Husband Death Poem

Widow Missing Husband

Missing my husband and all the memories shared and the togetherness. Sometimes I wonder if a person really gets over the missing of a loved one.

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My husband who was a professional boxer developed dementia at age 57 from undetected brain injuries. He was admitted to Bendale Acres Long Term Care at the age of 67. It was so lonely without...

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I'll Be Missing You

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2017 with permission of the Author.

They say that time will heal all wounds.
I know that could be true.
It's the lonely in-between times
That I start missing you.

Every time you cross my mind,
I think you're here with me.
Then I sadly realize
That it could never be.

But then I just can't help but see
Your memories everywhere:
Your coffee cup, your old worn hat,
And there sits your empty chair.

Then I'll just be thinking of
The places we would go,
The people we would meet,
And see a person we both know.

Then I look around and see
A gift you've given me,
Our picture in its frame,
And your favorite program on TV.

Then I start remembering
Some place we had to be
And the things we used to do.
Then I start missing you.

Then sometimes out of nowhere
Your smiling face I see.
I feel your hand inside of mine.
Then it seems you're here with me.

And then some days it feels
So long we've been apart,
But neither time nor distance
Will erase you from my heart.

Then I begin to realize,
And it makes me sad and blue,
That many days and nights
I'll be missing you.



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 5 years ago

My husband who was a professional boxer developed dementia at age 57 from undetected brain injuries. He was admitted to Bendale Acres Long Term Care at the age of 67. It was so lonely without him as we would have now been married for 54 years. At least I had the opportunity to see him daily. Two years ago, he passed away and I miss him so much. I cannot wait for the night to come, I go back to my dreams and once again he is with me. I want to sleep an endless sleep and never wake up. I want to be with him so badly that every day I pray that the Lord take me. I am so unhappy. I will never stop missing him

I am saddened for you and sorry for your loss. Time passes slowly when we are missing someone. The grieving can be tough, but the memories of the love you shared you will treasure. God bless. Thank you for sharing. You're in my prayers.
Jac Judy

  • Elizabeth Ann Farrah-Atkin by Elizabeth Ann Farrah-Atkin
  • 5 years ago

I lost my husband 7 years today at five passed eleven on the morning of April 24, 2012. We met in 1999 and married on April 3, 2010. He was my hero. He worked on bomb disposal before he met me. He was a Christian. He said he was dying of kidney cancer. I’m going through nothing compared to Jesus Christ. That sentence still chokes me up. As you sit up high with our Lord Most High, remember me as I sit and cry. There are no tears in heaven, they say, but Lord, allow me just this one last time to shed these tears for a man I loved so much, so dear. I would love to feel him near. Seven years it has been since I saw your beautiful face. They say heaven is a beautiful place. Remember me as I grow old down here as it will not be long now, my darling. I am growing near. God bless you in heaven, my darling. Forever missing you.

  • Patricia McGaughey by Patricia McGaughey
  • 6 years ago

I lost my husband of 30 years on April 12, 2018. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He passed away 6 weeks after they found it. I am so lost and lonely without my soulmate. He was the love of my life. We were so in love with each other. His last words were I LOVE YOU and he kissed me. He passed away later that night. I know someday I'll be reunited with him in Heaven. That seems like such a long time away. I miss you and I'll love you forever. They say time heals the pain, but I can't ever see this pain going away.

  • Yvette Woodward by Yvette Woodward
  • 6 years ago

I lost my hubby October 13, 2017. He was my soulmate, the love of my life. I still feel his presence and know that he interacts with our grandchild. Our granddaughter often play with him, laughing while her chair/cot seems to be moving by itself. She waves and smiles with laughter while looking at a wall or fan. My husband passed away from cancer. He told me he would see me settled in our new house. We lived in a rental for 3 months. He died 11 days after we moved into the house he bought for me…the same house he died in.

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so hard. The pain will remain for a long time, but the memories, laughter, and good times are what will keep you going until you meet again. Thanks for sharing.

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