Addiction Poem about Family

Poem About My Relationship With An Addict

When I met my boyfriend, he was a recovering heroin addict. He relapsed a month into our relationship and didn't get clean for 2 years until I finally left him. At one point I had found him od'ing on my bathroom floor and had to break into my bathroom. He got clean when he realized I would actually leave. We are back together now, and I am trying to help him stay on the right track! I have been writing this poem for a year and a half now as our relationship has continued, and I now feel it's complete.

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I can relate a lot to this as well. I'm married to an addict. He just got out of prison this month and is already back in jail for meth. He's 40 years old and we have four kids together, and...

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Monkey Business


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

That monkey on your back,
He's a tricky little guy.
I thought that he was dead and gone.
I thought he said goodbye.

That monkey on your back?
Turns out it was just a slumber.
He woke up and came back into your life,
Like the booming clap of thunder!

That monkey on your back,
He's grabbed ahold of you.
His grasp is so insanely strong,
I'm at a loss for what to do...

That monkey on your back,
He's creeping into your mind.
You don't see what you're doing.
You've gone completely blind.

That monkey on your back?
He only cares about one thing.
He'll do anything to get it.
He doesn't care about the sting.

That monkey on your back?
He'll distract you at all costs!
As long as he has what HE wants,
He doesn't care what YOU have lost!

That monkey on your back...
He made you lock the door
So I couldn't get to you,
When you were dying on the floor...

That monkey on your back?
I hope he dies and goes to hell!
I'm scared that if he doesn't,
You'll end up dead or in a cell.

That monkey on your back...
I want him to go away...
But I'm scared that you'll go with him.
I don't want that, STAY!

That monkey on your back,
He gives a false sense of love.
But when you're standing on the ledge,
He'll provide the final shove...

That monkey on your back,
With spoon and needle in hand.
He won't stop until you're dead,
On your last trip to Neverland.

That monkey on your back or me.
One of us has to go!
The ball is in your court. Your choice.
It's time, please let me know.

Please let me know you love me.
That I'm more important than that ape.
Please tell me that you're ready
To get your life back into shape.

Please let me know I'm worth it,
Because my love is much too strong!
I can't lose you to this addiction!
Please! Come back where you belong!

Please let me know you hear me,
That my cries don't go unheard.
I know you're lost. I'll find you!
I'll search endlessly, undeterred!

I'll search if there's a reason,
Even the smallest glimpse of light!
I'll search until I find you,
If you're willing to put up the fight!

This battle will not be easy!
Don't worry! I'm on your side!
There will be wounds and scars and blood and tears,
But in the end you will feel pride!

You'll be proud you won this battle,
Against that monkey on your back!
And next time you'll see him coming,
With his surprise sneak attack.

So you won't let him get you,
Because you will be prepared.
And I'll be there, on your side.
If war he has declared.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brenda McGehee by Brenda McGehee
  • 7 years ago

It will be three years this July that I buried my youngest son Benny Jr. He was 33. He left behind 3 sons, ages 11, 6 & 7. He got custody of his two younger sons, mother was a drug addict. His older son, named after him was from his first wife. My son was a cell phone tower climber. It was a very dangerous job. I was fortunate that my son made sure I got to see my older grandson while he was on the road, but it cost us thousands of dollars to keep him in our lives. The divorce was devastating to him as his son was only 9 months old. When his best friend died in his arms and he couldn't revive him, he started using marijuana heavily and pain meds for his injured back. To make a long story short, two divorces, 3 sons later he died in his sleep from drug overdose. I adopted his two younger sons, not allowed to see the older grandson and my older twin sons have not spoken to me since the funeral. Drugs destroy families! I lost 3 sons, granddaughter turning 3, never seen and 4 year old grandson. I'm 65.

  • Jamiemariekreiner by Jamiemariekreiner
  • 7 years ago

I can relate a lot to this as well. I'm married to an addict. He just got out of prison this month and is already back in jail for meth. He's 40 years old and we have four kids together, and he almost died from a drug overdose, but thankfully the cops found him and brought him to the hospital. I have to go see my husband because he chose drugs instead of coming home to me and the kids. It breaks my heart to see my kids having to go through this again, but I am very proud of him for going to AA and NA while in jail. He says he is done with the dope and he just wants to come home and be with his kids and wife. He does have other kids from another marriage. He lost that marriage to drugs and hasn't seen his other kids in a very long time because of his drug use. God be with you. It's not easy burying a loved one.

  • Ashleigh by Ashleigh
  • 7 years ago

This poem touches my heart in soooo many ways. My boyfriend, the father to my kids and my best friend, has a heroin addiction. We've been together for 5 years, best friends for 10. He's currently in prison until 2019 because he couldn't stay clean and he couldn't stay away from bullshit. Our son is almost 3 years old, and he has only been in his life for 3 months. He's clean now, and hopefully when he gets out he stays clean.

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