Mother Death Poem

Wound Of Losing A Mother Poem

This poem is dedicated to my mother whom I lost a few years ago. The pain never goes away.

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Sherry, Today is the one year anniversary of my own mother's passing - Sept 20. I read your note. I feel your pain. No one is like our mother!! We have so many memories that bind us to her....

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The Unhealing Wound


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

There is this wound; it hurts so bad.
It always appears when I am sad.
No matter what I do, it won't go away.
It's in my heart where it will always stay.
It appeared the day you left this world
and I was no longer your little girl.
Forced to grow up with you not there
to make things easy that I couldn't bear.
I search for you every day,
if I'm sick, sad, or just have something to say.
I'm jealous of some girls,
girls who still have their mothers.
I tell them to appreciate what they have,
because after they are gone,
there simply is no other.
I have this pain that won't go away.
It makes me mad that you couldn't stay.
No matter how many years go by,
there's still one time of day that I cry.
I miss you dearly, and this is true,
my wound will not heal until I'm with you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sam by Sam
  • 7 years ago

My heart goes out to you. You are so young, yet you have touched so many people. You brought me to tears in just a few sentences. I lost my mother just 6 months ago. She was my everything. Lots of prayer and believing in God help me cope with my loss. I know she is always around me or watching over her loved ones. You just have to believe. I hope this helps.

  • Sherry by Sherry
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mother August 28, 2016. We just had her funeral yesterday, Sept 7, 2016. I am having a hard time coping with her death. Things happened so quickly. We still don't know exactly what caused her to pass away. The pain I feel is hard to cope and deal with. I never felt pain like this before. I have dealt with death before: my father July 19, 2013 and my brother July 20, 2015 (on my birthday). It's been rough coping with all three deaths, but my mother's is the worst pain I have ever felt. It seems like the pain is getting worse. It's rough. Sometimes the pain is almost unbearable. Praying for better days.

  • Nichole by Nichole
  • 8 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious mother. I know everyone says that the pain goes away with time. The rawness does, but the ache never does. Losing your mother is something I don't wish on anyone. The advice I can give to you is this....allow your heart to heal as much as you can. Allow yourself to be angry. Allow yourself to cry and grieve, no matter how much time has gone by. And number 1...know that your beautiful mother is around you, loving and guiding you until you meet again.

  • 8 years ago

Today is the one year anniversary of my own mother's passing - Sept 20. I read your note. I feel your pain. No one is like our mother!! We have so many memories that bind us to her. She felt our pains and calmed our fears and provided for us since infancy. So remember her for all the blessings and nurturing she provided for you, and carry on with the strength and love she gave to you. She would want you to be well and be happy. Seek support and keep your other friends and supports, and keep on doing and giving now to others. The loss will never completely heal, but know that your mother is your angel, your friend, and your advocate forever!

  • Tina by Tina
  • 8 years ago

How do I let go of all the things I feel. How do I go on knowing I should of done more. How can I forgive myself for staying away when I should of been with with you more knowing that I didn't have you for long . Was in denial and just didn't want to except that you were dying .I failed you as your daughter in so many ways. And now it's too late. There's no more changes no more time with you. How do I live with all this guilt. I'm dying inside with so much anger with myself. I wish god would of taken me not you.

  • Kristi by Kristi
  • 8 years ago

I just lost my beloved mother and best friend December 15, 2015. I haven't been the same since. The pain is unshakable and your poem means a lot! Thank you! It touched my soul. I don't know how to go on without her, she taught me everything but that. She was 68 and had a heart attack.

  • Christal by Christal
  • 8 years ago

I just lost my mom on March 22, 201. It hasn't even been a month yet. Does it get any easier? This is killing me inside I don't think the pain will ever go away:(

  • Gianna by Gianna
  • 8 years ago

My mother just died on June 16, 2015. She was in her 60's and she died of a heart attack. I never got to say good bye and I deeply appreciate this poem. I miss her with all my heart.

  • Meagan by Meagan, MD
  • 14 years ago

My best friends mother was killed by a drunk driver. She was the most awesomest person ever. She was like my second Mom. Now I have no one to call at three o'clock in the morning to ask if everything is going to be ok.
Then about two weeks ago my friend took her life. She was raped. She couldn't take the pain. I was there when she took her life. She did it in the bathroom. I saw the pain in her eyes as I tried to save her. But it was too late. Now she is with her mom, and one day I will be to. But not soon, I have to much ahead of me. but I will always live with the pain of loosing loved ones

  • Tracy by Tracy
  • 16 years ago

My mother was brutally murdered 15 years ago and to this day there is not a hour that goes by that I don't think of her and especially miss her. Your poem touched my heart and the memories I had with my mother. Thank you and never forget the good times you had with your mother! Though she is gone her memory lives on (in You).

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