Death Of Partner Poem

To My Fiancee Who Was Murdered

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Thank you. My mom passed away two years ago now, and I've always felt like no one understood me. I feel like crap every day, and although my life has only begun, it feels like my glorious...

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Why You?


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

As each day passes,
I sit and wonder why.
Why you were taken
without a chance to say goodbye?
And as I start thinking
with tears running down my cheeks,
I think of life without you, and it really makes me weep.

I think of the future,
and nothing seems that bright.
Nothing is the same without you by my side.
All I have are memories and a hole inside my heart.
I knew how much I loved you from the very start.

I look at the pillow beside me where you used to rest your head.
Now all I have is a grave to look at instead.
I long for you to hold me,
tell me everything's ok.
I just want so much for this pain to go away.

You take life for granted without a thought about the day
someone you truly love is suddenly taken away.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Be by Be
  • 7 years ago

Thank you. My mom passed away two years ago now, and I've always felt like no one understood me. I feel like crap every day, and although my life has only begun, it feels like my glorious days are already behind me. It hurts so hard, but reading your poem actually softens the pain a little. Finally someone who doesn't get started about heaven or that the person you miss is still looking down from above. She is gone and I just have to deal with it. But at least I get to deal with it, right? We get to live, we get to be alive. So many people have gone through worse. I really hope you found some peace, found a way to still be able to see the good, beautiful things in life. Because whenever I feel a little too depressed, it can help a little. Just looking at a nice flower, or walking in the sunshine. It can help to remind us to live our life and not to mourn every second, day, that passes. It is okay to go on with our lives. It is the only way. Thank you for making me feel understood. (hug)

  • Katy by Katy
  • 10 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss and I will pray every night for you and your son :( I loved the poem I have to choose one for my project for school I choose this one.

  • Veronica Morris by Veronica Morris
  • 10 years ago

This poem is very touching and pain all too familiar. My fiancée was shot and killed July 19, 2013. At that time I was 5 months pregnant with our daughter. This tragedy weighs so heavy on my heart because I will forever be scarred. Birthdays will never be the same ever again because we shared the same day. He was my soulmate. I miss him so much that words can't explain it. Heartbroken forever.

  • Samaria Morris by Samaria Morris
  • 12 years ago

I feel your pain, when I read this it's like I am reading one of mine that I wrote. My husband was murdered three year's ago I feel the same way. Way too soon and didn't get to say good bye the pain never goes away. Sorry for your loss keep your head up.

  • Kyla Ortega by Kyla Ortega, Phoenix Az
  • 12 years ago

Beautiful poem my fiancé, also the father of my daughter was murdered on Dec. 22nd 2012 only 3 days before Christmas 6 days before my step sons birthday outside of a club over nothing just guys trying to prove themselves. They shot him 5 times. He was my everything we were together for 9 years & I miss him more everyday. It hasn't gotten any easier and at times I don't think it will. The day he died a piece of me died with him. We love and miss you everyday babe.

  • Oly by Oly, Houston
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me, I could not stop crying, my fiancé was also murdered two weeks ago on May 13, 2012 on Mothers Day. He was gunned down while coming home from work, I ask myself that same question everyday, why him!!!! We where together for about two years, he was only 25 years old and my best friend!!!! We were supposed to grow old together and form a family together and all our dreams and hopes where stolen from us too!!! As the days pass I miss my Sammy more and more!!! I feel lost without him.... May God Help Us With This Pain!!!

  • Jahlah by Jahlah, Sydney
  • 13 years ago

I'm always asking why you...I'm 17 and my fiancée was 20 he was murdered out of someone else's jealousy. Although someone took his life I'm always blaming myself. I'm having his baby soon, a little boy he would of loved him, he gave me a miracle, he always wanted us to share, how am I supposed to tell our baby son daddy isn't here. RIP baby boy joshie always keep us safe.

  • Annruzai Fernandes by Annruzai Fernandes, Mumbai
  • 13 years ago

No words to describe...
Don't worry everything will be fine...

  • Tracey by Tracey, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

Hi Annemarie, I share your grief. My beautiful sunshine boy was shot and killed on 7 September 2008. Where I'm sitting here the tears are also running down my cheeks, so many unanswered questions. I miss my child so very much and it feels as if my heart breaks into a million pieces every time I think of him.

  • Marissa Tamar by Marissa Tamar
  • 13 years ago

O my god...that is so sad. I am so sorry. You are right. We do take our life for granted. My deepest sympathy goes to you and his family. This reminds me of a guy who just recently hurt me so bad. I keep crying about it. This is so touching.

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