Depression Poem by Teens

Sometimes, times can very hard. To get through those times, I write. It's the best way to express feelings. Honestly, I think this poem is pretty self explanatory.

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Death, pain, sorrow, these are the things that most of us know. Very few of us know what true love is like or have even had a first kiss, yet we've all felt pain, or is it just me who feels...

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Nobody Knows


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

Nobody knows how different I am
The outside of me is not afraid
Not full of pain, or even ashamed
I smile and all of those ignorant fools believe
Of course nothing could be wrong with me
My eyes are dry, I do not shed tears
For that gift was taken away from me dear
I laugh and talk and play along
Keep on existing as if nothing's wrong

Nobody knows how different I am
The inside of me is hollow and empty
Do not fret my dear, for I do not want your pity
I'm tattered and broken beyond repair
My heart is crumbling and full of despair
I'm bloodied and beaten and not really living
I just go through the motions and continue existing
I'm scared and lost, clueless as can be
Is there no one out there to help me

Nobody knows how different I am
And that will never change


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kara Westgate by Kara Westgate
  • 4 years ago

Death, pain, sorrow, these are the things that most of us know. Very few of us know what true love is like or have even had a first kiss, yet we've all felt pain, or is it just me who feels like the whole world is just coming to a stop?

  • Tyrel L. Hansen by Tyrel L. Hansen
  • 6 years ago

I am the same way. Even though I'm a nice guy, I end up with friends who don't care. I have never attempted suicide, nor will I ever. I just need someone to spout my feelings on without being ridiculed.

  • Shubhada S. Kulkarni by Shubhada S. Kulkarni
  • 7 years ago

Yes! It’s true no one knows how different I am.

  • MomaLadyBug by MomaLadyBug, Arkansas
  • 10 years ago

I was drafted into this war at the age of twelve. Now, I'm 31, and the mother of 3 beautiful daughters. My oldest is twelve. I pray they are better than me at holding on to their own happiness. Every single day I battle still. Great out pouring of the inner truths. However, you are right, nobody is gonna save you. You have to keep on fighting for your own life. Never give up. You have just as much right to happiness as they do.

  • Alex Pa by Alex Pa
  • 10 years ago

This poem describes how I've felt for a long time.

  • Naura Nabila Muttaqin by Naura Nabila Muttaqin
  • 10 years ago

It's a good poem! I learn many things from this poem.

  • Sheyanne by Sheyanne, AR
  • 10 years ago

I learned early on that nothing is perfect. I learned that when my dad died and I had to face reality very soon in life. Life is tough not having a dad when you're a daddy's girl true to heart. Everyday I wait for that phone saying "hey baby girl how was your day. Can't wait to see you and give you a big hug." It never comes instead I wonder what would have happened if he was still here, but he's not so I just think about the good times I had with him.

  • Alison by Alison, Saudi Arabia
  • 10 years ago

When i was little I always wanted to grow up fast but I never knew the risks. I thought growing up was just being educated having a job getting married and live happily ever after. I never knew all the things that were waiting for me. I never knew that time will change me to the other side. Which is dark and deep...and now I am living this I always wish if I can become a little girl again who is brand new...just playing with Barbie's nothing waiting for her. Just free of everything. See how life and time changed me. First I wanted to grow faster but now I wish I can become that little girl again.

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