Brother Poem

From Sister To Brother

This is a poem I have written for my brother about our close relationship as children growing up. We were close in age and we went through so many life experiences as young children together. We went through ups and downs, happy and sad times, good and bad times, and still to this very day, we continue to share in each other's life. I thank God he gave us one another!

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The Star & The Sky

© more by Patricia L. Cisco

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.

I guess we made it through struggle and strife.
I remember when we first started our life.

We climbed every step one in back of the other,
And if you would fall I would catch you, brother.

I was the sister, you were the brother.
If we didn't have much, we had each other.

We never seemed to wander from each other too far,
'Cause how could the Sky drift away from the Star?

Now you are a father and I am a mother,
But I'm still your sister and you're still my brother!



I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we...

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