Mother Poem

Poem To Mom

My mother took care of my sister Kelly (who was paralyzed in a diving accident at age 16) for twenty-five years. The doctor did not expect my Kelly to live for 6 months. When she died, the doctor called my mother and said, "I didn't think Kelly would live 6 months, there is no doubt in my mind that she lived for twenty-five years because of your unselfish and unconditional for her." This is why my mom will always be "My Best And Favorite Girl."

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My Best And Favorite Girl

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

You brought me my first toy,
My first bike and baseball glove.
You filled my heart with joy,
And you filled my life with love.
You taught me how to count
And how to say my ABC's,
How to say, "You're Welcome,"
"Thank You," and "Pretty Please."

You taught me "Our Father,"
And "Hail Mary, Full of Grace,"
And how to greet a neighbor
With a smile and embrace.
You taught me that all things
Come from Jesus up above.
But most of all, sweet Mother,
You taught me how to love.

You taught me that all leprechauns
Possessed a pot of gold
And that they had these unicorns
Back in the days of old.
You taught me that a fantasy
Could end up with a scream.
You taught me not to give up,
Not to give up on a dream.

You taught me words of wisdom
And tended to my every need.
You gave me all the tools
That a man needs to succeed.
You filled my world with laughter,
And you brightened up my world.
And these are the reasons why
You're my best and favorite girl.


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  • Jami by Jami, Philippines,General Santos City
  • 9 years ago

I really love this poem and it is true - mother is the best of all!

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