Brother Death Poem

Poem About My Little Brother

This poem is about my little brother. This poem talks about many emotions I go through each day. I miss him greatly!

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My youngest brother was born when I was 17. He was not planned, but he was so loved. I helped raise him because he was just 2 1/2 when my first son was born. They were best friends and raised...

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It Was Just Too Hard To Believe


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2007 with permission of the Author.

I never thought,
I would see the day.
When you wouldn't be there,
to show me the way.
You taught me the difference,
between right and wrong.
You always had a way,
but that was before you were gone.
You'd come in my room to play,
To tease and to tickle,
Oh.. you always made me smile.
I don't know how you did it,
I'm not sure I really care.
But I know that you are with me,
I know that you are there.
I cry and I cry,
for what seems like forever.
But I know someday will come,
And we will be together.
One day you were there,
the next you had to leave.
I didn't know what to do,
I didn't know what to believe.
In front of my friends,
I tried not to cry.
But I kept wondering why.
Why this and why that,
why you had to go.
I tried my hardest,
not to let my feelings show.
I couldn't just say,
my brother had died.
I knew nothing would change,
so I kept it all inside.
It took me quite a while,
to accept that you had died.
With that I want to say,
I miss you and goodbye.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sameerah by Sameerah
  • 5 years ago

I can understand you. It's an unbearable loss. On May 8, 2019, my brother and his friend were in a car accident and died on the spot. Five minutes before, he was with us, and within a second they both left us. We are still in shock.

  • B Carman by B Carman
  • 5 years ago

My youngest brother was born when I was 17. He was not planned, but he was so loved. I helped raise him because he was just 2 1/2 when my first son was born. They were best friends and raised like brothers. My mother did not want this child and was depressed after he was born. He spent a lot of time with us at my house. He was always troubled. Maybe because of her? He began drinking heavily in his 30s, and by 40 he was an alcoholic. We tried to get him help, but he didn't want it. We loved him so much; we tried to make him happy and we hoped he would find peace. He drank more and more and in March of this year, he died from alcoholism. I am lost. I am broken. I do not believe in God. My parents are dead. My only brother now who is 11 years younger, and my 3 children, all grown, seem to be moving on and healing. I can't find that peace and ability to move on. I am broken and my heart hurts always.

  • Michella Brown by Michella Brown
  • 4 years ago

Hello, I know your pain. I also lost my baby brother. I hope one day you will believe in God. He will help you get through this. There’s something in YOU that will help others. I know you might say that this is crap, but it’s not. Pray and ask God to help you. I’m not saying that it doesn’t hurt. It does, but it also gets better.

  • Tovah Delmont by Tovah Delmont
  • 5 years ago

My brother was born when I was 17 years of age. My mother was 52 and was upset from the moment she found out she was pregnant. My brother suffered his entire life with physical and mental illness, which was encapsulated in the fluid he lived in for nine months. Although my father welcomed him, he gave my brother no limits, boundaries, or rules to live by. I was witness to this my entire life, and it caused lots of disruption, discord, and dysfunction in our family. My brother spent many years in jails, psychiatric hospitals, and finally at the end was in a long-term care facility eventually refusing to get out of bed. He died January 14, five months ago, and I hope and pray he is in peace and love he sadly deserves.

  • Rebecca Raphael by Rebecca Raphael
  • 5 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I identified with your situation. My youngest brother was born when I was 17. I helped tend him from a very early age. He was my buddy. He died last year at age 27 from a rare and very aggressive type of cancer. He only had 3 weeks from the day he was diagnosed. Every situation is different, but the pain is real. You may find it helpful to go to a grief support group. I know it helped me.

  • Mylee1960 by Mylee1960, 3534 Burns ST.
  • 7 years ago

My brother was the youngest of four brother, second one the family lost in 2 years, and I am the only girl. This poem has been very comforting to me during my grieving process. Thank you.

  • Varun by Varun
  • 7 years ago

I just miss my young brother. He was 26, in the prime of his life, about to start a new journey. It has been 5 years, and not one day has gone without me thinking about him. A big hole has been created and cannot be filled. Was a God fearing person from birth but after this don't know whom to trust, share my feelings. I miss him every day and just want to hug him. My message to all who have. Siblings, love your brother or sister, fight with them, play with them, but remember these memories will stay forever. Thanks.

  • Chandan Mishra by Chandan Mishra
  • 7 years ago

I lost my elder brother recently, January 21, 2017. He was just 14 years. I feel like a huge piece of my heart is gone and will never be replaced. It is not easy to forget him. This poem really touched me. That day will definitely come in when you meet me in heaven.

  • Sohaib by Sohaib
  • 8 years ago

I have a similar story. I lost my brother when he was just 6 and I was 9. It took me months before I was able to go back to school and your poem made me cry.

  • Robin Crowley by Robin Crowley
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem, I lost my baby brother July 12, 2014 very suddenly. I miss him everyday. I feel like a huge piece of my heart is gone and will never be replaced. Derek was a huge presence in my life and in my children's lives. I know they lost their uncle and best friend. I lost my baby brother, my strength, my heart. Derek is so loved and missed, I cry everyday. Thank you for sharing your poem.
Sorry for your loss.

  • Christopher Sandstrom by Christopher Sandstrom
  • 10 years ago

Thank you. You put my thoughts in words. I love you my brother, that has been gone but not forgotten sine 1999. Great poem. Regards from Sweden

  • Ashley by Ashley, Woodbridge
  • 10 years ago

I too lost my little brother but I lost him at five months old while I was 9 it took me a while before I could even go back to school. This poem describes my life so well that it made me cry in a good way and I will always love this poem.

  • Tommy by Tommy, Kansas City
  • 11 years ago

I lost my little brother last week due to kidney failure. He was 50 and I'm 51. I took great comfort in your poem and want use it tomorrow at my brother's funeral. He was my partner fifty year's and believe this poem is suitable for my own brother's life. I hope you don't mind that I use your poem to tell my brother "Goodbye".

  • Cornette by Cornette
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother on 21 July 2006 in a freak accident, he would've turned 16 that year. He was the centre of my world since the day he was born as I have waited 10 years for him to come. He was also my best friend despite the 10 year age gap. After his death, I saw my whole family fall apart as if he was the glue that held us together for all those years. Somehow I was able to stay strong all these years, only to now slowly come apart. Suddenly it is as if it happened yesterday. Thanks for all the poems on this site. It inspired me to write down everything I feel in the form of letters addressed to him, an attempt to deal with this huge loss.

  • Erika by Erika, Las Vegas
  • 13 years ago

I went through the same thing 7 years ago today I lost my little brother to an asthma attack and I miss him so very much. I was 14 and he was 12 and it was the day before my birthday... this poem speaks the truth I read it and started to cry but it also helped me in a way thank you.

  • Carly Belfast by Carly Belfast, Uk
  • 13 years ago

you know I went through the same thing. My brother passed away coming up near 3 years now and I only started coming to terms well a few month back. It's not easy to do but the thought of him gets me by every day coz I made him a promise I would continue on as normal. Not easy but I try. such a good poem. very true and what most people go through.

  • Raven Elvira Alexia by Raven Elvira Alexia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my little brother only yesterday. I am sitting in the car now with my mom, my dad, my baby cousin, and my grandmother. I woke up yesterday morning only to see his cold, blue face. I miss him greatly. I always will. SO, I hope he enjoys his time beyond the golden gate and its not goodbye, its see you later. SO, my Bryson Lane, I will see you later, I promise.

  • Dina by Dina
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother when he was 16 and I was 20. This poem made me cry. But also speaks the truth of what I went through. Thank you.

  • Gabrielle by Gabrielle
  • 16 years ago

I too have lost and shared the pain of losing a brother I hope you have had time to find redemption in all the grief. Your poem has deeply touched me and has become one of my favorites. Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece of art and sharing it with others.

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