Depression Poem by Teens

Why Love When Love Is Full Of Doubt

Questioning why people do all the work that comes with life and then a personal conclusion about her life

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I feel like this sometimes and I know how hard it can be, it's at times like that when you just need to hang on in there and soon you'll find that special something that makes life worth living.

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

Why live when it's easier to die
Why smile when it's easier to cry
Why try to pass when all you do is fail
Why feel pain when you can make it go away
Why love when love is full of doubt
Why can't anyone tell me what life's about
In spite of all I know that I want to live
But why do I feel I have nothing left to give.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Crystalmoon X by Crystalmoon X
  • 14 years ago

I feel like this sometimes and I know how hard it can be, it's at times like that when you just need to hang on in there and soon you'll find that special something that makes life worth living.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 15 years ago

This poem is so true for me I think like this almost every day. I always have bulling in school going on and when I sit with the people I thought were my friends I never really want to be there I don't want to live or anything. So I finally told my mom that I was cutting my wrists and I thought she was going to yell at me and send me to some psych place. But instead she was very calm and understanding. She told me that When she was in high school she didn't have very many friends either and that she always thought that she didn't belong on this earth. I asked her why she never tried to kill herself and she said because if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to have you and you sister. I was very touched. But anyways, this poem says everything for me and why live when everything and everybody just lets you down.

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