Funeral Poem

The sudden loss of my darling Dad prompted me to write this poem, as l did not get chance to tell him. A copy of this was put in his coffin. Please feel free to use it yourself if you'd like it.

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I lost my dad last week. I never got to say goodbye. I'm lying here wishing that I had one moment to tell you I love you. I lie here thinking about when I was a little girl and you were...

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I Love You Dad

© more by Diana Doyle

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

I love you Dad with all my heart
And hate that we should be apart
Our love is a bond that can't be broken
You may be gone but never forgotten

I remember the day you went away
The pain in my heart is every beat
But I know that eventually, one day
We will once again meet

The loss is something I can't describe
I'm really going to miss you
One day I'll be back by your side
So I can hug and kiss you

There are no words to tell you,
Just what I'm feeling inside
The shock, the hurt, the anger
One day, will gradually subside

Things will never again be the same
And though I'm hurting quite bad
I will smile whenever I hear your name
And be so proud to remember my Dad

Sleep well, darling Dad, forever in my heart and my thoughts



Hello to all budding poets out there like myself, l was prompted to write something after the death of my father. Many people have liked what l have written and a few have asked for my permission so they could use it at their father's funeral. Well l have decided that if my words can comfort someone or express how they feel, at a time time when...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Catherine Smith by Catherine Smith
  • 7 years ago

I lost my dad last week. I never got to say goodbye. I'm lying here wishing that I had one moment to tell you I love you. I lie here thinking about when I was a little girl and you were always there. You left me so many memories. I will miss you, but you'll never be forgotten. You filled a place in my heart. Today I have to say goodbye until the Lord calls my name.

  • Angle Lincolnshire by Angle Lincolnshire
  • 9 years ago

I lost my Dad last week after a very short illness. This sums up exactly how I feel. With your permission I would like to read this out at his funeral.

Hello, l am not sure if l messaged you once before, but l hope that you took it upon yourself to read this at your Dad's funeral. l feel that if what l put into words sums up how someone else feels they can gladly use it. Sorry but l do not visit this site much and do not get any notifications from it. l am trying to get permission for my poems to be used freely by anyone who likes them.

Many thanks for liking my poem

Di x

  • Peyton by Peyton, Italy
  • 10 years ago

I am only 10 years old and my father is 50 and I love him. But he's smoking and he's not feeling well. We've been to the hospital at least 4 times for heart attacks. I really don't wannna lose him. He's always been there for me. I know I'm too young to be thinking about this kind of stuff but it's going to happen soon. He probably won't get to see me grow up.

  • Christabel by Christabel, Delt
  • 11 years ago

Lost my dad just a few days ago, on the 1st of March, my birth month and I am absolutely devastated, it's true that no one can tell you how it hurts till it happens. I miss him every second, and wish I recorded our phone conversations so I could hear him speak over and over again.
Forever in our hearts

  • Tammy by Tammy, New York
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. Lost my dad on February 14th 2013. He was and still is my guardian angel. He will be greatly missed, don't really know how I can go on without him. I close my eyes and it's him who I see. But I know he's looking down on me..smiling at me telling me I will be fine and we will see each other again. I love you dad..

  • Debbie by Debbie, South Glamorgan Wales
  • 12 years ago

This reminds me of my lovely DAD, I lost him 5 weeks ago, on the 17th March 2012. I was his only daughter and child, I was his carer, he was very frail I'd brought him back to health before and thought I could do it again, sadly this was not the case, so a huge shock to loose him, he is at peace now, nobody can tell you how much it's going to hurt, it hurts so much everyday dad, you took half of me with you, I will see you again until I do you will remain in my heart forever, miss you every minute of every day, you were my life, love you always xxxx

  • Katlin by Katlin, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad August 13,2011 unexpected. My parents were divorced so I didn't see him often. I didn't know he was sick until his boyfriend called us and told us he was dying in the hospital. (yes, my dad was gay and I am perfectly fine with that) The last time I saw him conscious was a month before that. At the hospital he was unable to speak or open his eyes but he tried. I held his hand as the doctors unplugged his breathing tube and he slowly stopped breathing. I am only 15 and was 14 when he passed. I cry every day but especially on the 13th of every month.

  • Jasmine Turner by Jasmine Turner
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem I lost my dad October 17 and I'm still not over I don't think I ever will be and there is no words to describe how I feel everyday knowing that he wont be here when I wake up or just knowing that I can't call him on the phone just to hear his voice. It hurts to know that I will turn 16 in May and not have him there to see me turn that age this is the most painful feeling in the world.

  • Katelyn. Pennsalvania by Katelyn. Pennsalvania
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem I lost my father in 2007 from a careless driver and its seem the pain will never go away!!

  • Misty by Misty, Oklahoma
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 4 days ago to cancer the Mr.'s did not tell us that it was that bad. He had fought a good fight. But now I just don't understand why they could not do more . He was only 57. Love you dad and see you soon.

  • Derryck by Derryck, Quebec
  • 13 years ago

This is a beautiful poem which I will use at my dads funeral. But it will be impossible for me to read, so I will have it printed and put inside the coffin. Thank you for your poem.

  • Lucy by Lucy
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad a month ago, and everyday I live in pain, loosing my dad was like taken my heart away, this is a lovely poem!

  • Nicole by Nicole, CA
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this. It has been 3 months for me too since the sudden and tragic loss of my Dad. He didn't meet my two month old and she looks so much like him. I am having another rough day as Father's day is this weekend and I feel like life is a miserable place without him in it. Love to all, Nicole

  • Julie Harland by Julie Harland, Ontario
  • 14 years ago

I lost my dad just 7 months ago, to a blood clot that went to his lungs. This has to be the hardest thing in my life I have ever had to go through. I'm only 32 and I have a 2 year old daughter. It kills me to think my daughter will never to get know her wonderful grandfather the way I had the opportunity to know him. I love you and miss you everyday dad, until we meet again forever your Julie.

  • Amanda by Amanda, New York
  • 14 years ago

This reminds me of my dad, I miss & love him so much, we lost him about 6 months ago with a brain aneurysm, it was the hardest thing to deal with! He just retired, 62 years old, he was fine one minute and gone the next! Hurts so bad!

  • Ruth by Ruth
  • 15 years ago

I loved my Dad more than anybody in this world, losing him was the worst blow in my life. I cried most of the time when I was alone. If I could have one more chance or wish for him to come back.
Its almost 3 years now but I still miss him. I will always love my Dad.

  • sabrina aka babygurl by sabrina aka babygurl
  • 15 years ago

that is a beautiful its going to be 14 years in Aug. and it still hurts me inside hope you write more

  • cheyanne moore by cheyanne moore
  • 15 years ago

I lost my dad one year ago to lung cancer. he was my everything. I cry most days because I miss him so much. I love him so so so so much I am only 14, it's hard to go through this at my age

  • darrellee by darrellee
  • 15 years ago

I love the poem I cried as I was reading it. It has been 7 years since my dad passed away and I still play his music and think about him. My dad is always in my heart I miss him heaps I hope you do more poems I love them

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