Mother Death Poem

Death Of Sister-In-Law Poem

My sister-in-law passed away 1-21-09 from cancer. She has two young children ages 9 and 11. I had to tell them that their mother was going to pass. They flooded me with questions and said, "I know she will forget us." So I wrote this for them, to let them know she will always love them, no matter how far away she is.

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My sister-in-law was suddenly snatched from us by the cruel hands of death leaving behind my brother and four young children. Her sudden death is a big blow for both families. I was extremely...

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Your Mother, Your Angel

© more by Natasha Jordan

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2009 with permission of the Author.

You look back on memories you forgot you had,
And at times you'll smile even though it hurts so bad.

Your mother is a special woman, and no one can take her place.
You'll find a peace of mind when you remember her smiling face.

Your mother is an angel now; she flies high above the rest,
And in your hearts always and forever she will be the best.

She has earned her wings, and it's time for her to fly.
I know it hurts; no one is ever ready to say goodbye.

She knows you do not understand and that you cry at night,
But as you finally drift off to sleep, let her memory hold you tight.

She will be your guardian angel through the rest of your life,
Helping lead you on the path between what's wrong and right.

Your mother loves you so very much, and her love will always remain true.
Please don't ever think for a second that your mother will forget you.

A mother's love is like no other in the whole world,
And she has the most wonderful memories of a little boy and girl.

She has taken them with her as she's flown away,
Up to Heaven free of pain, which is her new home to stay.

So although you cannot see her and you wish she could be there,
Your mother can always hear you, and your mother will always care.

A mother does not forget the two greatest loves of her life,
And she loved nothing more than being your mommy and your daddy's wife.

She is so proud of her family, and that's in her heart to stay,
Even though she's an angel and has had to fly away.

So as you cry your tears, remember your mother's love
Being sent to you from her, from the beautiful Heaven above.

She will be there through your good times; she will be there through your bad.
She'll be there when you are happy, she'll be there when you're sad.

Your mother has become and angel now; it is her time to fly,
And you will never know how badly it hurt me to watch you have to say goodbye.


more by Natasha Jordan

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kwame by Kwame
  • 4 years ago

My sister-in-law was suddenly snatched from us by the cruel hands of death leaving behind my brother and four young children. Her sudden death is a big blow for both families. I was extremely touched by the poem and the message. This poem says it all, her young children would take comfort from this prose.

  • joyce by joyce
  • 10 years ago

I'm sorry you lost your sister-in-law. l just lost my aunt who died of cancer. She was like a mother, father, role model, sis, bro and friend. A big loss for me and also her children. Thank you for this poem it will really help us.

  • Mohsin by Mohsin, NJ
  • 10 years ago

My sister in law passed away from kidney failure, she left 2 daughters behind, 9 years and 11 years. Saddest day of my life. I will be reading this poem to them and I am sure this poem will help them in their lives, GOD bless you all

  • Seth Mokler by Seth Mokler, Maine
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom in 2005 to throat cancer. That is the nicest poem I've ever seen. I will keep this poem in my email and whenever I'm sad I will read it.

  • Gina Fisher by Gina Fisher
  • 11 years ago

My brother and his son are on the verge of losing their "Lady" due to a massive stroke, which was not expected by any of us. It saddens me to see her leave us so suddenly. I feel as if I never got the chance to know her well enough, but the short time that we did spend together helped build a lifetime of memories. I am not saying goodbye to her yet, for the Lord is still allowing her to spend time here with us and we all know that God works in mysterious ways.

  • Precious by Precious, Lydenburg
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my mom December 2012 a day before her birthday it was bad and it's bad even now I can't get over it is hard and painful even today. I just feel like I can see her now or hear her voice. My life it difficult ever since I lost her but this poem makes me feel her presence. I love it.

  • Leslie by Leslie, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I have had custody of my step daughter for five years now. I have been with her daddy since her mommy was 2 months pregnant. And less than a week ago my 9 year old step daughter lost her one and only mommy to a drug habit. I am in so much pain to see her in pain I ache so much for her. I felt and still feel helpless. I feel like my hugs aren't enough she misses her so much!!! I love this poem Thank you!!

  • Corryne by Corryne, Qld
  • 13 years ago

My half sisters mother passed away last week after a year of recovering from a brain hemorrhage/stroke. She was progressing really well until a week ago when the doctors found blood clots in her legs which then caused her heart to fail. My sisters are 16 and almost 18, I cant even begin to understand what they are going through. I hate you don't mind but I posted your poem on a RIP group on fb. Of course I will not be claiming it as my own. I just thought it was so beautiful and wanting to share it with them.

  • Sonia Kingsville by Sonia Kingsville, TX
  • 14 years ago

My mother and law just passed away, I was looking for something to read at her funeral. This poem is perfect for the occasion, it says everything I was looking to say. She had my husband and a daughter only so the descriptions coincide with exactly what I was hoping to find. Thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words. Even though your niece and nephew are small, as they grow they will truly come to appreciate the words you wrote especially for them. I'm sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family!

  • Carmen by Carmen, San Diego
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother on October 6th, 2010. Is been 3 months, almost 4 and I still cant find resignation or peace in me. I still feel empty without her.
Great poem!

  • Breasia Ruston by Breasia Ruston, La
  • 14 years ago

My mother died two months ago. She had breast cancer and the doctors waited until it got really bad, then they wanted to take her breast. A couple of months later the cancer had spread all over her body and she was bleeding from her breast on the one that they took. She died the next day. I'm only 14 and lost my mother.

  • Samantha by Samantha, San Antonio TX
  • 14 years ago

This is beautiful poem. I lost my mother 3 weeks ago just a few days after her birthday she had a massive heart attack I've been taking it hard and this poem made me pour tears. I miss her so much. it hurts so bad to other people who still have their mother - always appreciate everything she does. tell her you love her all the time and every time she leaves because she might never come back.

  • Kara by Kara, NY
  • 14 years ago

That was beautiful. My grandmother unexpectedly passed away only a couple days after my mother's birthday and she took it hard. This poem, even though written for your two young niece's or nephews is perfect for how I feel about talking to my mother about my grandmother. You did a great job!

  • Amanda Larson by Amanda Larson, Benton AR
  • 14 years ago

That was beautiful. My mother died from breast cancer when I was 11. And no one told me that she was sick. I mean, I knew she was, but I didn't know it was that serious. It would've been nice to know instead of just waking up one morning and my sister telling me she was gone.

  • Rachelle Morsworthy by Rachelle Morsworthy
  • 14 years ago

My mother passed away a month ago and this poem really touched my heart. It just said everything I needed to hear. She had been in kidney failure for many years. I could not have asked God for a better mother. Thank you for this inspiring poem.

  • Emily by Emily, Wisconsin
  • 14 years ago

My mother died from a brain tumor when I was 5 years old. She knew she was not going to make it and made me a video a few months before she died. In it, she says many of the same things you said. She told me to "take my arms and wrap them around you whenever you're feeling sad, and that's Mommy giving you a hug." Your poem was really well written and it made me think of my angel mom.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 15 years ago

It has to hurt to lose your sister, I am now living with my aunt( my mothers sister) after my mother passed away just a week after my birthday. It was a sudden death from pneumonia the doctors didn't catch it in time.. My aunts heart breaks every time she sees me and my older brother saying we remind her so much of her, but she has been my strength through all of this. I'm sure your own niece and nephew will thank you one day for being there for them.

  • Cristin by Cristin
  • 15 years ago

My Aunt just died from Bone Cancer She was a wonderful person who left 4 children ages 11,13,18,and 21. They will miss her forever. Thank you for posting your words that may help them.


I'm sorry you lost your sister-in-law. The message in this poem is a very important one for grieving children. If they are able to grasp it, it should give them a lot of comfort. And they should be able to because, though the thoughts are profound, the poem is written in a way that's accessible to children. The fact that someone loves them enough to sit down and write this for them will also mean a lot. Well done.


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