Divorce Poem

Poem About Forgiveness

I originally wrote the poem called "A Broken Family Tree" 12 years ago. It was published on this site under my married name Lori A. Cain but is now under Lori McBride. The last verse in that poem said "I am one of many, but I alone will go." Since 2001, time has proven that I did not go alone because the Lord was with me. Meanwhile, a new tree has begun just as the original poem said. This poem is about how vital forgiveness is to future generations.

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I am glad I found a good poem about forgiveness here on this site when looking up poetry for "I miss my daughter." It's so good and supportive to have good, wholesome poetry accessible on one...

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Healing A Broken Family Tree

© more by Lori McBride

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2014 with permission of the Author.

When resentment and offense
Invade the very crevices of your heart
It burns fierce like sulfur
As it forces love to depart.

Causing only the mention of a name
To consume you with hate
As its poison reeks havoc
on the next generation's fate

This grudge festers on
Keeping you imprisoned in pain
Causing every life force around you
To bear the effects of your strain

For hate and love
Cannot reside in one heart
Just as hate takes a family
And tears it all apart

Without forgiveness the heart dies
As it mourns the loss of love
Never understanding its very being
Is created in the heavens above

So then, how can we be reconciled
To God, who is LOVE, the creator of life
If the heart still remains
Unforgiving and full of strife?

I believe mankind's greatest lesson
What we are sent here to learn
Is how to love God and our neighbor
Before we return

So what's more valuable to you
Is it love or is it pride?
Because a heart without love
Has already died!

And understand that if pride
Is what you choose
There are many generations to follow
Who have everything to lose!

Ask love to return again
And invade every crevice of your heart
Seek the courage to make amends
Let love give you a new start!


more by Lori McBride

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  • MiddleBrook.MB by MiddleBrook.MB
  • 6 years ago

I am glad I found a good poem about forgiveness here on this site when looking up poetry for "I miss my daughter." It's so good and supportive to have good, wholesome poetry accessible on one site. Thank you! My husband continues to let others lead his decisions in regards to my daughter's well-being. I began to live in a constant state of forgiveness at an early age as a result of an amazing upbringing. I was lucky. I hope everyone, regardless of their background, will develop this outlook sometime, somehow. I have learned that forgiveness is not an "act" but a way of seeing the world every minute. Like how some people are just sincerely kind as a character trait, not out doing random or precalculated "acts" of kindness.

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