Famous Sad Love Poem

In her evocative poem, the poet uses vivid imagery and metaphor to contrast the natural beauty of Spring with the cold, numbing experience of lost love. The poet's use of personification, as seen in phrases like "Beauty breaking through" and "frost should fall upon us in the Spring," deepens the emotional impact and underscores the irony of love's departure during a season of renewal.

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Famous Poem

Frost In Spring

By more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

Oh, had it been in Autumn, when all is spent and sere,
That the first numb chill crept on us, with its ghostly hint of fear,
I had borne to see love go, with things detached and frail,
Swept outward with the blowing leaf on the unresting gale.

But when day is a magic thing, when Time begins anew,
When every clod is parted by Beauty breaking through,—
How can it be that you and I bring Love no offering,
How can it be that frost should fall upon us in the Spring!


more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

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