Famous Children Poem

In "To a Bird" by Annette Wynne, the poet addresses a bird with admiration for its innate knowledge of the world. The poet marvels at the bird's navigational skills, its familiarity with various landscapes, and its expertise in nest-building. This short poem encapsulates the contrast between human scholarship and the bird's intuitive wisdom, underscoring the idea that nature's creatures possess insights that transcend human learning. The poem employs imagery and personification to create a sense of wonder and humility in the face of nature's mysteries.

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Famous Poem

To A Bird


O bird that darts now low, now high,
You know the streets across the sky;
You know where leafy lanes lie deep
And quiet nooks to go to sleep;
You know the place to build a nest,
What twigs to use, what shape is best;
I wonder how you found things out
That scholars never know about;
I've studied large books through and through,
But never can be wise as you!


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