Winter Poem

The Harshness Of Winter

My short poem is about the shortest season of the year, winter, and its wondrous beauty and wrath. Some people fall in love with the season of winter. Others dread the extreme ice and cold. No one can deny that winter can be extreme as we can't deny it can be an enchanting wonderland after a beautiful fresh white snow.

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Winter's Wrath

© more by Patricia L. Cisco

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2017 with permission of the Author.

Winter's sleep so close to death,
piercing with his arctic breath.

Brittle, naked limbs stretch high
in the icy pewter sky.

Bitter chill and stinging wind,
quiet earth grows gray and grim.

Polar pillows full of snow
hover over valleys low.

Veils of frozen crystal falls,
cascade over mountain walls.

Squalls and drifts of sparkling white,
glistening brilliance in the night.

Winter, with his wicked wrath,
leaves blinding beauty in his path!



I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we...

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