Divorce Poem

To the man who promised to make my dreams come true. My nightmare ends today. I'm leaving still loving you, instead of staying and hating you.

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Wow the poem really touched me especially the introduction part: I'm leaving still loving you instead of staying and hating you. The poem is very simple easy to analyze I'm going to use this...

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Goodbye Note

© more by S Raine

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

I never thought this day would come.
I truly thought you were the one.
We used to laugh and talk all night.
Now we argue, fuss, and fight.
All is wrong in things I do.
To take the blame is never you.
So quick to run when things get rough.
Your best excuse, it's just too tough.
Home alone has become my life.
Did you forget you had a wife.
I keep it secret when things turn bad.
Because our kids love their dad.
I'll sleep tonight on what I wrote.
As I leave this goodbye note.


more by S Raine

  • Stories 6
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  • Rating 4.48
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rundu by Rundu
  • 11 years ago

Wow the poem really touched me especially the introduction part: I'm leaving still loving you instead of staying and hating you. The poem is very simple easy to analyze I'm going to use this in my ESL lesson,

  • Rosemary by Rosemary, Durban
  • 12 years ago

This is just so touching. It's the exact place I am at. It's not easy and for her to have to write this on paper she is really beginning the healing process.

  • Justin by Justin
  • 15 years ago

I am not married, but I was doing an essay for my college English class and this was the absolute best poem ever. It is meaningful, easy to understand, and very touching. The author is very talented.

  • Faith Avila by Faith Avila, Lorenzo
  • 15 years ago

I totally understand how the author feels in her poem. I could relate because we are in almost the same situation.
God bless the author of this poem.

  • Donna by Donna
  • 15 years ago

I can totally understand this poem... Blessings be to the author of this poem.

  • Americana by Americana
  • 16 years ago

I totally understand this poem.... I'm hurting so much going through this too...

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