I still do not understand why this had to happen to you,
but I am proud to say you are my dad, the greatest man I ever knew.
Although you will not be here to walk me down the aisle,
when that day comes, I know you will be by my side with a smile.
You were always there for me and never once made me cry
until the day you closed your eyes and had to say goodbye.
Now you are my Angel, so spread your wings out wide.
Please wrap them around me whenever you see me cry.
Our time together was memorable, and God took you way too fast,
But the most precious thing to me was your being there for my first breath
and me being there for your last.


more by Jamie A. Cirello

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lexi Hoeft by Lexi Hoeft
  • 6 years ago

I lost my dad 2 years ago on the 22nd of July. A week after his birthday and 4 days after mine. He was battling stage 4 bone cancer. I miss him a lot, and when I was growing up he was in and out of jail because of his drinking. I'm happy that the older I got things got better with my dad and me. July is a hard time for me because dad and I had this inside joke about our birthdays. This year it's harder than the last, but I know it will get better. It's a pain I wouldn't want others to deal with. This is really beautiful. Thank you.

  • Jennifer Rose by Jennifer Rose
  • 8 years ago

My father was a humanitarian that went to Indonesia to help with the clean up and rebuilding after the tsunomi. He got a parisite called a liver fluke. This parisite will kill you within five years of attacking the human body. They operated on my Dad on April 2, 2014. He went to his permanent home with Jesus on May 7, 2014. I had him 1 month before he passed. I have been very angry because he was supposed to still be here. I was still learning from him. I am the biggest Daddy's girl. I love and miss him so much. He is my gardian angel.

  • Rhonda Scott by Rhonda Scott
  • 7 years ago

The best thing God gives is fathers. I'm the youngest girl and miss my dad inextricably. However, the gentleman that he was is what I cherish most of him. The sadness experienced rests not in his making heaven his home, but how the uneventful attack by strangers took the best years of his life. He was attacked, carjacked and spent the last 10 years of his life unable to do what he loved ...drive.
He was my hero and now my guardian angel as well. Jennifer, our dads' spirits were proud, loyal providers. We are truly blessed and special because we had great fathers. Always in our hearts.

  • Joanne by Joanne, England
  • 8 years ago

After loosing my dad to cancer in October, I really wanted to say something at his funeral. I found your beautiful poem and it summed up lots of what I wanted to say. I took most of the poem and adapted parts slightly. It was perfect, I felt so much relief after reading it out. Thank you so much for sharing this. xxx

  • Jessica McLean by Jessica McLean, North Carolina
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for this poem, though I will say I started crying. For two years, the strongest man I have ever known fought liver failure. We prayed constantly for Medicaid to go through so that he could get a liver transplant. For most of December, he was in the hospital. We hoped that he would come home, and luckily he was home for Christmas, but on December 26th, he passed away while I was at work. My birthday is January 17th, and I am getting married in a few short months, and I can't believe that he won't be there.

  • Jo by Jo, MA
  • 9 years ago

This poem seems touchingly appropriate. My father passed away six months back from brain cancer. In a way, it was an end to a year of chemo, surgery, hospital visits, medications and most of all being dependent on others. He died exactly ten years after my mom passed away. He is now with her and I don't feel him lingering around. I will miss him always and am thankful for the most wonderful memories he has given. Rest in peace.

  • Am by Am
  • 8 years ago

Hey Jo, I understand where you are coming from. I lost my father to brain cancer about 3 months ago. There is a lot of weight on my shoulders in terms of taking over. I'm sixteen and I don't know what I am going to do in life without him.

  • Susan by Susan, Ireland
  • 9 years ago

I read this beautiful poem at my father's funeral a year and a half ago. He passed from Cancer complications 7 months before my wedding. The poem said exactly everything I wanted to say, it was amazing. Thank you so much.

  • Alaina Hampshire by Alaina Hampshire, England
  • 9 years ago

I have been looking for a poem to read at my dad's funeral next week and luckily came across this one. The words say it all. Sadly my father passed away two weeks ago after being diagnosed with mesothelioma two weeks beforehand. I was with him day and night caring for him. So much pain he suffered and heartbreaking to watch him fading away. My dad was my best friend, my hero. Life will never be the same again. No father daughter could be closer & I'm missing him dearly. My children are distraught, they were also very close. Gone too soon. You are my world dad but my world is broken. I don't know what to do without you x

  • Richa by Richa
  • 9 years ago

2 years passed....my dad's no more.
I didn't understand why god had to take him away and I cried and cried to get the answer but to no avail .
After reading this poem, to some extent I was satisfied . I developed a positive attitude and learned that whatever happens, happens for the good.

Sorry for your loss. It is very hard to lose someone so close and I'm glad that in some way my words helped you along.

  • Molly by Molly, Ohio
  • 9 years ago

My father passed away this past Christmas eve from a battle against lung cancer. It only took 8 months for it to overcome him. I knew I needed to say something at his funeral, but I couldn't find the words. I found this the night before, and this is what I read. It perfectly described what I was so desperately trying to put into words. When I think about It, I imagine him holding me. Although I cannot see him, it comforts me. One day I will walk down the aisle without him, and I know, like the poem says, he will be there smiling. Thank you for this.

  • Jodie Shrive by Jodie Shrive
  • 10 years ago

I read this poem at my dads funeral 2 years ago and it still makes me cry every time, he passed away due to stomach cancer and the speed it spread. He will always be my hero and this poem just describes his battle so well.

  • Mariah by Mariah, Austin
  • 10 years ago

My father passed away from mesothelioma on August 20, 2014. He was far too young; forty seven years old. This poem brought tears to my eyes, for it truly is how I feel. Thank you to the author for sharing such a beautiful display of emotions.

  • Dillon Sturm by Dillon Sturm, Ohio
  • 10 years ago

This is exactly how I feel right now my father just passed away on August 19, 2014. I'm on my way to the viewing now. He has been battling brain cancer for 3 1/2 years and it has been the hardest thing for my family and I. And this poem is exactly how I feel.

  • Angel  Zarate by Angel Zarate, Belen Nm
  • 10 years ago

This is so me right now. I lost my father June 5th, 2014 which happens to be my birthday. He was beaten up and died in the hospital with all 4 of his daughters around him, brothers sisters and grandbabies even his ex wife. I miss him dearly this poem touched my heart and I am very thankful for you sharing this beautiful poem. I wear his (my moms) wedding ring and have a stuffed rattle toy he bought me. I keep it close to my heart (I am 43)I will never forget my daddy and my best friend.

  • Kimberley Page by Kimberley Page
  • 10 years ago

This touched me and my Dad died of stomach cancer on the 20th April 2014. I am only 13 years old and he is 74 years old. I miss him dearly. I am forever crying. I love him loads. Xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Mary by Mary
  • 10 years ago

My darling daddy died on 20th June 2013 after a 12 month battle from a brain tumour. I am a Nurse and nursed him to the very end. I was due to get married on 12 April 2013 and as per my daddy's wishes I did. My brother walked me down the aisle. My dad was not able to go to the wedding as he was too unwell. My mum stayed with him in Ireland as she also a nurse helped care for him. I wanted to do what my daddy wanted so I bravely got on with my wedding afterwards I flew back to Ireland and nursed him to the very end. As an A&E sister I did everything for him. For nine months in 2012 I was in Ireland away from my fiance and early 2013 arranged my wedding in Ireland.. This poem is so very poignant. I have just celebrated my first wedding anniversary and cried most of the time as it still hits me so hard. Dad was my rock, quiet hardworking strong and so very kind. It is only the fact that I know my daddy would want me to get on with my life and not mope about that I get up every morning. One year and still so very raw xxx

  • Dyana by Dyana
  • 10 years ago

Today it's been 3 months since I lost my dad from cancer. I wasn't able to be there on time. It hurts me a lot. Your poem touched me a lot. I wish I had the chance to hug him and tell him how much I love him and will always do.

  • Makayla by Makayla, Lewisville Tx
  • 10 years ago

My dad passed last year. I'm only nine so here's the story my dad fell asleep at the wheel and crushed his stomach and heart and lung so I'm upset.

  • Katie by Katie, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad just three days ago. He had been battling cancer for a year and a half, but in a way it still seemed so sudden. I was glad he had no more pain, but I just wished he would have never been sick. I just turned 25 and I know I'm going to miss him terribly. When I do one day get married and have a family, I'm going to wish they could have met him :(

  • Carla by Carla
  • 11 years ago

My dad past away a few weeks ago. He had long cancer. And even though he was still alive on my wedding day he was too weak to walk me down the aisle or even be there. I can't believe he's gone and it's so hard to function.

  • Abraham by Abraham
  • 11 years ago

Hi, Lost our dad, our superman in 2011. More than 2 years now, still can't stop crying at times. He worked all his life to give us a better life, never spend any money on himself but spend everything on us. I am 34 year old man got a beautiful wife and loving child amazing mom and a wonderful brother but I still want, long and need my dad. Losing a dad is such a big vacuum and it's so hard to fill.

  • Leshawn by Leshawn, Houston
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Daddy a week ago (May 13, 2013). I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I just buried my father. This poem absolutely reflects everything that I feel. I have always been a Daddy's girl, and even at age 40 I still feel like that same little girl that use to say "I want my Daddy". I still just want my Daddy. I will always love you Daddy. All the pain and suffering I watched you go through, yet you never once complained. You were truly my hero.

  • Bruce Zlokovich by Bruce Zlokovich, Jeffreys Bay
  • 11 years ago

I can sort of relate to this poem .
My dad died 3 days ago I am turning 13 in May and I was supposed to visit him in June and I haven't seen him in three years and yesterday the embassy phoned us and told us that he was dead. I do know that he is gone but it still feels like he is alive to me.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Alabama
  • 11 years ago

I was only 20 years old when my daddy died, on May 23, 2012. He had 18 brain tumors and lung cancer. I prayed so hard for him to be healed and he was just not the way I had planned. He was a great man and I was such a daddy's girl.. I held his hand as he passed, it's the worst feeling ever and I don't know how I can make it without his advice and long talks. His main focus was to see me graduate high school and I was so glad he did. I just wish he could walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. I'll always have him in my heart! I love you daddy!

  • Kaylia by Kaylia, Wisconsin
  • 11 years ago

It's weird how close this poems relates to me. It has been only 3 and 1/2 months since my dad has left my two younger sisters, my mother and I. I am only 17 years old and my dad was 38. We had only known two days before what was going on, it was too late, the doctors told us he had a 2% chance of living. I wish he was here to walk me down the aisle or even see me walk down the aisle as I graduate. I wish people were more aware that they should never take someone in their life granted as I did with my dad. It may be too late before you learn your lesson the hard way.

  • Terri by Terri, Australia
  • 11 years ago

13 years ago...March 21 1999, I lost my mentor, my best friend, my confidant....My Dad. We had 36 wonderful years together, but I sure was not ready for him to leave. I was a little luckier, He did manage to walk Me down the aisle, but he didn't live to see our first anniversary, the birth of his 3rd grandchild, or watch all three of my children grow into the fine young adults they are now. 13 years, may as well be 13 minutes...the pain never stops, the memories will never fade....I love You Daddy Bear...always, forever.. and one day more...

  • Lanette by Lanette, Michigan
  • 11 years ago


Simply amazing...You put into words every feeling in my heart for my Dad! Thank you...

  • 20 Year Old Girl by 20 Year Old Girl, Sweden
  • 12 years ago

This poem was really touching. My father died of a brain tumor three months ago. I think of him and miss him every day. I've always been daddy's girl, he was my best friend and I miss him so much it hurts. Sometimes I don't know how I'll survive without him, but I know we will meet again. He's free from pain now, I can guarantee he has a good time in heaven with grandma. Xo

  • Valerie by Valerie, Portland
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for sharing...it's almost the year mark of my father's passing anniversary and lately it's been very emotional for me. He had a 12 year battle with a secondary disease to his lungs caused by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma- mostly he struggled with breathing and was on oxygen for about 7 years...the last line was really powerful to me... About first and last breaths... When I was born I wasn't breathing at first- my father who was not religious at that point in his life prayed that God take his breath and give it to me...and I started breathing...when my dad got sick his relationship with God changed and he often told the story of my first breath, saying that he doesn't believe God makes deals, but he believes he answers prayers and that his struggle with breathing wasn't as hard for him when he remembers that moment when I was born and that I'm healthy and breathing everyday...the last time he told a story- and he was a great storyteller, was to the Hospice nurse who was evaluating him 3 days before he passed away.

  • Yvonne by Yvonne, Heath UK
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem I have just lost mum and dad within 3 weeks. Dad died on their wedding anniversary they are together now and I hope they are watching over me. I love them both so much.

  • Jessie by Jessie, Fl
  • 12 years ago

This made me cry. It's exactly how I feel. I lost my dad almost 2 years ago and I was in the room with him for 5 hours after they took him off life support. He had a strong heart (literally and spiritually). I was the only child of his in the room out of my 3 brothers and that horrible sound has stayed with me. But your poem is beautiful and were my exact thoughts in a nutshell.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Il
  • 12 years ago

Your poem touched my heart! I lost my father to congestive heart failure and COPD two months ago. I lost my mother 18 months ago. It has been hard being 26 and losing both parents. I miss him more everyday. Thank you for writing a beautiful poem!

  • Vanessa Holmes by Vanessa Holmes, Cambridge Uk
  • 12 years ago

I was looking for a poem to put in my goodbye letter to my Dad. He died from a brain tumour a couple of weeks ago. Your words are so perfect, thank you for sharing it with us. x

  • Cassie by Cassie, Ky
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me. I lost my daddy almost 7 months ago. He was in the hospital so much that its just now hitting me he's gone. I just kept thinking he was coming home. He was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything about it. So this poem says it all.

  • Najurally by Najurally, Rodrigue
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me very much as I had just lost my dad it have been a week he was suffering from kidney failure, but lately he was okay then in a blink of an eye he was gone. I miss him so much.

  • John by John, Cyprus
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad one month ago from cancer that he was battling for 15 months. Your poem has really touched me very much. Likewise my dad didn't walk me down the aisle he would have loved that- but yes he will be there in his own way.
Thank you for your beautiful poem.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Wellington SA
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad in a motorbike accident 3 months before my wedding day 17/07/2010. I still cannot get over it miss him like crazy.

  • Felicia Sawyer by Felicia Sawyer, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

Your poem really touched me and made me cry. I lost my dad on May 7, 2002 due to renal failure which was caused by congestive heart failure. I was only 17. He didn't get to see me graduate highschool much less get to walk me down the aisle. I'm not currently married..but it kills me to know my dad won't get to be there. It's been 10 years since he passed and I have never stopped missing him! But I keep telling me I know he is watching over me..and even though he wasn't physically at my highschool graduation. I know he had the best seats in the house rooting me on from heaven! ;-)

  • Brittany by Brittany, Oh
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry. It is perfect and very sad. My father died of cancer just two years ago and left his 18 year old daughter 14 year old daughter and 9 year old son with my mother and I just wish it never would have happened. It kills me everyday. I see all the pictures and bad memories in my head ALL THE TIME. And I just wish I could see him again .

  • Mahealani by Mahealani, California
  • 12 years ago

This touched me so much. Just like you, I lost my dad to prostate cancer. He passed away October 23, 2008. He'll never walk me down the aisle but I know one day I will see him again and he is looking over me each day.

  • Tina by Tina, Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

This poem is so pretty. I lost my daddy May 16, 2006 to pan/liver cancer. He was a hard working man until the cancer took hold of him. He was never sick other the common cold. When we found on Labor day weekend that he was sick the Dr. gave him two weeks. But daddy was a very stubborn man and wouldn't give up without a fight. Easter came April 16th that year. Daddy got up out of bed and was back to his old self after months of not knowing who we was. He went outside and worked in his shop and sat in the porch swing with mama. He done that everyday for one month. Then May 16 exactly one month later. He gave up the fight. Daddy always liked to ride his motorcycle. So that day the sun was shinning us kids took the bike for one last ride. Everywhere we rode the bike it rained just like the angels was crying. We got back to the house and it was still sunny but raining over the bike. Daddy raised us kids with respect, love and honor. He will be and is missed everyday.

  • Toni by Toni, Tennessee
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away on Mother's Day last year! Two days after my birthday! It's been a year today, but it feels like yesterday at times! We miss him so much! I love you daddy!!!

  • Leticia by Leticia, Alliance
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away on 04/22/2012., at 6:30 am.
He was 54. I love and missed him more than he will ever know. I still cry myself to sleep. It sure has been a rough couple days without my father. Daddy, may you rest in peace..until we met again.

  • Sherrie by Sherrie, Norfolk
  • 12 years ago

I so love this poem as it sums up my feelings so well. I lost my Dad to Lung cancer on 15th October 2011 after only being diagnosed 7 months prior to this. Before this time he was healthy, I still now am struggling with what has happened as everything happened so quick!!
I had to watch my Dad cry with the physical pain and the pain he was feeling knowing he was leaving me and my sister too soon, at 66 he was too young to go!!
We were both with him until he took his last breath and that's what he would have wanted , his girls by his side!!!
Nearly six months on the pain seems unbearable but I'm trying hard to rebuild my life, although physically you're not with us anymore you will forever be in my heart, Always, I Love you xxx

  • Kildare by Kildare, Ireland
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away on the 8/3/2012 due to brain cancer.. I am only young still not even a teenager yet and my siblings and I will miss him dearly my two sisters and I will not be walked down the aisle by my dad when we get married but I know he will be there <3

  • Burnsville by Burnsville, Mn
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I really like this poem, I'm 16. I lost my dad to esophageal cancer on Jan. 5.2012...idk what to do with my thoughts, my feelings or my life everything seems to be just all crappy my relationship was rocky with my dad but iv always and always will be a daddys girl all of a sudden his cancer spread after the doctors said its in remission. I feel so angry at so many people and so boggled it bothers me so much he wont be there to share the great and bad moments in my life he always was there for me in the hard time he would take me out of bad situations, talk to me help me understand...where is he for this one? in heaven I'm angry sad happy I have so many emotions nobody knows what losing a parent feels like until it happens...he lost his life at the age of 52. Nov. 19th was his birthday...way too young never thought I'd ever have to go threw something like this esp. this early it hurts soo much still....I hope it gets easier thank you for sharing this. R.I.P Daddy love your babygirl...

  • Daddy's Little Girl by Daddy's Little Girl
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away from cancer 7 months ago today. I was 16 at the time and although it had been a long battle I don't think anything can prepare you for the premature loss of your father. It seems you miss someone more as times goes on rather than less and it still feels like yesterday I was with him. I'm still hoping he will come home. The thought of not seeing him again in this life if too painful.

  • Haleigh by Haleigh, Wilson
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry. My dad died in 2009 when I was only 9. I watched him die. A year later my mom told me she was having a baby and a few weeks later she got in a bad car wreck and she said her stomach hit the air bag. She said she saw my daddy giving the baby back to her. Then 5 months later I have a lil brother:) my daddy is my hero but now he is more than that he is my angel

  • Charlene Hissong by Charlene Hissong, Ft Wayne IN
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away on May 7, 2010. I have no idea why. The doctors didn't advance the tests the first time so the family agreed on pulling the plug. I was his one child that stayed by his side for the month and a half fight. This poem made me cry both times I read it. It really touched me. I really thought I was the only one who still hadn't moved on from my fathers death. I am sad to say he won't be walking me down the aisle either. And it hurts me more because he promised me he would. Thank you for sharing this poem. It has touched a lot of people

  • Alison Bain by Alison Bain, Glasgow
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad to esophageal cancer in September 2011 age just 64! I still cant believe he's gone, miss him so much. I held his hand as he took his last breath!
Getting married in July and not sure I'll cope without him there to give me away.

  • Anna-Bella Ritchie by Anna-Bella Ritchie
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me and made me cry. I lost my Dad last Nov 20th, 2010 and he died suddenly while I was there with him. He had a massive cardiac arrest and he was gone. It was shocking and something I can never forget. My Dad was my hero, I loved him so much. It hurts still now. I miss him every day. I think of him when I wake. He was just 66 years old. He had heart disease and he was very weak and ill for two years before he died. It feels unreal that he has died. I want to go and see him and chat to him like old times. It is difficult to move on. It hurts me more as I was close to him and cared for him when he will ill. He is no longer suffering. He can now rest and his pain is gone.

  • Kallie by Kallie, Flordia
  • 12 years ago

This poem is a inspiration to many who have lost their dad. Good Job I hope you have more to come. Whether they passed away when they were young or when they were grown losing a dad or loved one is the hardest thing.
I lost my dad 2/2/2010 when I was 15, from a 5 year battle with ALS and Lyme disease. I watched the strongest, most hardworking, amazing person ever slowly get weaker everyday. It went from a dad taking care of his daughter, to a daughter taking care of her dad. But even thought that was the worst time of my life, I wouldn't change it for the world because it reminds me of our bond and relationship. In those 5 years my dad taught me a lot of things. But most of all don't give up always keep on trying, and that things can be worse.
When losing a loved one there's a first for everything. Yours and theirs birthday, graduation, wedding, holidays the day they passed away, and the grandchildren, but just keep fighting cause they went down fighting for us.

~Love you daddy, Happy Birthday 12/29~

  • Anouchka by Anouchka, Connecticut
  • 12 years ago

This poem was honestly the best way to explain what I and I bet a lot others have. I lost my dad in April this year when I was 18 to liver cancer. Everyday was a struggle for him he was so strong before, 6'1 and big and then cancer decided to take over his world. He was my world. And everyday I feel like I just lost him again. Thank you Jamie for writing this <3

  • Sarah by Sarah, Willenhall
  • 12 years ago

This poem has touched me. I'm going to use it at my dads funeral and change a few words as it means so much! I'm the only daughter he aint got to walk down the aisle. My dad passed away on Dec 5th 2011. He died from metastatic lung cancer. Really wish I could see him again missing him so much xxxx

  • Nicola Harvey by Nicola Harvey
  • 12 years ago

I have this tattooed on my leg for my dad who passed away on the 10/12/2010. It will be one year tomorrow.

  • Mariana Kinlacheeny by Mariana Kinlacheeny
  • 12 years ago

My father passed away on 08/25/10., at 2:27 am.
He was 88. I love and missed him more than he will ever know. I still cry myself to sleep. It sure has been a rough year without my father. Daddy, may you rest in peace..until we met again.

  • Jackie by Jackie, Essex
  • 12 years ago

My darling father died on Nov 13th 2011 after battling with cancer - he was only diagnosed in September so the whole thing has been devastating to see his decline and pain and then to loose him. My mother is bereft as they have been together for 65 years and I have felt that I have to keep going for her. Love my dad so much and feel scared for the future without him. This poem gave me release to my feelings for the first time since he died. God bless you and keep you my wonderful dad.

  • Amber by Amber, Ontario
  • 12 years ago

Wow, I said this at my fathers funeral. God showed me this in time when I needed it the most. I lost my best friend, father and grandpa to my little boy, of lung cancer. Spread to liver, sprang, throat, neck and brain and he fought a hard battle and thank you is all I can say.. this poem is my light.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Il
  • 12 years ago

I read this poem and it felt like I was reading my life online. My dad just passed last night from liver cancer. Even though it just happened, my heart is broken into many pieces. I know time will heal me, especially since we've gone through something like this before. My little sister passed away when she was 4 and I was 6. So now they're together again, and happy again. I just miss him and have such a void. I haven't gotten married yet, but I am a mother. So not only do I have to deal with my grief, but my child's as well. All I know is, it's going to be a long journey ahead.

  • Penni by Penni, Adel Ga
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me within! It brought tears to my eyes! I lost my daddy on December 11, 2010 from kidney failure, a heart problem, and liver failure. He was only 59 years of age! I miss him so much and my heart is still so broken! It is coming up on the one year anniversary of his death and I am having a hard time coping with his death still! I have an ache in my heart that just will not go away! But the one good thing is he isn't sick and hurting anymore and he is in a better place! Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

  • Betsy by Betsy, Cold Spring MN
  • 13 years ago

This story really touched me I just lost my father December 4, 2010 to ALS it still feels like just yesterday I was looking at him and having a great time. When I read this poem I started to cry because this describes everything that I had been thinking. My father was my only hero I could look up to, the only person I could talk to who would listen to me. He had this disease for 8 years he was a very strong man. The last time I saw him it was the week of my 17th birthday and he said with every bit of energy he had to say I love you boo and that was the last thing he said. I just wanted to say this poem has touched me very close to my heart it is very beautiful thank you.

  • Karen by Karen
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Dad 24/09/2010 and my heart has been broken ever since. I found your poem and its beautiful I felt like it had been written for me.

  • Marlena Seybold by Marlena Seybold, Philadelphia
  • 13 years ago

I would like you to know that my father's funeral was on September 2nd. My father passed away on the 29th of August from a massive stroke. I know exactly how you are feeling as today makes it three weeks since my father left me. I am trying the best that I can to cope but it is so hard. I can relate to you so much because I am only 20 years old. My father has had 6 previous strokes, 2 mini strokes, and 3 heart attacks. He passed from his 7th and final stroke. I was the only one there as he took his last breath and I will never forget the moment he opened his eyes, squeezed my hand, and took his last breath. The reason why I will never forget this is because I truely feel that he chose me to be the one to share that memory with because my mother and fiance went to get some fresh air. We were so close to each other and there is not a day that goes by that I don't wish he was here with me. I cry everyday. Click on my name and you will see the memorial that I made for him.

  • Hailey by Hailey
  • 13 years ago

thank you so much :)

Thanks everyone for the feedback. It is very hard to see that many people have lost their dad, and are all going through the same pain. It is very hard. Now they are angels in the sky watching over us. @Hailey yes you may.

  • Hailey by Hailey
  • 13 years ago

This poem is very beautiful. I just recently lost my daddy! I'm only 17 and it hurts very bad to lose a daddy so young. He passed away September 2, 2011. He had a heart attack in his sleep. but I really love this poem and would like to use it to put under my daddy's pictures on my Facebook if its okay with you.

  • Marlena Seybold by Marlena Seybold, Philadelphia
  • 13 years ago

While reading this poem I actually cried because it is my life story with my father. My father died on August 29th, 2011 at the age of 58. He passed away from his 7th and major stroke. My father has had 6 previous strokes, 2 mini strokes, and 4 heart attacks. He passed away 3 days after my 20th birthday, which was on the 26th of August. It has now been 2 weeks and 2 days and I miss him so much. At least now I know he is not in pain anymore and watching over me. I was and always will be his little girl. <3 LATER GATOR DADDY <3

  • Tuesday Hines by Tuesday Hines
  • 13 years ago

On 28th Aug 2011 my dad unexpectedly passed away from Pneumonia which attacked his weak body from fighting an aggressive form of cancer which doctors can not name... due to the rarity of it.
He was only diagnosed with cancer 6 weeks ago!!
He had Pancreatic Cancer 20 years ago and it was a miracle that he survived that... he fought so hard but his body become too weak from the infections that began to attack him.
He was 65 years old with still so much life to live in his mind but his body couldn't fight anymore!
I am 25 and will be turning 26 in 2 days time which hurts as it's so close but I know eventually I will celebrate his life as well as mine own one day.... he will never get to walk me down the aisle either...
But I see it as he died as me ALWAYS being his little girl and never having to have to give me away to another man.
love you dad... if only I could hear your voice again.

  • Stacey by Stacey, Missoula
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on Sept. 26, 2010...and it still feels like yesterday. He died from complications of lung removal due to lung cancer. I miss him terribly. Some days it hurts just as much as it did the day I watched him take his last breath.

  • Kyrie by Kyrie, Canada
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad a few years ago when I was only ten cause he had lost a battle to cancer.... every time I hear his name, drive by the graveyard or read a poem like this I start to tear up

  • George Bentley by George Bentley
  • 13 years ago

Mine passed away to for me at a young age and I love this poem. Especially the wrap your arms line is wonderful because any time I am sad I feel that he is, and if I am freaking out in any situation some times I hear his voice for a brief moment and that's all I need to get through tough times and move forward. Thank you for sharing this it's what I needed to hear for sure. Take care and God bless.

  • San Antonio Texas by San Antonio Texas
  • 13 years ago

I am 25 years old and I lost my dad on March 16th 2011. He was and still is my hero, this poem brings tears to my eyes. I will not have my dad walk me down the aisle either, he won't be able to see or hold his first granddaughter (my sisters daughter). But I know deep down inside he is with us. I miss him dearly. Everyday I wake up I let him know I love him and everynight before I go to bed I say " I love you dad, protect me and goodnight". Thank you for writing this poem. It touched my heart

  • Julie by Julie
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on 20th Nov 2010. He went from a beautiful, strong, kind, generous person to a frail man in constant pain. I watched as my dad deteriorated in front of me, go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy and operations and never showed any fear. I also was with dad when he struggled for his last breath and it is something I will never get out of my head. What he endured and what every cancer patient goes through is not fair. I cry every night and the heartache I feel is no better than when we lost him. I am 42 and struggle to comprehend how so many are dying from cancer. I was lucky enough to have my dad walk me down the isle. Your poem is beautiful. x

  • Kiera by Kiera, England
  • 13 years ago

My daddy was the bravest man I ever knew, he had cancer 3 times, he battled through it all those times and he always carried on with a smile on his face, but then on his 4th time he lost his battle, on the 30th April 2010 he died from cancer. He was 36 years old. He never should have gone, it's horrible how so many people are taken from us, RIP dad. I love you so much <3.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Australia
  • 13 years ago

My name is Sarah and my dad died when I was 8, it was very sudden and I miss him so much I am now 14 and I miss him dearly this poem made me cry and think about all the memories my father and I shared. He had cancer but that's not what he died of. He died from a heart attack the hospital revived him 9 times before he finally left us. And for all the people who are going through what I went through, I'm not going to say it will get better cause in most cases it won't but all you can do is remember all the good memories and I know some of you may not be into this idea but I pray to him just telling him what's going on in my life and if I'm having trouble with anything. Or another thing I do is I write letters to him and keep them I a hidden box because they are between me and him no one else! I hope you all found this comment helpful and touching
Sarah x

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Scotland
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me in a way I cannot say, I lost my dad 10 years ago when I was only 5, I do have memories with him, my dad was killed by someone when he was sleeping, it breaks my heart everyday knowing I will never see him again x

  • Sharon by Sharon, New York
  • 13 years ago

I read this poem and it touched me in a way that I can't say. I lost my dad on 6/25/2011 to Leukemia and Congestive Heart Failure. I didn't want to accept the fact that my dad had passed away from a horrible disease but I also knew that he wasn't suffering anymore.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Virginia
  • 13 years ago

My father was killed when I was younger and even though I'm only 14, I know he will not be here to walk me down the aisle. He won't see his granddaughter and this poem just means a lot to me. I write poetry about him. He's my inspiration for my writing, and my life.

  • Tina by Tina, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me because I am his baby girl and I just lost my dad 12/10 so this is our first year without him and it hasn't been easy at all.. Everyone says it gets easier but it hasn't.. I miss him so much he won't be there to walk me down the aisle or see his first granddaughter born (my sisters lil girl) but I know he's here in spirit.. Thank you for this poem

  • Singapore by Singapore
  • 13 years ago

My brothers and I lost our beloved father to dementia and to have him slowly forgetting us is really painful and seeing him trying his very best to remember things really hurt us deeply..

Always treasure our parents when they are alive because once gone, it mean they are totally vanished from this earth and can only be missed dearly in our heart...

  • Mildura by Mildura
  • 13 years ago

Well its really long, my dad died when I was four and I don't remember anything about him or what he looked like. But from what people tell me he was the nicest man on earth, I'm 15 now and it still hurts, seeing mum remarry and have kids from another man, not being able to visit my dads grave because he was buried over seas. I hate growing up and not seeing him. I love him and always will.

  • Megan by Megan, Denton
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad on November 14 of 2009. This poem really touched my heart because I am his only daughter & he was always there for me when I needed him. I am 17 years old & I'm still in highschool. If it wasn't for my daddy I wouldn't be where I am now. I will be graduating the spring of 2012 & going to college to fund the cure for lung cancer for him. Me & my mom were the last two to see him smile, the last ones to say we loved him. Thanks for posting this poem! It's wonderful!

  • Ann Arbor by Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

I read this and felt that you wrote this for me as well as yourself. Weird how so many strangers go through the same pain and have the same stories. It lets us know we are not alone. I lost my father 2 1/2 years ago to a stroke. I was there when he took his last breath. He won't be here to walk me on my wedding day either, so I decided to get married on an island with the love of my life and my son...I know every bit of wind that day will be him smiling at me. Thank you for your beautiful words.

  • Las Vagas by Las Vagas
  • 13 years ago

I started to cry when I read this cuz its exactly how I felt when I lost my dad to Colin cancer 3 yrs ago. I was only 9 when he died and the pain I felt when I lost him... No one should have it scar them so early

  • Ann Marie Moore by Ann Marie Moore, Daytona Beach
  • 13 years ago

The poem was beautiful and I can really relate to your story as I too have lost my father after he was diagnosed with lung cancer on his 66th birthday. He later learned it spread thru his body and died less than a year later. He was such a great man and it is hard to understand God's reasons... Thank you for sharing.

  • Tegan by Tegan, NSW
  • 13 years ago

This is a beautiful poem, Jamie.
I lost my father 7 months ago after a 4 year battle with colorectal cancer.

He will never walk me down the aisle, which is something that upsets me, as I can tell it has you. I watched 2 weeks ago as my brother got married, his new wife, danced with her father. He cried... And I cried... Because I realized I could never have that dance.

I saw him take his last breath, it's something I will never forget. But I'm glad I was there, because I was with him until the end.
Reading these comments just makes me angry because so many people have lost loved ones because of things we can't control.
I hope one day we'll have a cure - but I seem to be losing faith.

  • Sam by Sam, Australia
  • 13 years ago

this poem is beautiful I lost my dad nearly 5 months ago due to brain cancer and I too will never have my father walk me down the aisle, My dad was 40 and 6 months and he was so amazing and strong. It makes me sad to know there are so many people out there who have been touched by cancer and the saddest bit is there are young children suffering or have suffered because of cancer it makes me think if there's a God then why must people die of something so cruel let alone when they're little and have had no life it makes me really wonder :/

  • John by John, England
  • 13 years ago

my dad died June 2009 from lung and brain cancer, he was only 66 and I miss him so much. I know this poem was from a daughter to her dad but it touched me so much, I am still crying writing this. I am 45 years old and still cry nearly every day, just cant accept he has gone he was only diagnosed with cancer in Feb. 09 and died 1st June, I love you so much dad, miss you so so much john x

  • Steph by Steph, Wisconsin
  • 13 years ago

My father died on January 9, 2011 from having heart failure and a bunch of other problems with his heart. He died right after his heart transplant. I miss him more than anything!!!

  • Caroline Begley by Caroline Begley
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem my Dad died 5th March 2009 from a long endured heart complaint which he battled with daily but then he got lung cancer which whipped him away from us so quickly I miss him so much, this June I am getting married most of all I will miss him walking me down the aisle. days, weeks, months don't make it any easier

  • Barbara by Barbara, Scotland
  • 13 years ago

My father passed away 7 months ago from prostate cancer he was a very young 82 years old. I have so much to thank my father for and I miss not having him around and going on the trips we used to do. It is hard to move on as my father was so unselfish throughout his life his wife and family were his priority, his needs came second. I tried to give dad in his last few years happy memories taking him places he had never been before. I am going through a very emotional time just now it is hard for me to get through each day it hurts so much. Most of this poem is so relevant for me it really touches me even though I am in my late 40s and grateful that he was able to walk me down the aisle more than 20 years ago. Thank you for sharing your feelings

  • Laura Bailey by Laura Bailey
  • 13 years ago

This poem really hit home for me. My dad passed away from pancreatic cancer 2 years and 2 months ago. I was 18 and a freshman in college. Everyday I feel as though it will get easier but it never does. Thank you for sharing.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 13 years ago

My dad had a heart attack and past away he was only 45 years old and I was 8 when he past now I am 17 and I love your poem and it is beautiful. my father past away in 2003 and I miss him when I read your poem it bring back memories

  • Manavi Joshi by Manavi Joshi
  • 13 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem. I lost my dad to lung cancer in Sept 2010, after he bravely battled with it for a whole year. Though it is five months today, the pain never lessens. I pray he is at peace wherever he is, and god gives us all the strength to carry on and make our dads proud.

  • Vovo by Vovo
  • 13 years ago

My Dad passed on the 28th of January 2011 and this poem touched me so much. My dad battled with a heart condition called Congestive Cardiac Failure. Ironically I celebrated my 28th birthday and memories comforted me. We are planning my wedding and I will miss the fact that I won't be able to call him, seek advice, spend time with him or have him walk down the aisle with me...

  • Kelsey Smith by Kelsey Smith
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so touching to me. My father died in October last year of stomach cancer. He had a long battle and had to have his stomach removed and replaced. I was thirteen at the time of his death and turned fourteen a week later. I know I will miss out on many things such as having him escort me down the aisle...

  • Uzma by Uzma, Pakistan
  • 13 years ago

Beautiful poem...my father died on 4th Jan 2011 with pancreatic cancer after 3 months of being diagnosed by it. I miss him and cry a lot. it hurts and make me alone. Please pray for all of us

  • Heather by Heather, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me deeply as I recently lost my father to Colin Cancer. This poem said all the things I feel but, can't put into words. I miss him so much. Thank you for sharing.

  • Ashley by Ashley, AZ
  • 13 years ago

This poem hit me hard. I felt everything it said. I lost my father to AIDS and I was only 19 and he was only 47. We didn't have much time as most. And I miss him every day. So to who wrote this thank you for writing the words that I have felt since my father had passed. RIP Father 12/3/2008

  • Marichris Carballo by Marichris Carballo, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

Very timely and relevant for me. My father passed away last Oct 28th 2010. He was hypertensive, a vein ruptured in his brain, causing him severe brain hemorrhage. It was all so fast. I miss him so much.

  • Lysa Taylor by Lysa Taylor, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me very much, because I didn't have my father to walk me down the aisle. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 16 years ago, it still hurts, especially during the Christmas holidays, since he passed on Dec 27th. Even though 16 years have passed, it feels like it was just the other day, ever year during this time.

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