Fear Poem

Healing Your Inner Child Poem

This poem is about the inner child we all have that needs healing, holding, and love. The one who keeps us stuck in familiar patterns. The one who shows up when we least expect it. It's acknowledging her. It's telling her I see you; I know what you went through. It's okay, I am here for you now.

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I agree with you. I believe it's reassuring to many that there's hope for a child's fear to end as an adult, that our fears can end for we're now grown enough to care for ourselves the way we...

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Nothing To Fear

© more by Catherine Lamberton

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2022 with permission of the Author.

You poor little girl,
You never grew up.
Trapped in this vessel,
Your feelings erupt.

Lost in the shuffle,
Daddy's love you desired.
Always the best,
Yet nothing transpired.

Worry and fear,
Only emotions you knew.
Hidden from the world,
No one had a clue.

Your smile was false,
You lived such a lie.
You did what you had to,
Anything to get by.

The fear, the sadness,
The doubt never ceased.
Tucked deep inside,
The anxiety increased.

Haunted by your feelings,
Reckless you became.
Adding to the chaos,
Guilt, hurt, and shame.

You poor little girl,
I know you are here.
I'll take care of you now.
There's nothing more to fear.


more by Catherine Lamberton

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  • Dusty Gibson by Dusty Gibson
  • 1 year ago

I agree with you. I believe it's reassuring to many that there's hope for a child's fear to end as an adult, that our fears can end for we're now grown enough to care for ourselves the way we always deserved. Those of us who have a scared little one inside that may have felt they weren't good enough for a parent’s love. That nothing we ever did as a child was good enough yet we smiled and kept trying as the fear, loneliness and overwhelming sadness kept growing inside. Living a lie, pretending the pain inside wasn't tearing us to shreds, doing whatever it took just to manage the pain inflicted. Now we're able to take care of that terrified little one inside who was so very hurt and keep them safe. We never have to feel like that again because we can take care of the child inside the way they always deserved to be. There is hope. Always. Thank you for your poem. For knowing I am not alone, for the hope and the inspiration it brings.

Thank you so much for the response. It is amazing what doing the work to acknowledge and heal our inner child can do for us. For me it has also allowed grace to be extended to those who knew no better. I knew I wasn't alone either! I'm glad you found this poem!

  • Benjamin E. Hoyle by Benjamin E. Hoyle
  • 1 year ago

This is a message of hope which will speak to many people. Thanks for sharing.

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