Baby Death Poem

Poem About Baby With Birth Defect Anencephaly

My daughter was diagnosed with Anencephaly, a birth defect that has nothing to do with genetics but is unfortunately fatal. I chose to not terminate, and it was a decision I do not regret. I am grateful that I was able to hold her even though she was with God. I just hope that if anyone has a similar situation this poem may give them some peace. Writing this helped me through some pain as I am still grieving now.

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Such a heart stopping way to lose such a precious life. Twin baby boys, one with & one without. My son's first biological children. How I thought I would never catch my breath when I realized...

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Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

My arms are so empty to hold you just once
Even now I have not cried all my tears
I miss you so much that I cannot express
The only regret is that I did not love you as soon as I knew
I felt scared and alone I didn't know what to do
But it didn't take long for you to steal my heart
It happened the moment I heard your heart
The tears in my eyes, the love filled my heart
Little did I know you wouldn't be with us long
Those nine months passed by like a blink of an eye
You came so quick and all by yourself
If you only knew how proud we are
You were such a strong girl but yet so small
Your tiny hands, and your daddy's feet
You were our blessing then as you still are now
You brought us close as we held your hand
And even now you still make us strong
I'm thankful for your short life
And that I was able to give you just that
I'll never forget you kicks, hiccups, or the pain I felt
It's something that mommy will hold in her heart forever
The talks we had or the music I played
Even now, you're always on my mind
No one will replace or take your place
You'll always be my first
And my precious little girl
Our angel above
Addison Lee

Love Mommy
Someday I'll hold you in my arms once again


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cynthia Smith by Cynthia Smith
  • 5 years ago

Such a heart stopping way to lose such a precious life. Twin baby boys, one with & one without. My son's first biological children. How I thought I would never catch my breath when I realized what we were being told. I think I cried every day, praying and hoping somehow they were wrong. October 25, 2011, but I remember it today as if it were yesterday, and my heart still aches even at the thought, but how precious the 4 hours and 13 minutes he had with us... such a sad joy if that makes any sense. Through all the heartache and pain such a blessing came. So tiny and defenseless, such a precious soul. He never cried or showed discomfort but wrapped his little hand around one finger of the hand holding him. Seemingly with a smiling expression upon his little face as if to say... everything's going to be okay. God bless and comfort all who have survived the loss of a precious life this way.

  • Michaela Baumann by Michaela Baumann
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my daughter in May due to Anencephaly. She was diagnosed with it in February. We decided to try to carry to term. She came at 34 weeks and stayed with us for 1 hour and 19 minutes.

  • Jessica Hasnain by Jessica Hasnain, Chelmsford UK
  • 10 years ago

I had a baby and lost her at 17 weeks and six days. It was a sad time as me and my husband had tried for a baby for a long time. I got to see her on scan and see her move. She had a serious condition that effected the brain and she would have died. She also had issues with body it wasn't forming properly so she would of been lifeless if we kept her. Me and my husband had to make the hardest decision of our lives to terminate the pregnancy to let her rest in peace with god in heaven. I miss her every day now almost one year now I think of her every day wonder what she would have been like and taking her to first day of school things like that I think about. There is light at the end because in May I found out I'm pregnant and it's a healthy baby boy due January 19th 2015. I still think of my daughter I named Anna I talk to her most nights tell her how me and daddy will be with you one day. I still have my bad days but most of them are not. It's so hard to lose a baby she was my first and I am young only 19 so I didn't understand it fully what's happening why me. I wouldn't wish on anyone to lose a baby I wish it would never happen. To anyone who lost a baby be strong and cry if you want, scream if you want, grieve for however long you want, don't ever let anyone tell you can't.
Rest in peace my darling Anna, mummy and daddy love you. Rest in peace to all babies who are not with us today.

  • Ignacio by Ignacio, Belize
  • 10 years ago

Hi, I had a son, he was born on the 20 July 2013 on his mothers birth month. he had some problems when he was born but in spite of that we love him and take care of him and did what all we could do, until the good Lord took him to live with him on a cold Sunday morning right from my side. He died on my birth month the 3rd of November 2013. This poem is the same way how I feel. thanks for this poem.

  • Susan Kingston by Susan Kingston
  • 11 years ago

I too had a little girl with the same birth defect anencephaly. I was 16 years old had no idea anything was wrong until I was in labor July, 22 1986, she was my first child me and my husband had no idea what to do he only being 17 at the time and me 16. Our hearts were just broken into I don't remember much that 2 days in and out of a daze could not understand what happened. Well we had a miscarriage 3 years later then we had 3 children. We divorced when our youngest was 6 David couldn't handle it, he turned to alcohol for all these years, couldn't be a dad to our kids and they really lost out on a dad, but me I put my kids above anything. I keep them close I went down one road and he took another. He was the love of my life he died back in June 2012 at 43 years old and I will always love him and I am jealous of him cause he got to hold our baby for the first time. I have struggled over the almost 27 years and every year on her birthday I write her and put it in her book but I am at peace with it more I know she has her daddy with her thank you for your poem.

  • Salma by Salma, Indonesia
  • 12 years ago

I had baby girl who had the same problem with your baby, she was born on July 29th 2012 and passed away an hour later after she was born. I love this poem because it touch me and my husband. We knew she had a problem just like you did and we decided not to terminate her because we just wanted to see her face and also we were waiting on this moment for 3 years and 2 months so we kept her until she born. Thank you for writing this poem :) its very good to help us to heal.

Salma (Indonesia)

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