Feelings Poem by Teens

Poem: What It Feels Like To Be An Introvert

This poem is from the point of view of an introvert. Those who don't know her think that she is weak for being so quiet, but they don't know that she has big ideas, big plans, and big dreams. She has power in her, and she is waiting to put it on display outside.

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This poem makes me recall my childhood. I, too, was an introvert. I was reluctant to reveal my inner mind because many used to underestimate me. But my inner strength was enough to make me...

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Inside / Outside

Adayliah G Enerson © more by Adayliah G Enerson

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2019 with permission of the Author.

Standing amidst wildfire,
I am simply an ember.
Not the flame,
Not the smoky haze,
But such inside.

Standing amidst blizzards,
I am simply a flake.
Not the wind,
Not the frigid air,
But such inside.

Standing amidst earthquakes,
I am simply a pebble.
Not the rocks,
Not the fervent shake,
But such inside.

Standing amidst this life,
I am simply a viewer.
Not the praised,
Not the powerful voice,
But such inside.

Standing amidst myself,
I still prevail.
Not the weak,
Not the failing girl,
But such outside.


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  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

This poem makes me recall my childhood. I, too, was an introvert. I was reluctant to reveal my inner mind because many used to underestimate me. But my inner strength was enough to make me succeed in life. Thank you Adayliah for telling the world about many like me.

Kumari, thank you for reading my poem and sharing your connection with it! I love being able to hear how my readers can relate my poems to their own lives and stories. I agree that what makes introverts capable of greatness is our self-motivation and determination. Keep using your inner strength to pursue your success!
-Adayliah G. Enerson

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