Friendship Poem by Teens

Poem About A Special Friendship

I wrote this for one of my best friends so she knows how much she means to me.

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My friend and I met in our school band. We had a lot of problems, but it didn’t break our relationship. But this semester, I’m going to another country to student, and she prepared for high...

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No Other Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

No other friend is quite like you.
No other friend could do exactly what you do.
No other friend could listen to my dreams,
No matter how weird it all seems.
You're the one who's there for me when I need a friend.
We're gonna be tight till the end.
We always have fun when we are together.
We always find something to do no matter what the weather.
No other friend could understand me like you do.
I don't know what I would do without a friend like you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Yuexin Ren by Yuexin Ren
  • 4 years ago

My friend and I met in our school band. We had a lot of problems, but it didn’t break our relationship. But this semester, I’m going to another country to student, and she prepared for high school. We didn’t talk too often, but we know we are still the most important people to each other.

  • MJE by MJE, New South Wales/ Albury/ Australia
  • 9 years ago

This poem is just wonderful. It reminds me of my best friend. She showed me it, and it reminded me of her and described every detail about her.

  • lolo by lolo
  • 15 years ago

thsi poem wassooooo good

  • adam by adam
  • 16 years ago

wow this is exactly how I feel I'm going to show her this poem... we love each other more then friends but she's moving and she doesn't want to get any closer to me I understand that and its hard.. but she's still my best friend and this poems I hope will help her understand that

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