Wife Death Poem

Wishing For One More Day With Wife Poem

It's now 10 years since my wife, Ann, passed away. It's been a struggle without her in my life. No one could ever take her place, so I just live with the memories.

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A beautiful poem I have just lost my Wife Teresa on Sep 5th after 56 years of marriage I feel empty and lost and hurting inside. I miss her so much she was the love of my life. Reading...

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Missing You

John P. Read © more by John P. Read

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2020 with permission of the Author.

Still I hear those voices
From a time so long ago.
I see so many faces
But not the one I love and know.

I walk the same old streets,
Hear your footsteps just the same.
How I'd love to wake tomorrow
And walk with you once again.

Just to look into your eyes
And tell you about my day.
It's those little things I miss
Since the day you went away.

I now pray to God in heaven
To keep you in his care,
To comfort you and heal this hurt
Until the day I meet you there.



John Peter Read was born in the East End of London in 1948. He was brought up by his Nan and mother, as his father left home when he was 5 years old. At the age of 15, John left school with just a basic education. While in school, he wrote little rhymes just for fun. A couple of his religious poems were published by the Christian church in the...

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  • Haz by Haz
  • 4 years ago

A beautiful poem

I have just lost my Wife Teresa on Sep 5th after 56 years of marriage I feel empty and lost and hurting inside. I miss her so much she was the love of my life.
Reading some beautiful poems should help me.
I hope to put some of my wife's poems on this website in the future as she has wrote poetry herself in the past.
God bless we must all keep strong.
H Grace

Hi, Haz. I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel the same way as you do. All one can do is remember the good times; it's the memories that keep me strong. I still feel her presence, for love never dies.

  • Adonis Davion Henley by Adonis Davion Henley
  • 4 years ago

Beautiful. I love the way this is said, and it's the same way I feel.

Hi Adonis its all those little things I miss, with only memories left to remind me.
All one can do is soldier on.
God Bless.

A beautiful tribute poem to your late wife Ann, brother John...

Then years is a very long time to journey all alone
When the love of your life's at rest in God's heavenly home
Familiar things bring memories of all you used to share
May they keep you going until you meet again up there.

God bless you sister Beryl for your wonderful comment, your verse says it all .

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