Anger Poem

Poem About A Father Leaving

A daughter bemoans her fate. Her father has left the house. She will grow up without a daddy.

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This is my poem. I'm so glad it has inspired so many people. My dad passed last year, I was able to meet him prior to his passing. Sometimes you just have to forgive people as they do not...

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My Father Left Me Behind


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Leaving behind others to take your place,
Carrying on your name, walking around with your face,
Knowing you got left behind,
Wondering what's on my father's mind.
He didn't even think to try.
To leave my mother with tears going down her face,
Left me only to embrace,
Only for me to ask her why?
My mother can give me answers;
My father left behind.
For he can give his love to another,
But can't give his love to me,
My mother would give her life,
As she's given life to me,
My father I hope to love.
Will he ever really love me?
He can take and make a life and keep living on,
But what is it like to live without a father,
He doesn't even know,
Because he doesn't even care,
He left me alone.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jessica Farley by Jessica Farley Poet
  • 1 year ago

This is my poem. I'm so glad it has inspired so many people.

My dad passed last year, I was able to meet him prior to his passing. Sometimes you just have to forgive people as they do not understand what they have done wrong.

I pray for all of you. Not everyone understands what it's like feeling alone or how you abandon your children. Life gives you strength and this makes us stronger. I love you all and know again you are never alone.

  • Jessica Farley by Jessica Farley Poet
  • 1 year ago

This is my poem. He died last year. Only god can judge him. I'm soo glad this has touched soo many people. I love you all and thank you for the support.

  • ChickSupreme51 by ChickSupreme51
  • 2 years ago

My dad left me because I came out to my family, and he didn't love me for who I am. He was against gays and didn't accept me for who I am, and instead, he packed his bag and never looked back, but that was years ago. I saw him while shopping with my boyfriend, and I spoke to him and gave him my number. I didn't hear from him for weeks until he was drunk and in lockup. He asked if I could bail him out, so I did and wanted to try to forget about the past, knowing me and my father will start from fresh. We started getting closer ad father and son. I was so happy, but I got a call saying my dad was found dead from drug overdose. I was broken. Now I'm happy that I can talk about my past, and I'm a happy person now.

  • Jolynn Alvarado by Jolynn Alvarado
  • 3 years ago

Hi, my name is Jolynn Alvarado. My dad left me when I was 2 years old, so it was really hard without my dad. I loved him so much, but now I feel like I was heartless and no one would break my heart, but he did. It really hurt me, and my dad was an abusive dad to my mom and sibling; it was really hard, and I'm 11 right now. I loved him and I kept chasing him my whole life. I haven't seen my dad for a long time, but I really don't care. He has 8 kids and about to have 9.

  • Kaylee Marie Justice McGinnis by Kaylee Marie Justice McGinnis
  • 5 years ago

My dad raped my mom, and that's why I am here today. I didn't find out until I was 14 years old. I am 15 years old right now, and my dad is in prison. He has been in prison for most of my life, and every time he went to prison it made me hate him even more. My dad abused my mom when she was pregnant with me, and he was never there for me or her. My mom would yell at me night after night about the things that my dad did to her and she cried, and I wanted to cry because I was put in the middle of it. Now I don't want him in my life anymore. I haven't talked to him in almost 11 months now.

  • Brianca by Brianca
  • 6 years ago

My father left when I was 2 months, and he ended up marrying this one girl and was always in and out of my life until I was 11. Then he just stopped coming around, and he called after I turned 14, but he wanted something. Then he left his wife and had two other girlfriends, and now he has another. He ended up marrying her, and I moved in and I lived with him for 6 months. It was horrible. His wife told him she didn't want me living there, and he kicked me out at 11 at night.

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 6 years ago

Since I was born, my dad was really never with my brother and me. He went to work at 6 am and came back at 11 pm. At that time, we would be sleeping, and we left school at 6:30. I was a happy child at that time. Soon my parents started to fight. Every time my dad called I knew he was just calling because he was drunk and alone. He wanted us to bail him out of jail all the time. Soon he got deported. I am now 12 and I got friends who care about me, but they don't stop me from self-harm. I honestly want to stop, but it's the only way to make the pain numb. My brother is now 16, and when he was 12 he attempted suicide, and now he has therapy. I don't think it has helped. I saw him self-harm recently. But life must go on, right?

  • Cuppi Cakes by Cuppi Cakes
  • 6 years ago

Yes, life must go on because it is worth it, trust me. I am 14 years old and my father left my family when I was just 2 months old. My only brother suffered through that and my sister still is, and I am too but have never cut nor self-harmed myself. I want to keep it that way because I know I have too many reasons to do anything like that. If you can, find one reason to not cut each day. Even if it's the same reason every other day. It's not your fault you're feeling this're human. You feel emotions every day. It's hard. It is a living hell. Is it worth it? Every tear? Every headache? Every scream? YES....IT IS. You get to help someone in your life. TRUST ME.

  • Lazaria by Lazaria
  • 6 years ago

My dad left me when I was 2 years old. My mum used to work 3 jobs, and my grandparents were taking care of me and my sister. Ten years later he came back, and now I am 17. We are talking once a month for only money. Inside me I have a "why?" Sometimes at night time I am crying because of this. What should i do? I don't know! I want to get to know him better, but on the other side I don't. I hate him. I always wanted a father figure, and I never felt something like that. The word father, I said it like 3-4 times in my life. Thankful for having my grandparents and mum!

  • Solaris by Solaris
  • 6 years ago

Hi. My father left me when I hadn't even reached the age of 1. He was something that was very taboo to talk about in my family. But even though we wore poor, my mom and my grandma had it great. My father tried to contact me when I was around 12. At first he gave me all the candy and all the joy rides I could imagine. But the next year, none of it was the same. I'm now 19, and we only see each other on holidays like Christmas. I don't think a type of person who leaves their children can ever really change, even though they might deeply regret leaving. For example, my dad, who tried to buy his way into my life, didn't really give me time and love anyway, even though he calls me sometimes. I don't now, but I don't think we will ever be fixed. My anger is huge, but I think it's just covering my sadness.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 7 years ago

My dad and mom split up when I was 5. I was happy because though I couldn't fully understand it at the time, my dad was abusive. I then got a step-father. He made us move out after 5 years. At 13, I have the pang of utter and inexplicable pain whenever I hear the term dad, witness a cute daughter-father moment, or realize how much other dads stuck through the bad parts of life with their children.

  • Travis by Travis
  • 7 years ago

When I was 6 years old my dad left me. I always wanted to grow up and be like him, but my dad cheated on my mom. How do I know this? Because she told me I have a half-brother and sisters. I know some of them, but not a lot. I was so pissed off. I always thought my dad was always gonna be there for me, but I thought wrong. We moved and we (me and my uncle) will always go down there where my dad lives just to see my cousins or half sisters. But every time I see my dad it looks like he wasn't really happy to see me :'( He didn't even talk to me. I try to stop thinking about him, but it is so hard to stop thinking about him. I love my dad more than my mom but now..... I still want to be like my dad.

  • Sara by Sara
  • 7 years ago

Hi I'm Sara, I'm currently 16 years old. My father left when I was 10. My dad was my first love, my first best friend. Yet he left my mother for another women. I want to tell my feelings to my mother, but I'm afraid. Since my dad left it somehow caused me to shut everyone out of my life. I'm graduating in 2 years from high school. I wish he'd be there. I love my father so very much that not a day goes by that I miss getting hugs from him or waking up and seeing him making my favorite breakfast.

  • Lia Marie Bedwell by Lia Marie Bedwell
  • 6 years ago

I'm so sorry. I am kinda in the same situation, except my dad left and I was 13 months old. I'm ten right now and I still haven't seen him in all those years. My mom doesn't live with me. The reason my dad left was to be with my mom, so they both left me. My grandparents are taking care of me, which is not a bad thing. I love my grandparents, and I always will.

  • Mallory H. by Mallory H.
  • 7 years ago

I'm 13 years old. My dad left me about 2 years ago, and yet it still feels like yesterday. I have a hole in my heart that I can't fill, no matter how hard I try. A part of me wishes he would come home and hug me as he once did before, but another part of me hopes he never comes back. I wish him happiness even though he left me in despair. How does one move on from such a loss?

Sometimes I wish all of the pain and grief could be over. Just to stop it all. Then I remember what I have left, except what I have isn't real. A stepdad that has done many terrible things to my mother in their arguments and me included. A mother who won't even tell me why my father left. Siblings that tease me with their every breath. Kids that don't understand me, but one true friend who always picks me back up in my darkest times. It just makes me wonder what will happen when I lose that friend. He is all I have left of happiness. The rest has been destroyed by those you would think to trust, family.

  • Bby by Bby
  • 7 years ago

My father left me when I was a baby. My mom is trying her best to make me happy, but I am not happy. I am a girl who needs a lot of stuff. Like today I am at university. My mom is paying for fees, accommodation, and lots. I am wondering wherever he is what does he think. I end up dating people for their money for me to eat because my mom has a lot on her plate. This hurts me, and I am always angry and in moods.

  • Tammy OBrien by Tammy OBrien
  • 7 years ago

I was your age once, and my father left, too. I found him 30 years later. He was old, his apartment was run down, and he needed somewhere to go. Now I am 46 taking care of a man that gave not one care in the world if me and my twin brother had anything at all. I had to forgive him in my heart, I had to let go. After wrong relationships I could not keep because I did not trust any man. I am with the man of my dreams right now, but in the back of my mind he will leave too. Please do not let this define who you are, reach for the stars and never give up. It's easy to give up; it's easy to hold onto grudges. The hard part is letting go and forgiving. We only have one life. It's a shame he missed it all, because I see the sadness in his eyes, although he has never said I am sorry. I know it will never come, so I forgave, not for him, but for me. Never give up, and never ever let this define you. I did for a while and it almost killed me.

  • Edward Quiles by Edward Quiles
  • 7 years ago

I found a lot of hate and pain, but we must remember that the good and bad events in our life make us who we are. That's a blessing from God.

  • Michelle Ann Sappington by Michelle Ann Sappington
  • 7 years ago

I know how it feels to not have both a mom and a dad. When I was about 2 my mom and dad both left me alone with my sister who was 5 and my granparents. We all lived in one house. When I turned 7 my grandma tried to have me call her mom, but I had this gut feeling and would refuse to call her mom. I soon started to ask questions since that day. My mom has had a set of twin boys and one girl. I get to see my mom sometimes but not that many times. I have not seen my dad since I was a little girl. It caused me major anxiety.

  • Aima by Aima
  • 7 years ago

Guys, I felt so sad about your stories. May God bless them and give them high place in heaven. I felt so lucky because my father is still alive and he helped me in every part of my life. He always try his best to fulfill my wishes and demands. May GOD bless him.

  • Adeel Habib by Adeel Habib
  • 8 years ago

My father left me a year ago. I will try tonight to meet him in my dreams. I wish it could be fulfilled.

After you left this world all of my seven siblings broke the relationship with me. Now when people meet me they start thinking what is the matter with this quiet personality. I wish someone could help me with my shadow that only I can see in me. I wish you could be alive some more years. It was too early for your little one.

  • Brandon by Brandon, Adelaide
  • 8 years ago

My father left me as a young boy. I never really knew him at all. He left my mum to raise me and my 2 sisters. I haven't seen him for like 11 years and I always wonder if he ever thinks about me, if he even cares about me. I go through tough times that just thinking about it makes me depressed, thinking that my father I hardly even know hates me and doesn't even care that I'm not in his life. I want to meet him one day but idk if I could handle it. It's hard having to be the only man in the house, no other man to look up to. It has gotten me into trouble and my father not being there hasn't really bothered me until this year, idk if its cause I'm 14 and going through stages where I feel like I need a father to be there for me to look up to.

  • Bree Anna by Bree Anna
  • 8 years ago

This is basically the exact same thing I'm going through. My dad was and still is a horrible person and I will forever hate him for not being a "dad" to me. Do you know how much it sucks having no father to spend a "Father's Day" with? Do you know how much it sucks that I have no person in my life that I can call dad? My father will never be a "dad" to me. I'm a girl by the way.

  • Annette by Annette, California
  • 9 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if he thinks about me. If he wonders how I’ve grown up. If he wonders how I did in school. If he ever wanted to meet me. Walk me down the aisle. As strong as I am, I think there's always gonna be a part of me that will always wonder. Always wonder what it would have been like to know him. How I would have changed knowing him. Would I have changed knowing him? What would I say to him if we met tomorrow? If I walked out and we met one day. Or maybe we’ve already met, and I just never knew. I grew up well. I went to school, graduated, and am getting my masters. I want to help people. Help students. That's who I am, I sometimes wish I knew who you are.

  • Danielle by Danielle, united States
  • 9 years ago

My father left me in 2012, and started his own family. He raised me all the way up till I was eleven. He doesn't answer my phone calls or texts I haven't seen him in 6 months. Now to know the person I love so much doesn't care really hurts. I feel as if I'm an option.

  • Carly by Carly, South Dakota
  • 9 years ago

Reading this is like reading my life story. He left when I was 11 and stopped talking to me, just gave up. Remarried with new daughters, and he never looked back or reached out. He lives less than a mile away from me, and we haven't talked in 8 years now.

  • Kendra by Kendra, Ontario
  • 9 years ago

My dad left me when I was first born. He came back when I was two and all my life he said he would never leave me again. He lied. Before my 14th birthday, he left. I haven't talked to him since June 26th 2014. I cry myself to sleep sometimes because I believed he would never leave me. He was my favorite person in the world. And now I just feel like I am worthless.

  • Justin McKinley by Justin McKinley
  • 9 years ago

My dad left me when I was a baby. This poem majorly touched me because I'm trying to get to know him better but it only feels as if things are worse.

  • Avril by Avril, CA
  • 9 years ago

The exact same thing is happening to me right now. I feel your pain and am suffering, too. It feels so terrible, I know. I'm so sorry that other people have to go through this, too. Funny how us kids are trying to be the better people, eh?

  • Father by Father, Washington
  • 9 years ago

I am a father of twin daughters in Washington State. I read through all these comments and am amazed at how much people love and miss fathers that left them behind and yearn for those relationships. I don't get it at all. I don't even think my daughters would miss me at all if I left. They hardly speak to me, are more interested in their friends and facebook accounts, and never express any sort of affection or interest in my being part of their lives. Unless, of course, they want or need some "thing." Really, I am not exaggerating. I don't think I would ever leave because I feel a sense of responsibility and I would like to think that maybe some day they wouldn't take me for granted. But sometimes, I think that running away might be the best thing I could do....and that at least I could associate with people who loved and needed me. But I won't...I will go on doing what I am and trying to be a father the best way I know how....but I am bewildered wondering what I did wrong along the way that this relationship seems so one-sided. Maybe, they should have a chance to try out NOT having a father in their lives...everyone should read these comments, especially those whose fathers are trying their best....

  • Tammy by Tammy
  • 7 years ago

If they are teenagers, you have to hug them even if they don't act like they want it. They will come back.

  • Aaliyah Turner by Aaliyah Turner
  • 8 years ago

This may be how YOU feel sir but I promise that is not true. I'm 10 yeas old and my father left me when I was 18 months old. This recent fathers day I was at church with my cousin and he started crying at the service, he broke down. What about those without a father, huh, why do we celebrate fathers day. I know they love you, because my whole life I tried to convince myself I hated him but I couldn't do it. Everyday I search, just last week I found him, I called I cried, I laughed, it was everything I should've had all at once and that is how I KNOW that your daughters love you and it would hurt if you left because I went through it.

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 9 years ago

I don't know exactly what your situation is and about your girls but it is probably a phase. I know this because every teen goes through it. They want freedom and not to be told what to do by their parents but I'm telling you that they need you. My father left my siblings and I to fend for ourselves with my mom and now I see how much I needed a father. I will have to live without a father now and I will, but it isn't the same. When he left it was like my whole foundation of my life collapsed. I wasn't his little princess anymore. I wasn't his little girl anymore. My hero, my perfect daddy was gone for another woman. My heart was crushed and till this day I haven't been able to be fully okay. But now I know life will be different and I accept that. But, I wish I had my dad who would protect me and always worry for me.

  • Christina Covert by Christina Covert, Tampa
  • 10 years ago

I'm not sure why the adult children of divorced parents are so devastated in these writings but the split has nothing to do with the child, don't you people know that your parents are HUMAN, and sometimes one or both aren't getting what they need in the marriage. People make mistakes when they hurt the ones they love but they (Parents) have feelings, wants and needs understand this and the dark cloud will lift... see them as people, as human...your pain will disappear.

  • Charlie May by Charlie May
  • 9 years ago

I see my parents as human and I know they make mistakes. My mom left my dad when I was three, because it just wasn't working anymore. My mom has ALWAYS been there for me no matter what, but unfortunately my dad made the decision to not do the same. He wasn't there on my first day of school, my first swimming lesson, my graduations and many other important moments in my life. HE made that choice. In the past years I have done so much to get and stay in contact with him, but he slammed the door in my face every time. Do you have any idea how painful it is to know that someone chooses not to be a part to be of your life? To know that your own dad treats you as an option? Do you have any idea how painful it is when promises are broken time after time, to hear your mother scream and yell on the phone fighting for you? When your dad doesn't even visit or call on your birthdays or when he forgets? There is just so much pain, and even though parents are just human, if you decide to walk out of the door and never look back... you don't know what you're doing to your child.

Also, even when the parents still visit the children there is still a lot of pain. Especially when it is a fight kind of divorce (fighting over custody, money, etc.) There are lots of reasons why people divorce, but it is usually what happens right before, during and after the divorce that scars people (not only the children). And children naturally have a tendency to blame themselves for every bad thing that happens and unfortunately they take all that blame with them into adulthood.

I hope that kind of clears it up for you. As you probably already guessed, i'm speaking from experience.

Kind regards.

  • Bobert by Bobert
  • 10 years ago

I know now how it feels to walk around with a last name that doesn't deserve to be placed as a part of your name, a part of you. My father left 2 weeks ago. I'll be fine. :) hold on.

  • Shoreham by Shoreham
  • 10 years ago

When I was around 12 me and my sister and brother found out my dad had cancer and he will not have long left. My mom has already died and there was no one to go to. It was Wednesday 17 April my dad got rushed in to hospital we went to go and see him and then about 10 moment later he died and I was scared and then my brother walked out then we did. Two weeks later I found my sister dead in the front room. Now my brother hurts me and I cry myself to sleep . He hurts me more than names or words I wonder if or will he ever love me like I love him as a brother.

  • Katy by Katy, United States
  • 10 years ago

My mom and dad divorced when I was about 5 or 6. He didn't get to see me go to school for the first time and he was never there for me growing up. I'm now 21 going on 22 and to this day I wonder what I did wrong. My mom tells me I didn't do anything but I don't truly believe her.
My dad came to my graduation but didn't stay for the whole ceremony. Once he called me names for falling into the ocean on vacation,something I had no contol over. He still tries to tell me what to do sometimes.
Dad you were never really my dad and you've hurt me more than words can say. I've cried myself to sleep at night,wondering if you've ever loved me at all.

  • Nichele by Nichele, United States
  • 10 years ago

So about a year ago my dad split with my mom and then remarried her best friend. My parents were married for 25 years. My mom and her best friend were friends for 25 years. My dad and I were the best of friends. I knew he was up to no good and so over and over again I asked if he ok, or if was doing something he knew he shouldn't be. Over and Over again he lied to me. He ran off and got married without saying anything to anyone. Then came back on April 1st and called me to say he had bad news to tell. He had not been divorced from my mom before he started dating her best friend. Their divorce was final in January and was married in March. He has not reached out to me to apologize or even to see his two year old grandson. His parents who I was also close too have stopped talking to me as well. I lost my father, grandparents and a good friend. This poem speaks volumes to how alone I feel. I am hurting in the deepest sense possible.

  • Emily C. by Emily C.
  • 7 years ago

This honestly sounds the exact same to my situation. I don't even need to tell the story because you have the same description I would've...he divorced her,(supposedly) went with her best friend, got married, I had to ask to find out...uh so yeah. I feel your pain, except I'm only 14.

  • Jude by Jude, Winnipeg
  • 10 years ago

How I relate to so many of these stories. I am soon to be 60 and the pain is still deep in my heart and soul even though my Dad died 20 days ago.
He left his entire estate (NOT THAT WE NEED HIS MONEY) to his stepchildren and he told this to my sister when he lay dying in his hospital bed and asked her not to tell anyone. It is just the principle and one last final slap in the face by a man who chose not to love or care for his biological children Even though my Dad ignored and neglected his own flesh and blood children, grandchildren and great grand children, we were at his bedside daily but none of his beloved stepchildren were there nor did they show up at his Memorial Service. One would think at the age we are it would not bother us but that pain of never really having a Dad hurts deep that no one could imagine unless they have been through a similar situation.

  • Eric by Eric, USA
  • 10 years ago

I am a gay male, 24 years ago I had a one night stand with a young married girl just before I came out. A few weeks later the girl told me she was pregnant and it was mine. Knowing she was married, and not knowing for sure if the child was mine I stated I would do anything for her, and the child if she would allow a paternity test. She declined. Nine months later I saw her and the child which looked exactly like me when I was a baby. He had my eyes and nose. Again I asked her if he was mine, she said no. I know this child is mine, and have longed to be a part of his life. If you are out there. I have thought about you every day since you were born. If only I knew where you were, I would find you.

  • Linda by Linda, England
  • 11 years ago

I can relate to this. My father left when I was three and went to Australia with another woman who also left two children. We never heard from him again. My mother said if I had been a boy he wouldn't have gone. My mother hated me for it and I was brought up by my grandparents. Years later I found out he had died but he left a son. I finally got in touch with him and he came to visit, it did not go well. He had had a wonderful childhood, he knew nothing about their past or me. They had told many lies but gradually I found out the truth. I have moved on since all I can say I hope he had what he had done on his conscience for every day of his rotten life.

  • Isipho by Isipho, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Poem touched a chord in my heart. My father walked out on my mother before I was born and later married another woman. My mother introduced me to him and his family when I was 2 months old. That was the first and last time he and his family saw me- they never bothered to keep in contact.

When I was 19 (2009), I invited him on Facebook. He deactivated his account as soon as he got the invitation... I was angry for a long time after this but I am ok now- it's his loss

  • Marc by Marc, France
  • 11 years ago

Hi, I'm a father who had to leave a very damaging home with four children, and I relate to this poem now but in reverse because I've been doing all I can do for my children from a distance and seeing them and having them stay with me as much as I can. But now when I've finally started to recover from the abuse which meant I had to leave their mother, and am in a loving stable relationship and give them even more, I have been stopped from seeing them and they are believing I've deserted them when the opposite is true. I miss them so much and feel abandoned.

  • Claudia by Claudia, Montreal
  • 11 years ago

I relate to everyone with this kind of situation. My father left us when I was four. I'm the youngest of four kids that my mom courageously brought up on her own. She works extremely hard everyday for us. When I was younger I didn't realize what my father had done and I just wanted to have one. A father. So I would email him, saying I wanted to see him. And I did, around ten times a year. Now, I'm 14 and I realize how incredibly selfish and wrong that man is. I am ashamed to be his daughter. I think we are all victims and don't deserve this but I also think we should come together as one and help and listen to each other. It's been 8 months since I last saw him or spoken to him . My sibling have. Not me. I don't have a father.

  • Korky by Korky
  • 11 years ago

My dad left me when I was only a day old. I'm now 16 and wonder sometimes why he left me. Why would you leave your daughter behind? I found him on Facebook and sent him a friend request but he removed his Facebook profile. Sometimes I think to myself that his leaving was all my fault. But what could I possibly have done as a newborn? I just want a dad. He doesn't know what its like to live without a dad. I wish he had seen me growing up because he would of been so proud of me.

  • Kittydarleychan by Kittydarleychan, England
  • 11 years ago

My dad left my brother and I when I was only 8 months old. Mum died when I was 3 so my brother and I, who was 6, were split up in an adoption centre. Now I'm 16 and I miss my mum and brother. I miss my dad but only because if he was here my brother and I would still be together.

  • Taylor by Taylor, Canada
  • 11 years ago

My story is a bit different since my parents were never really together when I was born. Instead I was shared by the two of them until I turned 6. That was probably the worst birthday ever. He took me out for my birthday and the whole family was there. Then he called the next day and said he couldn't see me anymore and he was sorry. I never saw him again. We lived in the same city but I always just missed him. Then when I was 11 he was in an accident and passed away. I'm not sure what I'm more angry about.. The fact that he left me without an explanation or that he died.

For anyone still coping with the loss of there father, no matter what your story is, don't lose yourself in the experience. Instead try to grow up to be someone your mother would be proud of and learn from his mistakes. <3

  • Niiye by Niiye
  • 11 years ago

My dad left when I was 2 or 3 years old..and I haven't seen him since he left. I turned out like my brothers drinking..Getting in trouble at school..Ditching too much. It breaks my heart that I never get to see him but I have picture of him when my mom and my dad were getting married. Everytime I look at it I start to cry.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 11 years ago

My dad left me when I was 2 years old (1991). He was a big drug addict, and he was always in and out of jail. One day he got transferred back to Nova Scotia to one of the jails there, and I haven't seen him since.. About 3 years ago (2010) he came down to meet me, but he brought his 2 sons and wife. That didn't bother me at all. I love having them as brothers, they are amazing kids. Then he left again, it broke my heart. I never knew I could be so connected with a man that I hardly even knew. We try to keep in contact as much as possible, but he is always busy with his family or work. I always feel like I'm the third choice. So now its 2013 and he finally came back down.. But he again brought his son for bonding time. I now have a 2 month old son.. And my dad thinks the world of him. Always wants to hold him, kiss him, loves him.. And again what about me. I think I'll always be last in his books. But at least I get to see him every couple years. Like they say forgive but never forget.

  • Victor by Victor, California
  • 11 years ago

My new life poem, my dad left the house this past December because he said he wasn't happy with my mom anymore, he was confused. My poor mom would break down in tears every night he was gone, it made me sad for both sides. Recently, my mom figured out that the reason why he really left is because he had an affair with one of his coworkers, she got his phone read all the messages between each other and caught them hanging out. He spent New Years with another woman instead of his kids. It hurts me so much because I'm 19 and he was there for me, shared so many moments together and taught me many things. Thank you for this poem, it touches me.

  • Jill by Jill, Texas
  • 11 years ago

I feel your pain. My dad left us when I was 7. He went off chasing a younger woman. He left my mother and my two sisters and me behind. We existed on mother's small salary for working in a factory and sewing for other people. We learned to be very strong. Later dad came back but he was changed. He was always drunk. I never felt good enough as his daughter. Never wanted. It does leave a mark on you when you have no daddy. Sadly you wish for that relationship all your life and find only emptiness and poor substitutes. There is nothing and no one to fill that void. Now my dad is sick and I must go care for him because his new wife doesn't want to take care of him anymore because he had a stroke. I wish I wasn't so sad with him. But after all this time it still hurts. I wonder when the hurting ends.

  • Melody by Melody, UK
  • 11 years ago

Parents divorced when I was about 6. I was always my dads and my brother was always my mums. Things were going awfully bad at home and my mum had enough of my dad. She run away with me and my brother, We settled in a new town and shortly after through social services when I was 7/8 I would see my dad at the centre and he'd bring me toys and he'd cry when he'd see me . After a while my brother would take me to see my dad every 8/9 months in at his home for couple of days. Then when I was 11 he'd come up to my hometown and spend time. My brother and mum never really liked him and I felt alone and couldn't express my feelings. My mum got a new husband and I hated him so badly. My dad was jealous and after few years he got a new younger wife, since I was 12 didn't see my dad. I just heard about a year ago he got two twin boys. I always told myself I was ok and never thought about it but today I broke down saw I how much in denial I was! I can't stop crying. I'm 18 now and I miss my daddy so much!!

  • Florida by Florida
  • 12 years ago

My father literally ignored me and my family for about 3 years. He left the country for work then suddenly stopped calling and sending money completely. I went to that country to study believing he would call me. He knew I was there but never called. He ignored me for about a year, plus I had to drop out of university because we had no money to pay. Suddenly he called me and bought me a ticket to go back home. Now he reconnected with the family but had become cold towards us, even my mother. He even hit her once. He would tell us that he wants a new family and he doesn't care about his children. He spends as much time as he can away from home and gets angry quickly and says hurtful things. I know he doesn't want this family anymore. Sometimes I wish he would die but my mom doesn't work so it would be rough. I finally went back to university and have 2 more years to complete my degree. I want to pursue my Masters after this. I just hope I can tolerate him long till I get a job and move.

  • Lydia by Lydia, Missouri
  • 12 years ago

Dad left. Dropped in and out when convenient for him. It was his father and brother that made me feel valuable, like a princess. when he was sick and dying, I didn't care and still don't. When he died the coroner's office wanting to know what to do with his dead body. I replied that dogs bury bones, so throw him into the street and hopefully a dog will bury him, and I told the coroner not to call me again, and hung up the phone. Luckily as an abandoned daughter I didn't fall into the trap of going through strange men looking for love - I'm the kind of woman you have to jump through a million hoops to prove you love me and intend on staying around. Only been with one guy - married him - left him - never replaced him as I didn't want a stranger raising our son whom he abandoned. Be strong and realize we can't control the bad behavior and decisions of others. It's hard, but we have to move on.

  • Kathy by Kathy, Cincinnati
  • 12 years ago

FATHERS, you have to understand what you do to your children when you leave us and our moms for other women. How can you leave your children?
Do you see all the pain in these letters? It never, never, never ends, the pain that you have caused. I am 60 years old, my father caused me much pain during my life. He died today and he never said he was sorry.

Fathers, you still have time to change your child's life for the better by making a life with them now. Call your children and tell them how much you love and miss them and you want to start a life with them. You'll never believe how forgiving a person with a wounded heart can be.

  • Sahara by Sahara, Sydney Australia
  • 12 years ago

I'm sorry to everyone here but the pain doesn't go away. My dad left when I was 1. I never knew who he was until last year when I was 28. I found out he had 8 other kids. I hate my half sisters cause he loved them and not me. They don't understand what I went thru. He killed himself a couple months back and never explained himself or said sorry. It bothers me everyday I wish I had never found out who he was because it was so much easier. I could never leave my kids how did he leave his daughter???

  • C by C, U.S.A
  • 12 years ago

My dad did not work, he did not take care of his children when my mom was at work, he sucked the money from my mom by buying cigarettes instead of food for his children. He was a snake, a parasite. When I was seven and we had moved to another town, my parents had a huge fight and my dad moved back in with his parents. Occasionally we'd see him on weekends, because my mom said she wasn't going to keep my brother, sister, and I from that side of the family. Here I go thinking, "Maybe I won't be without a dad after all! Maybe he still loves us!" Two years later, when I was nine, I found out that my dad was internet surfing, found some strange woman from another state, and was going to move in with her. My impression was, "He doesn't love me anymore. It's my fault he left. I did something wrong to make him leave." The day he left was the last day I ever saw him. I was nine. I am now twenty-one. And I've been just peachy without him. May you find peace and God bless. You're not alone.

  • Reagan by Reagan, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My father left me when I was about two years old , He came back then left again , Came back then left again , And never got in touch with me again, He told me he didn't love me :/ He had two kids of his own , my two brothers , I didn't even get to meet one of the kids , They went to jail for leaving the babies alone in the house at a newborn and a like 2 year older, They left them , While they were passed out on the ground on drugs , It made me upset :/ But I am now 12 And living life with a step-dad who actually cares and is going to adopt me (:

  • Kellon Sealey by Kellon Sealey
  • 12 years ago

I can relate to your poem. When my mom was pregnant with me he left. He never said goodbye. My mom was 16 at the time. her parents cut her off an she had no way to go or get a job. She went to me father's mother and she took her in. It was then she got a job and raised me on her own. My dad he never even come back to at least see his son. We never talk or have an way of communication. I feel as though I have this empty space in my heart that can't be filled. I'm 16 now.

  • Emilia by Emilia, UK
  • 9 years ago

I know how you feel. My 'dad' left when I was 6 months old and i've never known how it felt to have a father. Im 16 too.

  • Mary-Jane Stamper by Mary-Jane Stamper
  • 12 years ago

My father left me a day after my birthday, the 12 of July 2012.. and he didn't care , he didn't explain why, I was raised very strictly and I guess he thinks that I should have a hard time my whole life but it's not right..he left me for his new life and I cried a lot.. because I told him everything. I trusted him with everything and now he found a new family and he doesn't need me anymore..

  • Elma by Elma, South-Africa
  • 12 years ago

My dad never told me he loved me, never even hugged me, never even gave me money. He was always drunk. I'm 16 now and was raised for 16 years by my grandparents but I call them mom and dad because they are like parents to me, but lately I can't help but wonder does he even know I'm 16? Does he even know or remember how I look? I wake up every single night crying wandering if he ever thinks of me. Every girl needs her real dad. I hope that saying that goes if you dream about someone they went asleep thinking of you because I dream of him almost every night!

  • Wayne by Wayne
  • 12 years ago

I am a father that left my kids behind. I find your poem very powerful. I had an addiction that I was very selfish with and I was locked up for 3 years. I can say that I changed my ways (people can change) and although I regret the past. I have a great relationship with my children. I have no doubt that this has caused them pain, anguish and repercussions that I will never know, but today, I am sober and love them with all of my heart. I hope this helps.

  • Shayron Tucker by Shayron Tucker, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

My father left me when I was first born at the hospital, soo I never really had a father figure. It hurts to see my sisters and brothers with their dad because I never got a chance to meet my father. It hurts to see someone talk about their dad because I never got a chance to even meet my dad. It hurts to hear that he has a family in Macon ,Georgia. I asked my mom why he left? She just said bad things about him because he left she never answer my question directly but I know the real reason why he left. He didn't love me or want to be a part of my life. I'm now 17 and still to this day I think about how my life will be if my father was in it but I know I probably will never meet him !!!!!! I would love too but it will never happen. Sometimes I wonder does he ever thinks of me or talk about me to his family???

  • Shelby by Shelby, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

I have wondered the same things. My father left my mother for another woman before I was born. After I was born, my mother took me to go see him to show him that I was his and he did not believe her. My dad did not want anything to do with my since then. I ran into him on New Years Day at McDonalds when I was 15 and he promised he was going to be around all the time and that he was going to make up for lost time but that only lasted 3 days and he was gone to his normal family again.

  • Mia by Mia, Scotland
  • 12 years ago

My step mum and step brother
Actually, I am in a different situation, but for the same reason; my dads selfishness. My dad is divorced to my mum, so I can only visit him a weekend every three weeks. He had a wife and her previous husbands son, and I saw them every time I visited as well. However, my dad announced their divorce, but told me I would still see my step mum and step brother for a good year afterwards, so I wasn't concerned. My dad lied to me though, because what I thought was just another trip to my dads and step mums, was actually my last, but I never said goodbye properly to them.
I miss them so much, even four years on, but my dad won't let me contact them, and it hits me every day that I didn't say goodbye or tell them how much I loved them... It really made me realize how selfish he can be... My story's not as touching and dramatic as anyone else's really, but I just wanted to tell it in the hope that there are some people who understand how I feel :)

  • Garrett by Garrett, Pennsylvania
  • 12 years ago

When I was 10 my dad disappeared because his house got foreclosed on and I haven't seen or heard from him since. I am now fourteen years old and doing fine. I still love him with all my heart even after he hurt me by doing these things I never understood why he left me or why he was always at a bar or with a random woman but now I am bigger and smarter understand only a fraction of it all. My mother remarried and now I have a new dad and he is awesome he is everything a son could ever want for a dad to be he takes me places with him and we go on trips and do lots of fun things that my old dad never did with me and I am happy now

  • Ag by Ag, Wilmigton
  • 12 years ago

I don't even know when my dad left us. My mom had me when she was only 17. She tries to make it sound like he doesn't want ANYTHING to do with me. But I try to believe that its not true. My dad and my mom dated for a while. when they broke up, she immediately found a new BF. She found out she was pregnant with me when she was with him. He was there for my birth and all! When I was around 2 years old, they found out that he wasn't my dad. He was heart broken. She found out who my real dad was and was shocked. She didn't tell him till I was around 6. I didn't find out about my dad till I was 9! He remarried had 2 daughters. My mom told me that, his name and that he live within walking distance of us! I still have yet to meet him and I'm turning 12 in 2 weeks. It's almost as if my mom is trying to keep me away from him. As if she wants me all to herself. My mom remarried in 08'. They divorced in Dec 10'. So just like that I lost my step dad and my dad! I've always wanted to meet him and hope I do!

  • Sta by Sta, Cruz
  • 12 years ago

In the past my mom and dad got divorced. My dad took me and my big sister away from my that time my dad didn't have enough money to raise us, so my dad took us to his mom and dad my grandparents, they were the once who raised me and loved me also my dad loved me at that time, my dad had a job in manila so he had to go, in summer times he takes a vacation in my grandparents house to spend time with me and my sister, at that time I thought that my dad will love us forever, but when he left and got back again he had a woman with him they got married and a baby girl my stepsister, after that day my dad didn't pay attention to me only my stepsister I do the best I could to get his attention but it never works, I understand that my stepsister needs love too but what about us, my dad left again and when I thought when he comes back he'll love us again but no for 6 years my dad never showed his love for us every time I see them together I fell hatred in me, I just wish he'll love me again.

  • Tiphanie by Tiphanie, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My little girl is growing up with out her father she is only 3 months old and may never even meet her father.... he hasn't even asked about her or tried to be there for me or her.. I just hope one day she can understand any fool can make a baby but it takes a man to raise a child....

  • Miranda by Miranda, Missouri
  • 12 years ago

My parents divorced when I was an infant. My father signed over his rights to my sister and I within a few years after my mom re-married. He never even tried to keep in contact with us. Now that I am an adult I've tried to make contact with him and build a relationship. I've forgiven him for leaving us. He re-married also and replaced us with 2 more daughters. He has no desire to make a relationship with me, even though I've tried so hard. I've finally given up. He never wanted me. I'm so thankful I have my Father in Heaven, who fills this terrible void.

  • Esmeralda Montiel by Esmeralda Montiel, California
  • 9 years ago

My dad went to jail for trying to kill my mom. I was 5 years old at that time and that's the last time I ever saw him. It's been 8 years now and I haven't seen him. We talk on the phone but he's never home. When I do talk to him, he makes up excuses to not see me. He always says he loves me but I know that's not true because if he loved me he would of sent money when we were in need. He would have come to visit but he never does.
But my Mom was always fighting for us. I thank my mom for everything she has done. We live in an apartment with two rooms. We rent one and me and my two sisters and brother sleep in 1 bed. My mom is always working day and night. the only time we see her is when she picks us up and drops us off at school. Then she goes back to work. We eat 1 Subway sandwich a day and do homework all day. That's how we always get awards at school.

Our life has been a mess but I thank my mom for everything she has done for us. Never leaving us and always doing her best to buy us supplies, clothes and all we need. For always giving us a place to live in. Also for being there in the special moments when I would be there to receive an award.

We're older now so she'll yell at me for not doing my chores or doing my homework but I can't say anything, I can't get mad because I look into her eyes that have suffered from all that working and think of all the things she has done for me and my brother and sisters and I don't know how I could ever repay her.
For the people reading this I can tell you one 1 thing and that's NEVER GIVE UP because god has something prepared for you. Have patience. You don't need a dad, just think of all the things your mom has done.

  • Usa by Usa
  • 12 years ago

My dad left when I was eight. I'm now fourteen, he is now married, she has kids. I had his number, he changed it. I have no contact with him at all. The day I met his wife she lied to my face. I haven't seen my dad in about 5 years. I cry every night because I miss him so much. I just wish he would man up, and realize what he has missed out on.

  • Armando by Armando, Franklin Park
  • 12 years ago

My dad would drink and hit me. Told me he never liked me or that no one will ever love me. He divorced my mom when I was on my 2nd grade summer vacation. After that my mom had to get two jobs. She would work early in the morning and come home late. My sister who would always get mad said she hated him, mom and me. It broke my moms heart to find out he got remarried. I'm now 13 and next time I see him I'll tell him I'm a bigger man than him. And I'll be a better father.

  • Mia by Mia
  • 12 years ago

I can also relate to this my dad left me and my mom a few days ago for a woman with one kid that was left by her husband! I tried to be strong and act like nothing happen but today I just had to let it out. I couldn't stand it. I though my dad loved me and my mom but I guess he didn't. So he is coming back on Monday and my mom and I are going to get our revenge on him cause what he did was wrong !

  • Noelle by Noelle, Alabama
  • 12 years ago

I feel for all of you. My dad left my Mom and I when I was 5. I was under the impression for all the years after that they just couldn't get along. My mom remarried within 2 years. The guy was great. Well, I should call him by his name, Larry, my stepdad. I love him so much. I didn't at first, well, actually, until about 21 because I kept hanging on to my "daddy", who only saw me when it was convenient for him. My dad passed in 2005. It is still very hard for me. I love my stepdad more than anything. I realize now, at 41, that he cared and still cares. My 2 children are going thru almost the same thing except their dad makes no effort to see them because he is a narcissist. My 16 year old son sees him occasionally because he can drive there. Out of letter allowance. Anyway, my daughter is 10 and doesn't see him at all. They do have a wonderful stepdad though. I know it's hard and I empathize with all of you.

  • New York by New York
  • 12 years ago

I thought I was the only one to feel this feeling of sad and hate just because my dad left my mother before I could ever meet him <3 I am turning 20 in six days and am still hurt and I wonder why.. my mom even told me that when I was younger I would say my life is like a puzzle with 1 piece missing.. and she would ask which 1? I'd say my dad.. I imagine her pain and gets me mad why would he leave?

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Quebec
  • 12 years ago

My Dad left me when I was 15. I'm now 17, It still kills me inside knowing that the man of my life just walked out of it. He was my hero and I could've only wished to have the great relationship that my parents had. But my father is a liar. I feel like my heart will be forever broken. I miss him so much, he moved to Virginia and I see him maybe each 9 months or so for two days . My mom and I live in Canada and it's not the same without him .

  • Monica by Monica, Minnesota
  • 13 years ago

My dad left me when I was 3. He went out and got two other girls pregnant. I have no relation with them because all of our moms have been arguing because of him. My mom was a teen mom at 16, my dad left my mom alone to take care of a child when she too, was still a child. 10 years later he contacted my mother telling her how he had changed, she told me about it so I agreed to meet him. I had so much hate toward him and so many things to say to him; but when I saw him I froze I was speechless. To look in the eyes of the man who left me. I could only think how could this man look into his daughters eyes and not just fall in love. Instead he cowards out and runs away missing my entire life. A year went by and we stopped talking. I called and called and he ignored every call. Finally he answered and his tone was cold. He told me that he was too busy for me and that we would have to put a hold on our relationship, I wouldn't stand that. So right there he left for a second time. Some people never change.

  • Kadalyn by Kadalyn, Newyork
  • 13 years ago

I was 6 years old when the planes crashed in to the towers I will never forget 9/11. I'm now 16 and when I was twelve my step dad left it was already bad enough my dad died in the attack now my step dad leaves? I still will never forget my dad I still like to imagine that he's out there somewhere and just can't find his way home it takes time for something so serious to heal

  • Samary by Samary, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

I am 17 & my parents split about 9 months ago.. He was my hero, someone I could look up to.. At first I thought I was going to be okay, that it wasn't going to bother me since I'm older.. & as time goes by I start to realize how much I miss him & need him. I haven't seen him in a year and he thinks money could buy love. He has a wife now and it kills me inside..

  • C. Britton by C. Britton, Downey
  • 13 years ago

My Dad left us when I was 10 years old, and I am 56 years old now. I can still remember the day he left, what he was wearing, his cologne, and the song he was listening to (his favorite). I eve remember the conversation him and I had before he walked out. I loved my Dad he was my Dad. My Dad was a truck driver and he was all over the place. My Mom loved him so much. She stayed married to him until the day she died in 1979. I could go on about this but we would be here all night. To make a very long story short he left us for another woman and I miss him every day. I am sure he has passed already. To this day when ever I am out driving or just outside and a truck goes by, I stop and look to see if its my dad. I loved my Dad so much and I miss him too, I want him to come home so I could be his little tinker again. (tinker was the name he called me) I love you Daddy.

  • C by C, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I understand I'm 15 and my real Dad left when I was 2 then I had my first step Dad not to long after. He was great though he was my step Daddy not the man that helped make me, but then Daddy left too. Sad to lose two makes it seem like no one loves you. My new step Dad is the worst though of all because he hates me and makes fun of me. It's horrible honestly I try not to cry anymore I mean HELL it's been 6 years maybe more or less, but I do it anyways because I just can't stop myself. It just hurts so much I don't even get to see him because his new wife hates me for some reason I don't know and I start to shake and can't breath when I get close to places we used to always be together........I miss my Daddy so < /3

  • Meghan by Meghan, Jackson
  • 13 years ago

When I was nine years old my father started an affair. I found out about it the same day my mother did. After four years of marriage therapy after that day, he never actually changed. In August of the fourth year we found out about another woman, who was half his age, just like the other woman. He went to a five week addiction rehab, and when he came back, he went to Chicago alone. He told my mom he wanted a divorce. He left us, my mother and my four younger sisters. I hope you find peace, as the wounds are deep, often much deeper than we realize.

  • Derek by Derek, Georgia
  • 13 years ago

I'm 41, I have three kids. I try hard each day to be the dad I never had. I haven't gotten over it, but it doesn't hurt as much as when I was young.

The way I see it: even the fastest, coolest car ever made can have a door that sticks from when it was repaired long ago. It's still the fastest, coolest car.

  • Nena by Nena, Cicero
  • 13 years ago

Hey I know how you feel. My dad left me when I was 10 and I'm now 12. I still see him every now and then at family parties but he never says hi to me. He now has a wife and has moved away. I try to talk to him but he doesn't want to keep in touch with me :( I really do miss him.. I have tried to go and visit him but he is never home.:'( life was great when my father was around but things have changed. I really do wish life can be the same and I wish he can come back.

  • B by B, California
  • 13 years ago

I can relate my dad left when I was 10 and I'm 13 now I was really close to my dad and he just left and moved to Iowa and started a new family. He married his wife within a few months and they has two kids together, he calls me twice a week and it's awkward and meaningless. My mom raised me and my little brother on her Own and I really miss my dad and I still love him but I don't understand why :( today I watch videos on a camcorder and my dad was in it and it made me really depressed I wish life was how it used to be.

  • D by D, Texas
  • 13 years ago

My dad divorced and left my mom when I was 4 months old. He wrote a couple of times through the next year or two, but we haven't heard from him since. I'm 30 now and my mom has tried hard to find him, but we don't know any of his family so we can't find him. I'm told I have a sister by him and a previous woman but I don't know how to find her, I am an only child I'd like to meet my sister some day. It's strange because I have many friends and nobody doesn't have their father. Its tough not to think about. When I have kids I won't leave them, especially since I know how bad it feels to have your father not care.

  • Ruby by Ruby, Queensland
  • 13 years ago

My dad left my family five years ago, he was still involved in my life, I saw him often. I was oblivious to how he treated my mother and when he slept on the mattress I was told that it was ok, dad snored. He told me a girl was sleeping over because she had something bad happen to her. I presumed she was a friend but I turns out he was having an affair. I was surprised but I didn't care. Over time my dad grew closer to the women and not as close to me. She treated me poorly and no one noticed. Sometimes my dad stuck for me but other times he didn't. I sometimes tried to tell him but he didn't listen and avoided talking about it. Its had been five years and I had put up with all the crap but because I loved him I didn't leave. I decided I was sick of it and got the guts to tell him I was leaving. he wasn't happy and screamed at me. I am only 15 and I have had to watch my father marry someone who had stolen him away from me and who will suck the rest of his love away from me.

  • Victoria by Victoria, NJ
  • 13 years ago

my dad left me & my sister when we were 1 &2!! My mom had a hard life!! No money from him!! No contact!! He raised a whole other family! I even seen him around town with his new family but did not even say he was my father to his kids. He passed about 2 months and now his wife is getting in contact with me apologizing for him and even wanted me to go to the funeral!! Now she tells me I have a sister and a brother the sister asked what should we do now? She never knew she had 2 sisters ! about a week before his death he told her that we never got in contact with him!! which is not true I was on Facebook too!!

  • Maryam England by Maryam England
  • 13 years ago

My mum and dad split up when I was 13 I'm 17 now. at first it didn't hurt me, but as time went on and I found out he had a new wife and kids it destroys me from the inside. It's been almost 4 years since I aint seen him he doesn't make no effort to come see me. I miss him soo much I just wish he would realize that he had other responsibilities of looking after me.

  • Vivian by Vivian, Germany
  • 13 years ago

I think I know how you feel. My dad committed suicide shortly after my fourth birthday and my mum had to take care of four children, alone! I still have to deal with his death.. and sometimes I'm really angry that he left me and my little sister without a daddy..
Hope you can forgive your dad for what he did.. or at least find peace.

  • Hannah by Hannah, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

When I was very little my mom and dad got a divorce. I didn't really effect me until now, and I am 15. My dad he lives in Oklahoma with another family, another life. And my brave mother takes care of her three children all by herself. No help from others. I do get to see my dad over summer, sometimes for like 2 weeks and that's all. Like I don't remember any memory with him, so it's pretty much like he is not my dad. A dad wouldn't treat kids that aren't his own like they are his own and leave me and my sister without a care of a father. He never calls, never messages me; he has my number but doesn't even try to have a relationship with me.

  • Tonya by Tonya, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I can relate also, my father left my mom when I was born and never gave her a dime to help. I met him my last year in high school, by then he had 9 plus kids and at least 8 of them he was there to raise them. When I am around my father and my siblings I feel like I don't belong and I am still in pain because he left me. Many times I believe because he left me that is the reasons why I can't keep a man. I forgive my father but I have a hard time forgetting.

  • Angellus by Angellus
  • 13 years ago

My father left before I was born. When he found out my mother was pregnant with me, he just left, no goodbye, nothing. His only contact was to deny his paternity and that was that. I'm a grown man now and it still hurts to think about it, even though I try not to. I'm sorry for your pain and I hope you find peace.

  • R by R, Uk
  • 13 years ago

Hey, I can also relate to your poem.
It's my 30th birthday and I haven't had any contact with my father over 20 years. I wonder if he remembers, cares or even thinks about his first family at all.

  • Billie Jo Koepke by Billie Jo Koepke
  • 14 years ago

Oh I love this poem so much, my father left me when I was 2 months old, and has been in and out my life, but nothing to really remember. I have even had one of my son's on his B-day, but still no response, always waiting by the phone just thinking one day he will call me and want to meet his grandkids! I want a dad, always have, and always will!

  • Sarah by Sarah, New York
  • 14 years ago

My father took off to Florida in the middle of the night when I was 10. I am now 32 and have yet to get over it. I am still angry with him and hurt. I talk with him on occasion, but it is always so meaningless and empty. I would really like to forgive the man and just move on with my life, I just don't know how. I will forgive him one day though... hopefully I can do it before he dies.

  • Megan by Megan, Wausau
  • 14 years ago

I can also relate too this story. I'm 15 and my daddy left me. He has a drinking problem ): And its hard, cause he never calls me on my birthday or anything. He doesn't care about me. He wanted a boy not a girl.

  • Jackie by Jackie, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

I can relate to this story. My father left my mom when I was five, when she had just had my little brother, for another girl and then went to jail for drug trafficking. I haven't heard from him once since then.

  • Mandy by Mandy, Coventry
  • 14 years ago

I can relate to your poem, my father left me at 3 walked in and out my life first, then decided to cut contact completely. He is a gutless, cheating coward. I have achieved so much without him. and he was not even man enough to support financially throughout my childhood even though he is a highly successful business man!

  • Shelby Spencer by Shelby Spencer
  • 14 years ago

My father left me when I was 3, left my mom for a drug addict. He went to prison for 10 years, has just come and has yet to change his ways. My mother raised 4 kids on her own, no help from him.

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