Mother Poem

Poem About All A Mother Does

Do we ever stop to think of the infinite loving acts of kindness that our mothers have bestowed upon us?

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This poem greatly touched my heart. Because of this, I was encouraged to use my hands to do good and beneficial things instead of bad and to-the-hell things. So thank you for the author of...

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Her Hands


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harm's way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Queen Crystal by Queen Crystal
  • 4 years ago

This poem is so beautiful. It describes my mom and me so much. I am grateful for this poem, and my mom would love it when I give it to her. Thanks so much.

  • Zeenat  Rahman by Zeenat Rahman
  • 5 years ago

It is a beautiful poem. It makes us realize how much effort a mother gives to shape up her children's lives. It shows the various ways a mother uses her hands to nurture and care for her children. We always see a mother at work but do not realize the extent of her sacrifice, The poem also ended with a beautiful note.

  • Michael Borthwick by Michael Borthwick
  • 8 years ago

My mom is getting up in years and has recently had a lot of issues with arthritis in her hands. When I read this poem, it brought tears to my eyes. I am going to include it in her Mother's Day card to let her know that her hands were there when I needed them the most and that I will be there to return the favor now that they cannot. I love my mom so much, and I owe my success in life entirely to her.

  • Janacopa9725 by Janacopa9725
  • 8 years ago

It has been almost 20 years since my Mom has been gone. This morning as I was driving to work...I just broke down . I miss everything about my Mom...
This poem has touched the core of my was like " going down " memory lane. Her hands , her touch..loving , caring , yet with discipline, directing , yet straightening the crooked paths, welcoming hands when soothing was needed; changing clothes, when soils hit the fabric;cooking the best meals, making the best sweaters and hand me downs were frequent in a family of 10...Mom , you will always be in my heart with lots of love!

  • Zoila A. Escalona by Zoila A. Escalona
  • 8 years ago

This poem greatly touched my heart. Because of this, I was encouraged to use my hands to do good and beneficial things instead of bad and to-the-hell things. So thank you for the author of this poem.

  • Jamie Lynn Tomaro Flores by Jamie Lynn Tomaro Flores, Philippines
  • 9 years ago

I really love this poem and it really touches my heart. We all know that a mother's hand is always there no matter what.

  • Rama Mittal by Rama Mittal
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful poem. It expresses the unmatched love, sacrifice and devotion of a mother very well. I lost my mother in 1995 and have always missed her ever since. Even two months after her death when I was undergoing gall bladder surgery and was in pain, I felt her presence comforting me. She was an iron lady and taught us to never give up which to this day we are trying our best to meet her expectations. Even though it is almost 20 years we still feel her presence amidst our joy and sorrows.

  • Deborah Busby by Deborah Busby
  • 10 years ago

My mom died of Liver Cirrhosis. She would want it noted that she never drank a drop. It was believed she received tainted blood from a transfusion years ago. I was 46 years old when she died but she had lived with me most of my life. She helped with my kids And my daycare and then with grandkids as they came along. She really enjoyed her "greats ' we were very close so when she passed I thought of all kinds of ways to join her in death. One night I dreamed she was walking down the street I grabbed her in a hug and said you will not leave me again I will go too. She pushed me away and said you have something here left to do I cried pleading "no no" she vanished. The next day my daughter told me she was unexpectedly pregnant again, my third great grandchild was born the next May (Moms birth month ) a little girl with Moms dark hair blue eyes and fair completion. While I miss my Mom everyday and always will, I still had something left to do, love her "great' for her.

  • Vanessa by Vanessa
  • 10 years ago

Rest in peace my dearest mom.. "Your hands are indeed the reason I am me"

  • Birmingham by Birmingham
  • 10 years ago

This is an amazing poem! Made me cry and sob tears.

  • Charity by Charity, Kenya
  • 11 years ago

It made me shed tears. Such a beautiful Poem. Her hands still do all that now, even though I am all grown up with Children of my own. Even though she is sick, she still puts us, her children first Mother- a wonderful person. So selfless.
Thank you so much Mama. I love you

  • Rammohan Potturi by Rammohan Potturi, Hyderabad
  • 11 years ago

It is a rendering of the heart not a poem I suppose!!
Every human being on this planet earth has a similar Mother. The only issue would be some submit to accept and some unfortunate do not. The amount of Pain, Agony, Suffering and Sacrifice Mother's do for their children is immense and certain times un-imaginable. I had a similar Mother whom I lost in 1988 who always had only one thought and desire in her life, 'welfare of her children' I only pray God to give me the strength and courage to stand up to her expectations in life, to help and serve the needy at all times.

  • Sonja Lewis by Sonja Lewis
  • 11 years ago

This wonderful, poem has taken a memory in my thoughts of my mother .My mother passed , on June 14, 2006 and she is still so missed. And yes " her hands are the reason I am here " Love that part of the poem as well as ,the whole poem . Rest In Peace Mom ( Ina K. Moore )

  • Rafeeya by Rafeeya
  • 11 years ago

No doubt it's a tribute to all mothers. Alive or dead. We owe our lives to them. They were the root cause of our inspirations to be useful to ourselves and the universe. What ever I am today it's just because of my beloved mother.

  • Ireland by Ireland
  • 11 years ago

My mom passed away just a week after my birthday I was really young. It's very heartbreaking it's almost approaching 15 years when she died and everyday now as I get older I suffer more and try my hardest to think of her when she wasn't sick as I was young I didn't know much. This poem is beautiful and to whom wrote this Thank you so much.. R.I.P mam miss holding your hand so much and miss you full stop. Xx

  • Janet Matz by Janet Matz, Lincolnville Kansas
  • 11 years ago

This poem reminded me a lot of my mom. But, I had a different purpose for looking for this poem. I needed it for my devotions for my church ladies guest night at our church. Our theme was about quilts. Since it was a lot of loving hands that made those quilts, I wanted a poem on "hands". I read this poem and knew it was the one I wanted. It was also close to Mother's Day so it did double duty! Thank you so much for this poem.

  • Sharon Mcfadden by Sharon Mcfadden
  • 12 years ago

My mom died in February. Recently we had talked about my lifelong fascination with hands. We discussed how much she had always enjoyed using her hands-for gardening, which she loved; for quilting, sewing, decorating, cooking, and even for cleaning. As busy and dexterous as her hands have been through the years, what I remember most is that they were strong-and yet so soft.
I told Mom, as I had many times before, that I love the comforting feeling of holding hands. And even in my younger years, when I was dating, I usually judged the worth of my dates by how well they could hold hands. Mom found my "hand fetish" to be funny but interesting. So she would always remind me that when I was a baby in the crib and I started to cry, she would simply reach out and hold my hand-and I would instantly stop crying and go back to sleep. Her hands were always there to comfort me when I was growing up-and I fondly remember their soothing touch. I do miss Momma's hands.

  • Faisalabad by Faisalabad
  • 12 years ago

So heart touching this is. I have no more words to explain my feeling......................

  • Bhuvan by Bhuvan, New Delhi
  • 13 years ago

Oh, such a lovely poem. Just the way I feel about my mom. I lost her when I was 21 - a very important phase in my life when I was about to appear for my final year graduation exams and immediately report to a govt. job which was already waiting for me. My mom was always my best friend even when I had so many friends. Now, I'm a mother to a cutie girl child and I still miss my mother's presence each single day. This poem really, really made me feel so close to my mom.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 14 years ago

I wrote one like this about my own mother back in 1993. It was when she was ill and I realized how much she meant to me. It is true one never realizes that one best friend is ones mother till they are about to loose their best friend. I got this poem in my email and wondered if you had read mine, on

  • Sanjay Mishra by Sanjay Mishra, Raipur
  • 14 years ago

I can feel myself writing this poem. I totally agree with Maggie. It is said that God couldn't be everywhere. So He created Mothers. What a tribute to a dear Mother! A mother's debt can never be repaid. Her hands do so much for us. Didn't John F. Kennedy once said, "What I am or hope to be, I owe it to my dear." Well, I totally agree with these words. I remember the fond memories of mother sitting by my side whenever I used to fall ill. She often nursed me with her soft hands whenever I was down with fever or any other ailments. Her hands disciplined me whenever I went wrong. Her hands were always ready to wipe my tears whenever I cried.

  • Beth by Beth, UK
  • 14 years ago

Once I was massaging an old woman's hands, in a hospice. I looked down at the wrinkles and they looked so beautiful. I wondered at how many hours, years of service they had given to others and here she lay in a coma. I cried gently with so much love for her. She died the next day!
The poem reminded me of this incident a long time ago...

  • Nella by Nella, Trinidad And Tobago
  • 14 years ago

this is beautiful.. I have never experienced this feeling with my own mother but my aunt who took me in when I was only 3 months old have been this and much more to me. even now as an adult I hold only the utmost respect and adoration for her. she is my guide she is my everything and I love her for that

  • Manila by Manila, Philippines
  • 15 years ago

I'm greatly touched. My mother who is turning 70 yrs old, is suffering from severe arthritis on both her arms. She was operated on both hands for carpal tunnel. There were times she had swollen fingers due to cut or cooking. As I read the poem, I recalled how she was able to raise her eight children. Indeed being a good mother to us and a caring grandma to her grandchildren have caused her pains now on her arms and hands

  • Mark Dingus by Mark Dingus, Blountville
  • 15 years ago

My mother passed away on 11-10-2009. Just a few hours before she passed away, I took a photo of us holding hands (just our hands). Just a mother and son holding hands. I am not sure she knew we werre holding each others hands but I was told that mothers know everything! I will cherish this photo as long as I live and the poem is so appropriate! GOD BLESS MY Mother Mollie!

I lost my mum June 2007 and wish I still could see her hands - but this poem is beautifully written, and tells the story of how a mother's hands help us all throughout life - very glad to have read it.

  • Rita Wood by Rita Wood
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem. I lost my mom to a drug overdose, and I read this and it made me think back to when my mother was alive, and it felt like she was right here next to me.

An excellent poem! I could actually feel "Her Hands" guiding me through the whole poem. More importantly to me is the fact that Maggie knows her mother now needs "Her Hands" to help her get through her twilight years and is willing to reciprocate. Often times people forget all that their Mom has done for them and forget about them when they get old.

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