Mother Death Poem

The Thoughts Of A Motherless Daughter

I lost my mum to Ovarian Cancer at the age of 25 - she was 58 years old. After being in remission for a few years, the cancer returned, and sadly this time, she could not beat it. My poem is about the thoughts that I have now that she's gone, and all about the little things those who still have their mothers around take for granted.

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It's The Little Things

Jade L. Woolsey ©

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2021 with permission of the Author.

I hope that some of you can relate,
It's those simple memories that you cannot recreate.
Picking up the phone and saying hello,
Or giving me the advice that only you would know.

You'd be the first to tell me if I'd done something wrong,
then proceed to laugh at me for however long.
You're the voice I want to hear when I'm feeling sad,
And the voice of reason when I'm feeling mad.

'Poppet' and 'Petal' I'll long to hear you say,
You'll be the face I'll look out for on my wedding day.
Becoming a woman without you makes me feel scared;
I'll forever be without the advice you would have shared.

When you grow up, you need your mum.
If there's nobody there to ask, it can leave you feeling numb.
But I'm grateful for those signs you leave that tell me you're still here,
They'll never pass me by without a smile and a tear.


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