Grandmother Poem

Poem About Adoption

The one who raises us is truly our parent, even if they did not give birth to us.
November 6, 2004

Featured Shared Story

This a was beautifully written piece. It "touched me" as the question asked. It also made me think about what my Grandma has been doing for me. This is encouraging, good work.

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Growing Up With Grandma


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2006 with permission of the Author.

I don't know when it happened.
I don't know when she came,
But she's the one I always knew.
Grandma was her name.

She taught me how to tie my shoes.
She taught me how to talk,
And though I can't remember,
I think she taught me how to walk.

When all the other kids in school
Would talk about Mom and Dad,
I wondered where my parents were;
That made me kinda sad.

And sometimes there were days I'd cry
Or hide my head in shame.
But Grandma took it all in stride
And loved me all the same.

She'd wrap her arms around me
And kiss me on the head.
She'd tell me that she loved me
When she tucked me into bed.

Being a teen, I remember the days
When being with friends was more fun.
And I wondered what it would have been like
To actually be someone's son,

To have a regular family,
Some siblings, a mom, and a dad.
What had I done to deserve less than others?
Sometimes I felt so mad.

"It's alright, it's okay," Grandma would say.
"One day you'll understand why.
Life just isn't fair to everyone, you see.
It's always okay to cry."

And when I went off to college,
I met the love of my life.
It was Grandma who was the first I told
That I planned to make her my wife.

Soon after I'd become a father,
For that I could hardly wait.
To have a child of my very own,
And to make my Grandma a "Great."

A little girl to share her name,
For all that she'd given me.
So much I owed to Grandma.
That was plain to see.

As time passed and life grew short
I hoped my Grandma knew
That it was her love and her support
That always got me through.

If I could tell her one more thing,
"Thanks Grandma," is what I 'd say,
"For loving me and making me
The man I am today."


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Annet by Annet
  • 4 years ago

It's a wonderful story and I can relate to some extent, I've lived with Grandpa since 2010 when both of my parents passed away, he's being sponsoring me from basic to tertiary level of my Education.
He always wants what's best for me and what makes me happy.
HE'S MY HERO I love him so much, he fills both roles of Mum and Dad.

  • Mary Newberg by Mary Newberg
  • 5 years ago

I have been raising my grandchild (who is now 5 1/2) since birth. She doesn't know her parents. I hope & pray I am doing right by her and she grows up with the love & caring that the person who wrote this has for his Grandma.

  • Reza Akbari by Reza Akbari
  • 6 years ago

This poem shows how a righteous person can change the future. This poem shows how one can plant good memories in the sad land of others and make them green. This poem tells us: be good, try your best, the world will be better with good deeds.

It's a very nice poem. It expresses a person's life without parents, and the story has been very beautifully composed into a short and sweet poem!

  • Jennifer Ready Salgado by Jennifer Ready Salgado
  • 6 years ago

I am raising four grandchildren, and I wish more than anything that they could avoid this pain. I will always be here to wipe the tears and remind them how much they are loved. My greatest hope is that I can be enough. I got to be a part of my 6-year-old riding a bike with no training wheels recently, and I hope she carries that memory as I will.

  • Rhonalyn19 by Rhonalyn19
  • 8 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I remembered my Lola. She's a big part of my life that can never be replaced. She just passed away. This poem made me cry, but I love its message. <3

  • Mentor Exhibit by Mentor Exhibit
  • 8 years ago

This poem is really touching. It really depicts my life even though I'm single. I will always think of my grandma who raised me up. She loves me so dearly and hates hearing me call my mom "sister."

  • Troy A. Cardoza by Troy A. Cardoza, St. Andrew, Jamaica
  • 8 years ago

This a was beautifully written piece. It "touched me" as the question asked. It also made me think about what my Grandma has been doing for me. This is encouraging, good work.

  • Rafzkie25 by Rafzkie25, Middle East
  • 8 years ago

This poem is very touching and made me cry somehow. Though I didn't feel the love and care of my grandmothers from both sides of my parents, because they were gone when I was young, but I have seen this scenario happen to my nephews and nieces. The love and care of my mother to them, ,even now when they already have their own kids. They are always coming to our home to show their love and gratitude to my mother.

  • Jo A. Sparkes by Jo A. Sparkes
  • 8 years ago

This poem is from the heart, and obviously does touch the heart of the reader, who can identify with the real emotions and life experiences described in it, especially if it is a description similar to their own.

Grandparents can, and do play a huge part in the lives of children, (if they are allowed) and their input must never be forgotten.

  • Alison Fox by Alison Fox
  • 10 years ago

A loving grandparent is the best thing that any child whose life is in turmoil can have, My 'Grampy' was (and still is) my main man. He died when I was 26 but I think of him as a role model - he was the best a man can be. My bar is set very high because he loved me and encouraged me to be myself.
Grampy's love was, with hindsight, simple:

1. He treated me like a person who had a right to their own ideas (even at 4)
2. He never patronized me
3. His love was unconditional
If you want to be a good parent/grandparent, it's that simple.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, Columbus GA
  • 10 years ago

I am raising my infant grandson and hope that I can love him enough to get him through the tough days he'll undoubtedly face and pray for the wisdom to answer his questions. He is the joy of my life and my heart.

  • Marlon by Marlon
  • 12 years ago

I am living with my grandmother. I live with her since I was born, we have a nice life. I love her so much.
I don't know what I will do after she dies. Sometimes I think it would be better if I died before her.
Your poem touched me, I understand your pain and your love.

  • Reanna by Reanna, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I wasn't adopted but I am in foster care which is different to adoption but it basically the same. I am 13 years of age and I can feel the meaning of the poem written by Candy Canan "Growing up with Grandma". It really meant a lot to me because I live with my foster grandparent and they are lovely, although they aren't my real grandparents I still love them the same.

  • Legeia by Legeia, PA
  • 13 years ago

This poem helped me understand that the simplest things like family are often taken for granted. Even though the grass looks greener on the other side I would have been grateful for a grandmother like yours in exchange for a family like mine. I hope your grandmother knows exactly how strong and special she is and may you and your family prosper.

  • Laura Sprague by Laura Sprague, Boise
  • 13 years ago

I am thankful for your poem! It was from the heart. Sometimes we do not realize how important someone was to us until we get older. God bless your Grandma for her love for you. She truly was one of the few people in the world that keep their integrity.

  • Chris by Chris, Canada
  • 13 years ago

I found this to be a touching poem I was raised by just my mother. My father passed away when I was just a year old & I am told he grew up without a father or mother and had to be raised by my great aunt so it's nice to know there are others out there who can persevere through life's unfair circumstances.

  • Sherrie by Sherrie, Jacksonville Fl
  • 13 years ago

I am a grandma that adopted 3 of my grandchildren a little over 4 years ago~2 boys now age 9 years and 5 years and 1 girl age 7 and I pray that they will always know that they mean the world to me and I want so much to take all of their pain away....Please say a prayer for us as we continue our journey...

I don't believe I have ever been so moved or touched to tears from any poem I have ever read. I absolutely love this man. He is beautiful!
I placed my first born daughter up for adoption. And I have no regrets. She is now 21 and she found us. And she is just as grateful, loving and filled with God love and thanks as he.
I don't even no if I am making any sense right now.
Thank you Jesus.

  • Teballo Manamela by Teballo Manamela, Gauteng South Africa
  • 14 years ago

This poem just reminded me of my granny, she passed away 9 years back and still I love her with all my heart today, she will always be a part of me, she raised me well and for that I will always keep her in my heart!!!

  • Cassandra by Cassandra, Houston TX
  • 14 years ago

I loved this poem, relates so much to me & my grandma. My parents were there but then again not really. She raised me and I am blessed to have had her in my life. Without her I do not know where I would be today. My parents were young and separated.

  • Annika by Annika, California
  • 14 years ago

This reminded me of how my [birth]mom was raised by her grandparents, and how much they meant to her. I know I met my great-grandma a few times, but I barely remember her, but I do know that I met my great-grandpa, and what I remember of him was a funny, kind man who knew the best places to tickle. (:

  • Morgan by Morgan, Georgia
  • 14 years ago

This poem was soo moving. I was raised by both my grandparent, but my grandmother was/is such a pivotal role in my life. She is the beat of my heart and I love her more then words alone. She's done soo much for me and I owe her soo much. I always pray that I continue to make her proud and show her just how much I love her.

God bless the person who wrote this poem, because he was able to express in words what my heart holds every single day.

  • Chelsea by Chelsea
  • 15 years ago

This poem moved me in ways that cannot be said with words! I've spent practically all of my life in my grandma's care after my 'mother' hit me, sold me to various men and took all of the known drugs when I was two. My grandma has played a major part in my life and still does.

  • tamara by tamara
  • 15 years ago

This poem was very touching. I had parents, but my grandma played a big role in raising me. she just passed away, but this poem reminded me of her role in my life.

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