Daughter Poem

Poem Celebrating Each Birthday

This poem was written over the course of my daughter's first eighteen years of life. She was my dream come true, and on her third birthday her brother was born, making her the proudest big sister in the world! I started this poem in her very first birthday card and added a new stanza every year until her latest birthday (in the same card). She recently graduated high school and plans to pursue a career in nursing. She is a nurturer and an amazing daughter! I love you, Jenna, bigger than the sky!

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Wow this was an unexpected thought which happens I am sure in every mother's life but rarely thought over, and very carefully placed. It left a smile on my face. Thank you for this beautiful...

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As The Years Go By


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

For the first time, I saw your face,
And in my heart you filled that space.

I closed my eyes, and you were one,
And my love for you had grown brighter than the sun.

My heart skipped a beat when you turned two.
You were getting so big! What was I to do?

On the day that you turned three,
I gave you a baby brother to share with me.

It seemed like in no time you were four,
And when you looked at me with love, my heart would soar.

All too quickly, you turned five.
You would soon start school and leave me behind.

While gaining your independence, you turned six,
But there are still things you need me to fix.

It was not easy watching you turn seven.
You are a gift from God, sent straight from Heaven.

I will shed a tear as you turn eight,
And thank the Lord for making you my fate.

Another year gone, and now you're nine.
It's going too fast. I wish I could turn back time.

Time keeps moving, and you grow into ten.
If only we could go back to one again.

God smiles upon you as you turn eleven.
He is saving you a place up in Heaven.

Twelve comes so quickly, and you go to middle school.
Your world is so different, and now I'm not so cool.

You welcome thirteen, but my little girl I will miss.
It was in this year that you got your first kiss.

I hold my breath as you turn fourteen,
A more beautiful young lady I have never seen.

Fifteen comes and takes fourteen away,
"Please keep her safe," to God I pray.

At sixteen, you can finally drive,
I wish it was still your Barbie Jeep when you were just five.

Turning seventeen, there's not much time,
The mountain of your youth you've almost climbed.

Eighteen comes in the blink of an eye,
And as you close this chapter, I'll try my best not to cry.

I've loved you forever, or so it seems.
I first met you when I was young, in my dreams.

You are everything I ever hoped for and more.
I'm excited to see what God has in store.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dale A Morrison by Dale A Morrison
  • 3 years ago

The father/daughter poem is the most special poem someone can write because the love between the father and his daughter was bonded from day ONE. I have 5 daughters and I watched them all being born, and I love all 5 more than life itself. These poems are special and so true. Thank you to the authors.

  • Nidhi Rana by Nidhi Rana
  • 4 years ago

It is such a cute poem. The way the poet goes from year to year counting and defining birthdays is wonderful and so novel. Children are such a joy and as I see my girls growing up, I guess I too have been watching them grow with a similar amazement! :))

  • Rachel Magdalene by Rachel Magdalene, Dubai, UAE
  • 8 years ago

Wow this was an unexpected thought which happens I am sure in every mother's life but rarely thought over, and very carefully placed. It left a smile on my face. Thank you for this beautiful poem.

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