Brother Death Poem

Message From A Sister

My beloved brother...from your sister

Featured Shared Story

Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of the death of my younger brother, Jay! He was diagnosed in the fall of 2012 with a very rare form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma! He fought a very short,...

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My Beloved Brother


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

From day one all we did was fight.
Now all I do is fight back my tears.
I wanted to do everything you did,
because I wanted to be just like you.
Now I sit here wondering what to do,
because there's no one to replace you.

I never did tell you all the things I felt,
like how much I really did love you.
I wish we could go back and start over again.
I don't want to be alone. I need my brother.
I need my best friend.

When you think of me
while you're up in heaven,
think of how much you meant to me.

It's sad that you left
without saying goodbye,
but just remember we all love you
as you began to fly.

You did so much for me,
though I didn't do much for you.
I hope you will forgive me
for all the things I didn't do.

You were my brother
and my best friend.
I will always love you,
no matter how long its been
since your life came to an end.



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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joan Yeatts by Joan Yeatts
  • 4 years ago

I was in the hospital for back surgery on March 17, 2020. I was texting my brother "Bubba" all hooked up and ready to go to surgery. The nurse was wheeling me out, I didn't get to say "I love you." He died in his sleep 2 a.m. the next morning of a heart attack. My cousin found him diseased sitting after playing his guitar. That was his favorite pastime. Now 5 days after it is coming at me in waves that he is gone and how I didn't get to talk to him or say "I love you Bubba." But he knew that! It really hasn't hit me its hardest yet as I'm still recovering. I know he is pain free, stress free, and probably where he would want to be...happy and free.

  • Deborah Hunter by Deborah Hunter
  • 4 years ago

I just lost my brother 2/25/2020. We loved each other, both of us knew this. We were always there for each other. We both knew this too. But he was the oldest and he always threw that up in our faces. Most of the time we all just let him have his way. There are a few times we stood up to him. Alright a lot of times we stood up to him when we got older.
I know it's only been a few days, but I miss him. I wanted to be like him. I know I'm his sister, but there was something about him that made people like him and hate him at the same time. We fought like cats and dogs, but he was the first one there to help us out.
My heart breaks for my mom because we just buried the man she spent 63 years with. Now we are burying the man she gave birth to 62 years ago. Not even 3 months later. Yes, all of us wanted to be like him at some point in our life. Now he's gone and I miss him more than I missed anyone.
RIP Clayton, my brother, my friend, my mentor. My heart will never mend.

Love your sister,

  • Azka by Azka
  • 5 years ago

I lost my brother 239 days ago (yes, I count every single day). He was my only sibling. He struggled with cancer for 3 years. Knowing his journey was very hard and painful for me. He lost his hair, his weight, his ability to have a child. I still cry every day because I miss him so much. All I want to do is be with him, if I could.

  • Kathleen Van Hecke by Kathleen Van Hecke
  • 5 years ago

My twin brother passed away one year ago tomorrow, May 14, 2018. I'm so sad that I can hardly breathe. I can't believe that he's gone, and now I am alone to be in this world without him. He was my best friend. I will be waiting for him until the end. I love you forever and ever.

  • Gloria Torres by Gloria Torres
  • 6 years ago

I unexpectedly lost my big brother, my best friend, my rock this Thursday, April 26, 2018. We were so close. I cannot imagine my life without him. I love and miss you brother.

  • Kate Nichols by Kate Nichols
  • 4 years ago

I just lost my favorite brother. We were close too. Very close. All of my good childhood memories were with him. I always wanted to be just like him. I looked up to him so much. He died in a motorcycle accident 4 months ago, September 31, 2019. He was 20. He was speeding and he rammed into a car and flew off and his helmet came off. I miss him so much. The night he died was the worst night of my life, and I can't stop reliving it. I miss my big brother.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 6 years ago

My brother is my world. We have always been very close and always stuck together. He passed 3 days ago, and I don't know how I'm going to get through it, but I have to for my kids. I'm trying to focus on the good times and the fabulous memories I have of time spent together doing fun things. He has two little girls who he adored and loved more than anything. I think he has struggled since we lost our mum 14 years ago to cancer. I just wish he had told me how he was feeling. He took his life, but I think it was a cry for help and he didn't really want to leave us all. He was so loved. He had a heart of gold. I'm so grateful for the time I had with my baby brother. He will always be in my heart .

  • Katie by Katie
  • 6 years ago

I lost my little brother on 5/29/15 at age 23. He left a beautiful daughter behind. He was such a great dad. She misses him and remembers him very well. She tells me memories she has with him even though she just turned 3 when he passed. She's about to be 6. She's really smart for her age, and she looks so much like me when I was little. She's such a blessing to our family. His daughters will always carry his memory. I miss my him so much. He was always there when I needed him. Sorry for your loss.

  • Ariel by Ariel
  • 6 years ago

My youngest brother left us on February 21, 2018. The next day would have been his 16th birthday. He couldn't make it, due to a motorcycle accident. It hurts us a lot because it happened all around 4am. I was shocked when I received a phone call that he was in the hospital at that time. As I was rushing to the hospital I was praying and hoping it was a mistake, but it wasn't. It was so hard to understand and accept that he already left us, but I know our Creator wanted him back. Yesterday was his Moving-Up Ceremony (April 5, 2018). He wanted to be a policeman. Now we are living our life with so many what ifs.

  • Angel Shepherd by Angel Shepherd
  • 6 years ago

My baby brother was murdered by his own father. It's been 3 years this Easter, and I've only recently stopped seeing him, holding him, telling him how much I love him every night when I go to bed. For nearly 3 years I've had to wake up every day crying and reminding myself it was only a dream and he's gone. It's been bittersweet as in one sense I got to see him, touch his face, he wiped my tears, and told me he's okay and, "It's fine, don't cry, Sis," he often said. Not that I stop because it's what wakes me. It's the wetness of my face that arouses my senses, and I am immediately struck with the reality he's gone. However, in that pain God reminds me that He now walks on streets of gold, he walks hand in hand with Jesus, and the most powerful spirit of peace overtakes me and any feeling of sadness feels selfish.

  • Barkha Sanan by Barkha Sanan
  • 6 years ago

I lost my younger brother at the age of 29. He was very helpful for everyone. Still can't believe what happened to us. This year he got married on April 16, and he left the world on November 16. He suffered from cardiac arrest. He came back to be on the ventilator for 45 days. The doctors told us his brain was damaged. We were praying for a miracle to happen.

  • Dorothy T by Dorothy T
  • 6 years ago

I lost my younger brother on February 5, 2011. Three days prior, he had undergone surgery to repair a perforated diverticulum. A day before he was to be discharged from the hospital, and less than thirty minutes after the doctor had spoken to him, he suffered cardiac arrest and passed away at age 33. No explanation could be given for his cause of death. After six months we received his autopsy results, which stated the cause of death as being pulmonary embolism. His death being sudden and unexpected, I was in denial the first two years. Now it's getting harder and harder as the years have gone by. His death has taught me that when you lose a loved one, time does nothing to make it better. In fact, the grief becomes more intense.

  • Nimfa Diva by Nimfa Diva
  • 6 years ago

I lost my little brother on the date of August 28, 2015. He had a very painful death. It was so hard for me to understand why he had to suffer like that. He had a serious illness that even a doctor couldn't find out. Each passing day by the time he left I felt shattered and broken that even school lessons didn't register into my head. He was my everything, my companion, and my best friend. He was just a 6-year-old kid who loved to eat chocolate and stayed out in the rain laughing. He was a kid with big dreams for the future. I miss singing with him, recording every song we sang, teasing each other, hugging, and so many other things. He loved bedtime stories. I miss doing that for him. I miss all of those, but why so early? We promise each other to stay together no matter what happens, but I failed. It's so sad he left without saying goodbye to me. For now, praying is my medicine, especially by looking down at his pictures. I know you are in good hands now, and that comforts me.

  • Busi Sthole by Busi Sthole
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my brother in 11/25/2016, and I'm still at a loss. I think this poem helped me. I looked up to him so much since he was my big brother.

  • Swoo by Swoo
  • 7 years ago

I lost my brother 6-27-17 to a motorcycle accident. He was only 33 years old. I'm 31 and having a hard time dealing with it. I miss him more and more every day. I'm trying so hard not to break down every day at work, driving, or anything. It hurts so much!

  • Ivy by Ivy
  • 5 years ago

I lost my adopted brother to a motorcycle accident 2/4/2019. He had just gotten a baby, Shantel, two months ago. I feel broken and shattered. His Mama left him at birth, his Papa when he was two. In everything, God is God. He remains to be God. No one tells Him what to do. He is the Living God.

  • Anu by Anu
  • 7 years ago

I love and miss my little brother. He was killed in a train accident when he was 31 years old. He was everything for me. There are no words to describe how much I miss him. There's only pain in my life. My brother was a good-hearted person. He was my strength. Now I've lost my strength, happiness, and joy...everything in my life.

  • 7 years ago

Wow, I just lost mine on 9/23/17. Sorry for your loss. I'm still in disbelief. Tomorrow is his wake, and I don't know how I'm gonna react.

  • Hannah  Patrice by Hannah Patrice
  • 7 years ago

I lost my brother Aug 29, 2016, to a motorcycle accident, so I know exactly how you're feeling! Head up, love. I promise you he will show you signs all the time that he's still here.

  • Shilpi Arora by Shilpi Arora
  • 7 years ago

My younger brother died on July 9, 2017, almost a month back in a tragic bike accident and died on the spot. He was just 21 years old. He was the only brother of four sisters. My father also died when my brother was just 12 years old, and my mother somehow managed to live because of him. He was the youngest of all and meant a lot to us. The day he went us four forgot to laugh. He was so lively in nature. The worst thing that could happen to me was this. Life has become a burden for me as he was working with me in same place. It's hard for me to adjust, even at my workplace. I still can't believe he's no more and I won't be able to listen to that sweet voice. I miss his expressions, our fights, his love toward me and my son. Any of our celebrations will be incomplete without you. We are living this life. We have to move on in life, but it will never be the same without you. My biggest grief was our last goodbye was never said. He was like my backbone, and he never said no to me.

  • Cathy Lowery by Cathy Lowery
  • 7 years ago

So sorry for you loss. I, too, lost my younger brother on June 2, 2017. I'm still crying, and every day I think of him. He had a lot of medical issues, so my biggest joy is he is no longer suffering. I miss him so very much! I was at his bedside along with his wife and daughter when he passed. I got to say I love you many times, but I still feel I didn't get to say goodbye. I have guilt that I didn't say more to him. I feel so much loss. My core family is gone. I have lost my mom, dad, sister and now my brother. God, please give us strength to get through this.

  • Amanda Dufour by Amanda Dufour
  • 7 years ago

This struck a chord in me. The horrifying reality. My brother also died March 18, 2017. He overdosed. He was my best friend, and I saw him hit his highest points and his lowest points in his life. He struggled with addiction. Every day is a hell I can't wake up from. I talked to him every day, making sure he was alive and breathing. I hung out with him the day before he passed away. I talked to him that morning. I too called him Bubba. He was my protector. My life revolved around him.

  • Charlotte by Charlotte
  • 7 years ago

My brother/best friend was pronounced brain dead on Thursday, and they pulled the plug Friday, and he was gone in 20 minutes due to an overdose. I struggle with it. He was the baby and couldn't beat his demons. He left behind 2 young children. I'm truly lost without him! Date of death was September 8th, 2017. Then Hurricane Irma hit us over the weekend. Double whammy!

  • KT by KT
  • 7 years ago

I can relate to your loss so well... I lost my brother January 22, 2017, and am finding it very hard to accept. It's a pain that will never go away...a constant gut wrenching feeling that will always take my breath away. Life's wave of ups and downs can only be taken minute by minute and day by day. Sending you many prayers.

  • Elsie by Elsie
  • 7 years ago

I wanted a poem for my late brother. He was 25 years and 7 months when he was called to a higher service on March 18, 2017 (Saturday). I am 27 years old. He collapsed while playing soccer and died. He was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. Ever since that day, I have not been able to be myself. I miss him so much. We were so close. We loved each other with everything we had. I lost the blood of my blood...that is what he called me. I miss him dearly.

  • Kimberley by Kimberley
  • 7 years ago

Hello, I just read this poem then your comment. My brother passed suddenly a month ago at age 25. I'm 27. He did everything for me and our family and was and always will be our world. The pain is horrendous. This poem summed up my emotions and thoughts. I've tried writing my own, but words cannot justify the love I want to express. My heart goes out too you.

  • Jacklyn Remsing by Jacklyn Remsing
  • 7 years ago

My little brother was murdered. It's been 3 months 3 weeks and one day (Feb. 7). Alec was beautiful as he was fierce. As a 17 year old he thought himself invincible. He tried stopping a robbery. The cowards shot him 3 times in the head, but he saved the lives of 5 people. He died a hero. I raised him as my own most of our lives. He was mine, my baby. My husband is deployed. He left Jan. 1 & won't be home until Thanksgiving. The rest of my family has fallen apart. My mother turned to meth and her medicine cabinet. His dad committed suicide 4 years ago. Everything has crumbled. But that's not all. My mother-in-law became a missing person the same day my brother was murdered. We still have no leads on her case, she vanished. It seems like something out of terrible drama, but it's my life. A continuous waking nightmare. If it weren't for my little girl and my husband, I think I would truly lose myself. It doesn't get better. Only deeper and more poignant. It's killing me inside.

  • Carol Wilber by Carol Wilber
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain. When we lost my mom, I knew there was a basic fundamental change in the family, and soon we realized the nucleus had been shifted. When we lost my brother, the earth stood still. EMERSE yourself in prayer.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 7 years ago

My worst nightmare became my reality on May 1, 2017 when I found out my brother Travis stopped breathing in his sleep and died. We were only 12 months and 2 weeks apart. He was 29 year old and I am 30, and we had a really close bond because when we were 6 and 7 we were taken from our mom and given to our dad who we didn't know. All we had that was familiar to us was each other. No matter what kind of mood I was in he would always make me laugh. He was my other half, and I will never get that part of me back. I've never experienced a pain this excruciating in my entire life. I don't have my brother, and I can't imagine going the rest of my life without him. I miss him so much. I will live the rest of my life with this constant pain in my heart and this constant emptiness I feel without my brother in my life.

  • Lailonnie Burns by Lailonnie Burns
  • 7 years ago

On April 28 2017, my older brother Alex died from 3 shots to the arm, shoulder, and head. I have been crying for 3 days straight, hurting from the pain of losing him. Our family is in pieces, trying to collect ourselves. My oldest brother Daniel was with him the day before he died, and my older brother Devin was with him when he died. It hurts so much. I'm 15 and my world is already crashing. He turned 20 (March 12), 4 days before I turned 15 (March 16). Rest in paradise, Bubby. I love you and miss you so much. (March 12th 1997- April 28th 2017)

  • Alisha Boyd by Alisha Boyd
  • 7 years ago

Sweet girl, I'm so sorry for your loss. My oldest brother who would have turned 25 on November 9 was shot and killed on October 24, 2016. The pain has yet to get better. It has been almost 7 months. I found out I'm pregnant with my 3rd child and he is due October 24 2017. A year to the day my brother was murdered. Life isn't easy by any means! Keep your head up! I'm praying for you and your family!

  • Rimla by Rimla
  • 7 years ago

My brother died on May 1, 2015, after suffering from DIPG, a brain cancer for a little over a year. I'm only 15 and it hurts a lot, and I miss him, but my friend also lost someone she was really close with on that day but 2 years before my brother died. It's going to be 2 years and it's really hard to believe. He died when he was only 6.

  • Tammy Thompson by Tammy Thompson
  • 7 years ago

Back in January, I lost my baby brother. It was so hard to wrap my head around that he is gone and that I won't ever be able to hold him again. I found out 4 days after he had passed because I'm in foster care. I didn't get to go to his funeral because my stepmom didn't want anyone from my dad's side to go, and that really hurt me. All I've done is cry. I still cry myself to sleep every night, hoping it is all a nightmare and that I'm going to wake up and he'll be in my bed sleeping in my arms like it was when he first came home from the hospital. He thought I was his mommy. I miss him like crazy. I'll never forget him or how much he meant to me.

  • Sheree Maxey by Sheree Maxey
  • 7 years ago

She would have to answer to God and your baby brother. For that, I'm sorry about your loss. I was 9 years old when my brother passed. He died in such a way that here it is 25 years later and I'm still grieving his death. For 25 years I wake up every morning crying. I miss him so much I can't even describe it.

  • Stacey Slattery by Stacey Slattery
  • 7 years ago

Hi, on the 5th of Feb 2017, my oldest brother passed away of a drug overdose, so now I have lost my brother and my best friend. I can't live with myself. I wish I could be with him as we were so close. So now I've lost my truly big brother to stupid drugs. All I do is cry and cry till I fall asleep wondering why you didn't ask me to help you. I love you, bro, forever and ever.

  • Melissa Desteffano by Melissa Desteffano
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss, and I feel your pain. My baby brother of only 22 years old overdosed and died on February 12, 2017. I miss him so much! I tried so hard to help him! I was going to fix him. This wasn't going to happen to my brother, but I failed. I don't know how to live without him. Today was a bad day for me, I can't stop crying. My eyes are sore and swollen. I just want him back!

  • Sara Marie by Sara Marie
  • 7 years ago

Omg, I just lost my baby brother on March 11, 2017. I don't know how to process this. He overdosed. How do you cope?

  • Yvonne by Yvonne
  • 7 years ago

We grew up in the 70s. He was the eldest. Abuse is what we shared. He protected me when he could. You see I was the youngest and a girl to boot. No one can really thank someone for taking a beating for them. I did it, Jamie, yet you stepped forward to take the punishment. Fifty-four was too young to die. Live in peace now, my protector. I love you.

  • Maggie T by Maggie T
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain and can relate to the abuse. There were 6 of us, although the eldest didn't live with us. My step monster father abused all of us and the second oldest brother would take the beatings and blame most of the time. We grew up with no confidence, assurance, and had no money. When Danny overdosed a month before I delivered my first child I was so grief stricken. My last conversation was nasty. I told him he needed help and he had to stop. He hung up on me. Five months later my little brother Charlie died from a drug overdose too. Danny was 32 and Charlie was 27. I was born in between them and we were close. My mother died the year after, and here I am nearly 24 years later still grieving them quietly. And although I believe in God, the pain and anger still lingers. All I can say is keep your brother's memories alive because this is all we have left! I truly hope and pray that I do meet them again. They were too beautiful for this earth. Peace.

  • Emmie by Emmie
  • 7 years ago

I never got to meet my brother. He was born too early. He never got the chance to live his life and love his family. I may be pretty young, but if you are reading this, you might feel the same.

  • L. Rabbani by L. Rabbani
  • 8 years ago

July 15, 2014: never knew this day was going to change our lives forever. It was when my brother embraced martyrdom. He was just 23 years old. He achieved what he desired. There are times when all I want is to get him back. He was not just my elder brother, but also a best friend. :'( He was the one who understood me completely.
I miss him, I miss old times when we were together.
-Our pain is the same. Prayers for you all!
Much love !

  • Kimberley by Kimberley
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain so much. My beautiful baby brother passed so suddenly in May of last year (2017) at the age of 25. I can't cope with the pain and grief because no matter how much I scream, shout, cry, and beg, he isn't coming back. How on Earth does this happen? And why? How do you cope?

  • 8 years ago

My younger brother died May 12, 2016, due to a heart attack. It feels like I can't go on in life. I miss him terribly. He had a dream months before he died that he told me about. I just did not know that he was really going to die. Why all the pain and hurt on earth? It seems too much. DEATH, OH THE STING OF DEATH!!!

  • Marijana Sarilar by Marijana Sarilar
  • 7 years ago

My brother had a heart attack in May 2016 and died after two months in a coma. It's very hard just to imagine that this young boy, my brother, isn't here. Why? He looked so strong and healthy to me. Why weren't we given a chance to fight? It's so very different living now. My heart kind of died with him. Your story reminded me of mine. Sorry for your loss. I know words aren't enough to describe how it feels.

  • Susan Kay Jones by Susan Kay Jones
  • 8 years ago

Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of the death of my younger brother, Jay! He was diagnosed in the fall of 2012 with a very rare form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma! He fought a very short, courageous battle! The doctors did everything they could to save him! But God saw him suffering and in pain! He lost his battle with cancer on September 10, 2013! He was only 48 years old!

It breaks my heart to know he never got to see his oldest son get married or to see his granddaughter, Emma, take her first steps! I take comfort in knowing that somehow he is watching from heaven and knows how much his family and friends miss him every single day!

My guardian angel, Jay, rest in peace till we meet again! Love XO Susan :)

  • Patty by Patty
  • 8 years ago

My brother died on October 9, 2015 at the age of 37. He died of a heart attack. He was my baby brother. I miss him so much. We used to share the occasional glass of wine. I can't get over his death. It's just so hard to deal with. His birthday just passed on June 27, 2016. He would've been 38. I love reading poems like these. A lot of them reflect how I feel. We always used to end our conversations with "I love and miss you bro". Now I'm ending this one with I love and miss you bro??

  • Aminta Cuellar by Aminta Cuellar
  • 8 years ago

We just lost our baby brother 2 months ago of a heart attack. He was 46 yrs old. It's unbelievable and it brought us to our knees. We still can't believe or accept it. How do we move on? He had 2 adult kids and 2 small kids.

  • Paul by Paul, Nigeria
  • 8 years ago

So sorry, I lost my twins brother January 22nd 2014. He was just 30 years, we were preparing to celebrate our birthday February 28 but I could not make it. I really miss him cuz he was my best brother ever.

  • Rachele by Rachele, California
  • 9 years ago

I lost my 17 yr old brother 2yrs today... Due to the negligence of social services (foster care).

  • Leilani Miyaji by Leilani Miyaji
  • 8 years ago

Do you ever get over the pain? I just lost my older brother, and it's so hard. I'm in foster care, and it isn't the best. He was killed in juvie, but social services had him put in. I miss him. I feel like every time I think of him my heart breaks all over again. So please, does it get better?

  • Tyanna Robey by Tyanna Robey, Va
  • 10 years ago

My brother was 22 when he was murdered while at college. April 29th, 2014 was one of the scariest days of my entire life. As I laid in bed getting sleeping for school I received a phone call I ignored the phone call and went back to sleep. I felt as if something was not right and went and called the person back. I was than asked was my brother dead, which being asked that than woke up fully, and knew something wasn't right. I hung the phone up got on Facebook and seen a lot of pictures of my brother and people saying they send their prayers and that they were sorry for the loss of my brother. I than called his phone time after time waiting for him to answer and it be the wrong person. I than began getting calls saying that it was true that someone had murdered my brother hours before. I went to the bathroom and began to cry miserably I called and called my oldest sister, grandmother, and mother who would not answer the phone. I than ran out the house into the rain to get in the car and head to their house. I banged on the door and as she opened the door I began to breakdown and scream they killed our brother. We later learnt that our brother was stood up and murdered while at college fulfilling his dream of playing football. My brother and I had a unbreakable bond which was very special to the both of us.

  • Destiny B. by Destiny B.
  • 10 years ago

My brother was 22 years old when he was killed by an off duty drunk cop. A month and a day after his birthday. The day my brother died I was in school. I had received a Facebook message from my brother saying that I need to call him. I couldn't I was in class. Class let out and as I was walking down the hall I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I felt something was extremely wrong. I called, he picked up, but didn't say anything. I kept calling his name, then finally he replied "Ty got in a car accident & hung up" I burst into tears screaming! I called back & said "WHAT?!" He said he didn't make it and hung up the phone. I literally started screaming!!!!! I got up and fell right back into my friends arms. She went to get the school officer and the officer and her proceed to take me into the counselor office. Me and three of my friends sat in the room. They started crying because they seen the hurt and pain I was in. The counselor had called my brother back and asked and he told her yes my brother had passed away. My brother told me to call my father. I had called one of my best friends mom and told her and she told the counselor "Destiny wasn't supposed to find out until she got home". The lady had called my dad and when she did my dad response was "damn! I didn't want her to find out in school!"

  • Frtzy Jaleco by Frtzy Jaleco
  • 10 years ago

I lost my brother 4 years ago. He was stabbed by some kids on his way home. He died on September 9 2009, days before my birthday and 2 months before his birthday. He died at the age of 15 and I was 16. I think what hurts the most is I never got to say goodbye to him and tell him how much I love him, that I was so happy to have a brother like him and how much he means to me. We were so close that when he passed away I also lost the other half of me. Though he's gone but the memories we had will always be with me forever. I know one day we will meet again somewhere beyond the clouds.

  • Jamiled by Jamiled, Lakewood Nj
  • 10 years ago

Around this time in 7 days my brother will be gone 2 years. It feels like just yesterday the police called me outside my house around 11 pm saying they had news for me. Their words were "I'm sorry but your brother didn't make it". I felt like someone had just ripped a peace of my heart ou . I cried for months , my family was just falling apart. I'm the oldest out of 6 kids, my brother was the middle child 12 years old when he died in a hit and run. I can't say it gets better but you learn how to deal with it little by little I think of my brother all the time. I just wish I didn't argue so much with him and told him I loved him as many times as I should've but that's all too late now. I just wish that now he knows how much he means to me ... Love you lalito

  • Oyunan by Oyunan, Mongolia
  • 11 years ago

Thank you, Brianna for your poem, sorry for your brother's passing.
My brother left us 20 years ago, a year after -my mother, the pain of the loss never gets less, time really doesn't work here. I regret and miss my beloved brother so much...I will love and remember him always!

Thank you again for your poem

  • Dolly by Dolly, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

My brother just died 3 days ago and this hits me so hard. He was my best friend. and...he's just gone.

  • Pradeepa Peiris by Pradeepa Peiris
  • 8 years ago

I lost my brother of a heart attack. He is 43 years. I still can't accept it. Its so hard for me! He is like my friend!! We are so close. He is the only relative for me in this world! I really miss him!

  • Guadalupe Lopez by Guadalupe Lopez, Compton Cal
  • 11 years ago

I lost my brother in a gang related drive by shooting back in 1999 he was only 22 years old. It's been 14 years and I never said good bye. He lived in Compton Cal. And had just move to Texas . When they called me he was sick I knew he was death. But I still can't understand why he passed away he was driving and his friend was in the passengers seat and drive by and killed him. His friend is alive but why only him. He was great loving and loved to hug me hold me tight he left two girls of the age 6 and 3 yrs old. I still cry it's very hard to say good bye when I go visit at the cemetery...

  • Regenia by Regenia, Tn
  • 11 years ago

I stumbled upon your poem tonight. I'm not alone. My younger brother was shot by a deceiver he knew as "friend". All our lives are broken. I am sorry for your pain.

  • Pittsburgh by Pittsburgh, PA
  • 11 years ago

My brother Sgt. Caesar M. Jones was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident and this poem reminds me of us so much. It has been 6 months and my heart feels like it has been ripped out. My brother was my best friend. He called me on Thursday he said "Hey Sis, I'm coming home this weekend." I was so excited since he lived in Greenville, SC and I'm in Pittsburgh. Saturday morning I called and called him he never answered. That afternoon I got the call he was gone. I'm hurting so bad. My brother was my very best friend now I just feel empty and alone.
RIP Cid I love you and miss you. Big SIS

  • Dawn Miller by Dawn Miller, Elkhart
  • 11 years ago

My big brother Mark was murder on 9/20/12 & put in a Barrel then put in the river like trash!!!!' And I have struggled everyday. With my thoughts of never saying how much he meant too me and being able to say goodbye!! but your poem was perfect thank you. So much xoxo Dawn

  • Eunice by Eunice, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Such a beautiful poem. I lost my little & only brother in a car accident on 25 June 2005, he was 18. The worst part is we didn't know he had passed away as the accident happened far from home during school holidays. We found him in a police morgue about to be buried by the state because no one had claimed his body. I cry everyday, I see him in my mind in my dreams he lives. I can never forgive myself for not following up when his phone went unanswered for 2 days. A part of me was violently ripped away, my heart was shattered, I will never forget my brother. We are now 3 girls with no brother. My mom will carry the pain to her grave I can tell by the way she doesn't mention his name, her eyes are teary when anyone mentions his name. She will never be the same again. Thank you for this lovely poem and I'm really sorry about your brother's passing. I don't know why they say time makes it easier, it sure hasn't done it for me...

  • Alex by Alex, Canada
  • 11 years ago

I feel your pain, I recently lost a younger brother, he was only 15 years old when he passed away from happened just a month has been really hard for me because he acted more mature and responsible than me and I'm 24 years old. I came across your poem, I've been browsing through most of them to find that is similar to what happened...but truth is, they are all the same, nothing is ever different when we lose a family member :( has been a month now since my little brother passed away, I hope I can find whatever it is to help me through...sorry to hear about your brother as well.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Mexico
  • 11 years ago

Such a touching poem. I lost my brother almost 7 years ago because of cancer, he was only 18.
I came across this poem and I felt peace somehow. I miss him every day.

Sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing this with us.

  • Matthew Hull by Matthew Hull
  • 11 years ago

I lost my older brother nearly a year ago to cancer and I have been looking for the words to put my feelings across on how I felt as I still have not let go. Trying to keep everyone else going. Thank you to the person who wrote this to help me.

  • Sharon by Sharon
  • 12 years ago

Brianna I'm so sorry for your deep loss. I lost my little brother he was 51 when he died from lung and throat cancer. I loved him
so much, it hurts so much to lose a sibling. I went to visit him and he so brave and always was thinking of my mom and I. He wanted to make sure we were going to be alright. He didn't know we were never going to be alright without him. Your poem touched my heart and I feel your heartache. I wish for you and all the others that you never knew this heartbreak! Wish I could walk up to Heaven and bring all of our brother's and loved ones back to be with us all. They are all Angels now and watches over us all.

  • Alana Sease by Alana Sease
  • 12 years ago

Hey, my name is Alana. I lost my brother on May 14, 2011. He was 23 years old, he got into a car accident. My big brother was my bestfriend and I never told him. I love him so much. Your poem really touched me and I was in tears. I promise if I could I would bring both of our brothers back. No one deserves it, and I can't handle it. Thanks for this poem.

  • Aston by Aston, Canada
  • 12 years ago

Hi, :) Brianna my name is Alps, and I feel so sorry for your loss. I can understand how u feel, because I have a sister but my dad lost his brother who was only 15, while my dad was doing his last year of university at age 22. And then shortly thereafter my paternal grandfather who expired aged 75. My paternal grandmother had 4 sons but only 2 survive now because she just lost another one to Cancer, I can only wonder how strong she is to handle the sorrow.

  • Rebekah by Rebekah
  • 12 years ago

My brother and his friend we're killed in a car wreck and I miss him so much! I also called him Bubba. I loved this poem!

  • Shanetta by Shanetta, Iowa
  • 12 years ago

I am really struggling with my brothers death. This year will be year 15 and it just seems to get harder and harder every year. We just celebrated another birthday of his without him. In less than a month we will have another year that marks his death and another year I am lost without my big brother. Thank you for writing this poem so I don't feel so alone in grieving as right now I am feeling like I am in a cave of darkness with no one to help guide me out.

  • Nancy by Nancy
  • 13 years ago

It's been 25 years since my brother passed I cry every day, he was my heart, he lived in Alaska so I couldn't go. I think if I could have gone I would be ok. My sister-n -law has a tape but I won't watch it, I know he is gone but I just don't want to let him go, it has been so hard on me, I think if I let go he would think I don't love him, my heart stays broken every day for him. I pray for god to help me all the time. I just don't know what to do any more.

  • Skye by Skye, Faribault MN
  • 13 years ago

Hi there honey. I am 14, I will be 15 in December. On May 5 2011 my brother passed away at the age of 18 from a car accident. He was gonna be 19 in July. He was my best friend and it so hard to speak of his name and know he's gone. It's so hard without him. I understand how you feel completely. I never got to tell him how I truly feel about him! I always look back to the times me and him had and turns out me and him had a blast even during are fights! It's so hard to believe he's gone. I get horrible flashbacks and it hits real hard sometimes that this is reality and he's gone... it would be nice to know when things start to feel normal again.... thank you for your poem it really made me think. Your a wonderful women with a big heart! And I'm very sorry about your brother.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Ont. Canada
  • 13 years ago

My brother, Gary was 36 when he was diagnosed with lung and bone cancer and died two months later. Our family watched as he suffered tremendously yet was so courageous for us all, especially his 5 yr old daughter who he left behind. I know it may sound selfish but as my only sibling I feel so alone in this world and am so angry and hurt that his beautiful little girl should have to grow up without him. The pain and loss is so devastating to our entire family. I pray that he truly knew how much we loved him and always will. As I'm sure with the rest of my family we were in such denial in his last days that I feel I should have been there for him and tried to talk to him about how he must have been feeling. I think he knew he was dying but looking back we just couldn't. So many words left unsaid that I will never get back. I remember our last hug and I re-visit it all the time. Love always sis xo

  • Sandy by Sandy, Arkansas
  • 13 years ago

My brother was killed 3-30-09 his ex wife set him up to be shot. He was my baby brother, we were so close best friends I miss him so. My whole world crashed when got killed. Not a day goes bye that he is not one my mind. It will be 2 years on the 30 of March, I miss him so much

  • Becky Wiggs by Becky Wiggs, Hutchinson
  • 13 years ago

We lost my brother suddenly, The way it happened was so traumatizing, I haven't really mourned his death. I miss him so much. I have another brother, but things being the way they are, I'm dead to him and him to me, only God understands...But the brother who was shot has been my greatest loss...I'm still not sure how to cope. With Gods help, I'm dealing...I feel your pain, your tears...your Loss...each day gets better...

  • Taylor by Taylor, Age: 15 York
  • 13 years ago

Hello Brianna,
Your poem really touched this place in my heart. I can honestly understand. My brother was 6 months old and they said that he died from SIDS, but I was 2 1.2 and my real dad had killed him right in front of me. I am now 15 years old and it still replays in my head everyday. I miss him and I wish that he would still be here. I am really sorry for your loss. And I also need help. Again I'm sorry for all of your losses. My thoughts are with you. Thanks.

  • Brianna by Brianna Poet
  • 13 years ago

You all are so welcome...It's nice that other people can relate to how I feel. 'Cause most of the time I just feel so alone. It feels like the only people that know how I feel is my mom and dad.
*Feel free to comment I'm not on here very often but when I am I will definitely say my thanks ! :)

*Owner of poem*

  • Joanne Lynn Hollis by Joanne Lynn Hollis
  • 7 years ago

I'm thankful for stumbling onto your poem today. My brother, (43), left 4 months ago today. I never got to say goodbye, and we were arguing the week before he passed. I am lost without him here with me. It's clearly the most difficult time I've been through in my entire life! Thanks, Brianna.

  • Raven Elvira Alexia by Raven Elvira Alexia
  • 14 years ago

I found this poem the day after my little brother died on September 25, 2010. He was only seven years old. I was busy writing a few words down for his funeral and it spoke to me so I wrote it down. This is a great poem that even many more people will be able to relate to.

  • Diana by Diana
  • 14 years ago

Thank you Brianna for this poem, I lost my older brother a year to this day ago in a hiking accident, he fell off a cliff. I was 17 and he was only 19. It brings me a lot of comfort knowing I'm not the only one going through this. He was my big brother, and I was not ready to say goodbye

  • Stephanie Brockie by Stephanie Brockie
  • 14 years ago

Hi Brianna, I was really touched by your poem I lost my brother 5 years ago in June to suicide he was 16 and I was 12 I really miss him. When I read your poem I got a tear to my eye, just thinking about all our memories, thank you for sharing it! love Stephanie xxx

  • Brianna by Brianna Poet
  • 14 years ago

Thank you everyone who commented on my poem, I really appreciate it. I lost my brother May 29, 2007 on our mom's birthday. It was and still is the hardest thing I've ever been through. It seems as it just gets harder each day that goes by. And I'm glad that I can share my poem with you and you can be touched by it.
So thank you so much again !
* Owner of poem *

  • katherine chavez by katherine chavez
  • 15 years ago

I lost my brother on May 17, 2009 its been so hard to go through a day knowing I never got to say good bye but I think I will see him again one day and he is my angel. So, who ever goes through what I do just remember he is always with you.


  • Renae Wanna by Renae Wanna
  • 15 years ago

I really like this poem makes me think about all the things me and my brother went through and things that weren't accomplished between me and him...He left us Feb 3rd 2009 and still I miss him like crazy

  • georgia by georgia
  • 15 years ago

I lost 2 brothers this year 2 months apart. I grew up with them and it hurts deeply I miss them so much that some time it seems I can't go on without them . We did everything together. I know they suffered here on earth so I know they are without pain now.

  • 15 years ago

I just lost my brother yesterday n I'm still at a loss..
I think this poem helped me..
I looked up to him so much since he was my big brother...
I don't know what I'm going to do without him, but I know that he's up in heaven watching over me n my whole family

  • summer bridgewater by summer bridgewater
  • 15 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss... I really am... non of my brothers have died but some of them I haven't seen for years... I hope that when I am older and have got my life on track I will find them... summer 15 years xxxxxx

  • tina by tina
  • 15 years ago

My brother passed away 4 months ago and this poem is exact ally what I am feeling ..he will always be my bubba...

  • tessa by tessa
  • 15 years ago

my older brother passed away from cancer when I was seventeen. I never got a chance to say goodbye and it kills me because he meant more than anything and I never got to tell him that,
This poem says the exact words I still feel, and it brings me comfort to know I'm not alone.

  • ashley by ashley
  • 15 years ago

my little brother passed away 4 years just before Christmas. Got smashed into a bridge. (he was only 15 1/2) I was 19. I'm almost 24 now and when I came across your poem I just had to write you. Cause that is exactly what I used to write. And I still think about him. I'm at work and that poem almost made me cry.

  • Denise by Denise
  • 15 years ago

I wanted to find a poem that kind of related to myself and my brother that committed suicide in September of this year. I started reading this and it really started to touch me and when I got down to the end it said, I love you Bubba, and that really got me, because that was what everyone called my brother.

  • Azzer by Azzer
  • 16 years ago

This is so sad. No I don't know how you feel but I understand. Shed you're tears with others.

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