Graduation Poem

Poem For Best Friends At Graduation

I wrote this poem because my fifth grade year has come to an end and it is time for graduation! I will miss my bffs Jewel, Kristi, Chanel, Natteria, Brittany, Wallace, Cassandra, and many more!

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Saying Goodbye


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2010 with permission of the Author.

I feel the time is getting close,
When we will have to part.
I'll show that I'll miss you
With last words from my heart.

We must be dreaming,
For it has gone too fast.
The time we have spent together,
Will soon be in our past.

I'll forget this day is coming,
Today I stand here
Trying to tell you
How much I really care.

We'll go our separate ways,
And I'll make it if I try.
Just hold onto our memories,
Say never say goodbye!


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  • Rating 4.36
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Abubaker Abdullah Abdu Elrasoul by Abubaker Abdullah Abdu Elrasoul
  • 7 years ago

Wish you success in your life. Wish you an adventure in the future.

  • Shubhada S. Kulkarni by Shubhada S. Kulkarni
  • 7 years ago

Really awesome poem. Loved it. It's really hard to say goodbye.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 7 years ago

I am also going to be leaving my 5th grade year in three days (as of May 30th, 2017). It will be depressing to say goodbye to many of my friends who I know I won't see in my middle school classes next year. This poem touches me so much, as I relate to it pretty well.

  • Alexandria by Alexandria
  • 8 years ago

I am in middle school and just graduated. My year was tough.

  • Ayesha Indira Wijaya by Ayesha Indira Wijaya
  • 9 years ago

Hi there Eriel! My name is Indira. I am from Indonesia and is currently in the ninth grade which is equal to the third year in middle school. Here in Indonesia, three years in middle school another three years in high school. I'll be in high school in a short while which means that I will leave my middle school and all the memories that comes with it behind.

I really like your poem because I really can relate to it. Especially the line "The time we have spent together, Will soon be in our past." I realized that the time that I spend with my friends would only be a memory. I became close with these people that I've spend my last three years with. This year, I will be graduating from middle school and start a new journey in high school. To be honest, I am a little nervous and I don't know what to expect. But, I am also excited because who knows that I will meet new people and discover new things.

Your poem can really connect to me so please continue to write more amazing poems!

  • Ursula by Ursula, Omaha Nebraska
  • 10 years ago

I am in my last semester of high school and for two years now I have had a best friend. We have been best friends for about two years and I remember not liking him his freshman and my junior year. Then when we came back from the pumpkin patch after a school event we became the best of friends we are inseparable because at school you always see us together the only time we are apart is at home, any other time we are together. I will never forget my best friend and the memories we had and we created.

  • Annette by Annette, Houston Tx
  • 13 years ago

I didn't want to leave 5th grade. We had made good memories. That will forever stay in my heart. Having a good time, laughing about something new everyday. I miss everyone, a lot. I wish I could go back in time and fix the things I did, and make the good things better. Now middle school came in the way, and I have found new friends, but I still have my old friends. I won't forget them. They are special to me.
I love them very much. I hope they are doing Ok.

  • Stephania M.Ortillo by Stephania M.Ortillo
  • 13 years ago

It feels me happy and makes me cry. I know it is hard to say goodbye because my other classmate will change their school it is hard to me to say to them good bye elementary life hello to high school life. I am excited when my graduation will come but I don't want to forget our memories in elementary years come. GOOD BYE ELEMENTARY!!! I WILL MISS YOU ALL!!! I LOVE YOU!!!...

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