Divorce Poem

Poem Of Love From Divorced Dad To His Children

This is a poem that tears me up every time I read it back to myself. I have two beautiful little girls, Alexa and Grace. They live with their Mom about four hours away from me. I hardly see them, and it weighs heavy on my heart at times. This poem is written from a father's hurting heart.

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I love this poem. Thank you for writing it. I am a father of 4 beautiful children. They are living with their mother about 3 hours away. I haven't seen them since May of 2015. I used to talk...

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A Waiting Father


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I used to watch you run and play,
those were our best times together.

I always tucked you in at night,
and comforted you during stormy weather.

I used to hold your hand so tight,
before we crossed the street.

And cheered you on with so much pride,
when you said, "Daddy look at me!"

Now Daddy's heart hurts so bad,
not having you around.

Your Daddy misses everything about you,
especially trips to the playground.

But Daddy knows that someday
we will be together once more.

Because there's nothing stronger than a father's love
missing his baby girl.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mike Debiasio by Mike Debiasio
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem. Thank you for writing it. I am a father of 4 beautiful children. They are living with their mother about 3 hours away. I haven't seen them since May of 2015. I used to talk with them everyday on the phone but now I'm lucky if she lets me call them once a month. I live in a constant state of complete heartbreak. I cry over them quite often and every time I look at their pictures it tears me apart. I would give anything and everything to see them one more time.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 9 years ago

Love this poem. I can tell you wrote it from the heart.

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