Mother Death Poem

Poem About The Love A Daughter Has For Her Mother

Here is another poem I wrote in an attempt to try to make myself feel better after losing my mother in June of 2009. I can't seem to get the words out that I have in my heart.

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My mum, Linda, was just a few short months away from her 70th (September 2018) birthday when she got the diagnosis that she had incurable, inoperable pancreatic cancer, and the week before...

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You Mattered To Me

© more by Ruth Morris

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

You lived your life thinking that no one cared.
You thought you were all alone, your heart feeling tattered.
I am here to tell you that you were wrong
'Cause you see - Mom - to me you mattered.

I loved you when you were angry and mean.
I loved you when you were kind as could be.
I loved you not just because I had to.
I loved you because you mattered to me.

It hurts to know that now you're gone
And never will your face again I see.
I hurt not because I am supposed to;
I hurt because you mattered to me.

I have to live on each day without you.
It doesn't get easier as it is supposed to be.
I feel the loss of you to my very soul
Because you see - Mom - you mattered to me.

Your touch, your smile, your funny wit.
The times it was just you and me.
I will miss you, Mom, with all my heart
'Cause you still matter to me...


more by Ruth Morris

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mel by Mel
  • 4 years ago

My mom died last week (2nd March 2020), after going into a coma. She had a stroke on the 14th Feb. I miss her so much and I never got to tell her how much I love her. This poem brings me to tears. The pain is still so raw....

  • Julie Goyder by Julie Goyder
  • 6 years ago

My mum, Linda, was just a few short months away from her 70th (September 2018) birthday when she got the diagnosis that she had incurable, inoperable pancreatic cancer, and the week before Mother's Day this year she was admitted to the hospital after a fall. When myself and my brother and four of my children went to visit I had a gut feeling over the next two weeks she was not going to leave the hospital. At the beginning of the third week the doctors told us she had a sepsis through her entire body. After another week and 4 days of more medication, the doctors told us that nothing was working and the initial time scale of survival of September 2018 was no longer applicable. They said she may have a week left. On Good Friday, March 30, 2018 (my second oldest brother's birthday) my mum, Linda, fell asleep for the last time, leaving a void that will never be fixed and an emptiness that only someone who has lost a mother will understand.

  • Holly Johnson by Holly Johnson
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed away just few days ago, Nov. 4, 2017. And my heart is sad. I can barely function. I love her so. She fell and hit her head and was ripped away from me and my babies. I know she loves us, but I'm still very sad...

  • Anne by Anne
  • 7 years ago

You may be sad for quite a while. Life does not have to be just happy or just sad. Parts of the holidays may be hard, but there will be fun too. Don't forget to notice those parts.

  • Amalia Ruchti-Yanez by Amalia Ruchti-Yanez
  • 7 years ago

Dear Ruth,
I have been searching for a poem to read at my mother's funeral. I would like to read "You Mattered To Me." Her funeral is tomorrow. This really touched my heart.
Kindest regards,

  • Nancy by Nancy
  • 7 years ago

Dear Ruth,
Thank you for your poem. My mother passed away the 5th of June 2017, last Monday, and tomorrow is her funeral. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to read this poem at her funeral. It says so many things that I feel.

  • Kathy Chapman by Kathy Chapman
  • 7 years ago

God bless and give you peace and strength to go on.

  • Kelley Santrock by Kelley Santrock
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed away last Tuesday at 4:36am. She had COPD and CHF. She went unresponsive in the ambulance, and they intubated her. My two daughters and I had to make the final decision to take the breathing tube out. Monday at 1pm it was removed. She woke up enough to mouth I LOVE YOU to me and to see her granddaughters and the great grandchildren. On May 16th at 4:36am she took her final breath with both her granddaughters on each side of her holding her hand! The pain my heart is in right now is something I don't wish on anyone! I MISS YOU, MOMMY.

  • Edmond Loo by Edmond Loo
  • 7 years ago

I feel you. My mum passed away on the 10th of September 2017. On Saturday night she told me that she was feeling unwell and asked me to take her to see the doctor. She was having a flu. But while she was walking down the stairs, she collapsed. I caught hold of her and carried her and I called the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived they told me that her heart had stopped. They tried to save her, but it just didn't help. It was so shocking to me. The memory that she died on my arms will always be so deep in my heart.

  • Elaine Metz by Elaine Metz
  • 7 years ago

My mom died on April 24, 2017. I was with her when she took her last breath. I was also the last person who spoke to her. She suffered so much at the end. She had COPD and was on oxygen 24/7 in and out of the hospital and strapped to the bed. My mom was the only one there for me in my darkest hours, and without her I wouldn't be here to tell this story. I miss her so much and can't stop picturing her in the casket at her funeral. I'm trying to be strong, but the night before Mother's Day, it's hard.

  • Marcella by Marcella
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed away a few weeks ago. She died from cancer, and the grief is so strong that sometimes I feel like I can't make it, however, I know that with God I can make it.

  • Jeff by Jeff
  • 7 years ago

My mom departed three weeks ago on her birthday. She was 85 years old. I feel pained and helpless most of the time because I really love her and miss her. I know I have to be strong. Mom I love you. I will never forget you.

  • Penny Shuberg by Penny Shuberg
  • 8 years ago

I feel deeply for every story written here. I know what physical and mental pain is because almost every day of my life I wish I were not here. I want the people around me to wake up and quit putting so much pressure on me, but they don’t get it. My mom used to call me Penny Annie, and here is my poem:

Penny Annie lived her life
Penny Annie had much strife
When she lost her mom
She lost her friend
And was much too broken to ever mend.
All of her family and all of her friends
Couldn’t put Penny together again.

There is nothing that compares to losing a mother’s love, but please don’t give up. You never know what’s around the corner, and you never will if you don’t hang in there. You might not know it or feel it, but you are LOVED…Blessings!

  • Lynn Henderson by Lynn Henderson
  • 7 years ago

Dear Penny,
I know how you feel. I was six when my mother passed away. She died when my youngest brother was two weeks old. She died in her sleep from blood clots. I miss her. It's hard growing up without a mother.

  • Marissa Drake by Marissa Drake
  • 8 years ago

My mom died March 29th, and it was the worst pain I have ever felt. I was screaming in the bathroom hitting the floor. It was unexpected and she was ripped away from my family. This made me tear up and I still feel lost and very confused. I can definitely relate to this. I want to share it with my younger siblings so we could write something for her.

  • Silver Toliver by Silver Toliver
  • 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing that. I lost my mother about a month ago. I am in so much pain. She went to the doctor one day and the next day she passed, no warning. My heart has stopped. My whole world stopped. I'd like to say thank you.

  • Kiersten Grant by Kiersten Grant
  • 8 years ago

I am 13 and lost my mom 5 years ago. She was a beautiful woman that meant more than the entire world to me. We had a very strong bond, her name was Jessica Marie Grant if you don't believe me that she died. Her last words to me were, "Kiersten, I will love you forever and always. Even when I am gone, I will still be watching over you from the clouds. Don't give up on life. Stay gold Kiersten, stay gold." I then heard the beep in the hospital and thought she was sleeping but, she was dead. I was a 7 year old at that time and I didn't know what "stay gold" meant until my 13th birthday. Everyday since she died, I have looked up at the clouds and told her I will love her forever and always.

  • Monica Adams by Monica Adams
  • 8 years ago

I just lost my mom a little over a month ago. With Mother's day coming up I wanted to make sure I had a beautiful poem to read at her grave. This poem was very fitting and I didn't scroll to look any further. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  • Serah by Serah
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mum 20 days ago and I'm shattered, lost, heart broken and confused. It hurts so deeply that I feel like I can't breathe. Your poem put words to my grief. Thank you.

  • Jillian by Jillian
  • 9 years ago

Thank You Ruth...I just lost my mom last week and your poem said it all. My mom suffered for the last 8 years, since the death of my father. Slowly she allowed her illness to creep in and eventually it swallowed her whole. She always believed that outside me and my sister, no one really cared or really understood her heartache. Near the end, she complained about being a "burden", but what she didn't understand was simply this: we loved her so much, she mattered to us and we will forever miss her.

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