Addiction Poem about Family

This is just a glimpse in to the love-hate relationship I have with my addiction to the ever popular Crystal Meth. I love to write and I am a recovering addict, at least for today. But like they say, "TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME."

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Thank you for your sharing your words! I am an addict and have struggled with it most of my life. I came from a very privileged home and had every opportunity handed to me, but I was hiding...

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Till Meth Do We Part


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have a love for meth that no one can understand.
And nothing in this world can make me feel the way she can.
Since the first time I met her I knew she was the one.
Never questioning or judging me despite the things I've done.
No matter what I'm going through, I know she's always there.
Like two peas in a pod, I think we make the perfect pair.
When I'm with her, I'm invincible, having not the slightest fear.
She fills my head with lies, so my problems seem to disappear.
And sometimes she leaves me lonely, so much I've wished for death.
And fills me with diabolical voices who scream madness in my head.
But like I said before and repeat but once again,
No one understands unless they've been through where I've been.
On the brink of insanity filled with anger, rage, and hate.
On the path of a dead man or another prison inmate.
But be that as it may, either prison life or death,
Nothing will ever break this bond of love for my darling Crystal Meth.
And as she slowly takes my life, I bid farewell goodbye.
But you can bet your bottom dollar on my deathbed I'll be HIGH!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kathryn Roudebush by Kathryn Roudebush
  • 8 years ago

I am a recovery addict myself. And these poems have helped me tremendously in so many different ways. Thank you all for sharing them

  • Lowell Aguirre by Lowell Aguirre Poet
  • 10 years ago

My name is Lowell Aguirre I am the author of this poem it has been 6 yrs. Since I wrote this. I've been locked up for 3 and a half years. I have since given my life to God. Christ is my real true love now. I have no desire to get high anymore. No one was a bigger method monster than me but I've been given a second chance by God. If you are an addict I am living proof there is life after meth.

  • Mary Adelia Henderson by Mary Adelia Henderson
  • 2 years ago

That's really awesome. I have been clean off of meth since June 15, 2018, and I always say if i can do it, anyone can. I thought it wasn't possible until I lost custody of my children and had to get clean to get them back and haven't touched anything since.

  • Patty A Ellis by Patty A Ellis
  • 6 years ago

I commend you for totally turning your life around and turning to God. It's so amazing. Are you still in prison? I would love to hear from you.

  • Michael Smith by Michael Smith, Fort Worth, TX
  • 6 years ago

Thank you for your sharing your words! I am an addict and have struggled with it most of my life. I came from a very privileged home and had every opportunity handed to me, but I was hiding deep, dark secrets and I suffered in silence and self-medicated. By the time I was 14, I had attempted suicide 3 times. I started drinking to numb the pain. I found cocaine and then went on to crack and now heroin and meth. Although I've been out on the streets, I've managed to stay out of jail and prison many times because so far I've been able to buy my way out of trouble. I'm terminally ill and I've tried numerous times over this year to end my life by overdosing. I have been like a cat with 9 lives as I always wake up! I don't know why I've had these horrible things happen to me as I've always been a good person. I want all of this madness to end. I try to hang on, but I always feel like I'm drowning.

  • Jeremy Jennifer Tribell by Jeremy Jennifer Tribell
  • 7 years ago

First, I want to thank you for the words you wrote from your heart! My wife and I were as bad as they come. Forty-two days after our wedding, I was sent to prison for 24 months. A month before my release, my wife (while extremely high on Ice and Xanax) hit another car head on (breaking her hip, pelvis, losing her spleen and breaking her femur so badly it came out her skin). A month after we were reunited we spent yet another 42 days together before she was sent to prison for 15 months plus a rehab. We both still loved each other, but it seemed we had both just given up....BUT a true God-given miracle happened. I was trying to get clean but struggling HARD (I needed help). To both of our surprise, we ran into each other on social media and both needed to talk. To both of our surprise, we wanted the same thing at the same time for once. At that moment we both knew this was a gift, a true miracle. We are both now 100% SOBER and so thankful for our second chance.

  • Angie Gibbs by Angie Gibbs
  • 7 years ago

Amen. There is life only with Jesus Christ. Congratulations on your life with God and recovery from this evil drug.

  • Caitlyn Edwards by Caitlyn Edwards
  • 7 years ago

I have been performing your piece alongside "My Name is Meth" by Alicia Van Davis for forensics this year. Your story is so inspiring, especially considering you have come to God. Thank you so much!

  • Becky by Becky, Tx
  • 11 years ago

My son is addicted. He has yet to admit his addiction. He has stolen from us lied to us and threatened us. He was always this young funny loving kid. Now he seems so full of hatred and anger. I must admit that lately my husband and I have been more jumpy. But I love him so much I don't know how to help him and I want to because I know somewhere in there is still my little boy.

  • Linda Wise by Linda Wise
  • 4 years ago

My 29-year-old son is an addict. He stole from my husband and I, and we can't have him around. I heard he was found on the streets in Troy, Ohio and overdosed. The paramedics had to use narcan. I am so lost and just don't know what I can do if he doesn't want any help. This is a nightmare, and I still haven't woken up for years. Just waiting on that call. So sad, all I do is cry.

  • Amanda Coram by Amanda Coram
  • 8 years ago

I'm in recovery and the one thing I learned no matter how much you want an addict to stop you can't unless they want it. The more you push on the subject the more they are going to go out and do it.

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 11 years ago

My Ex started out using ecstasy fun drugs moved on to Cat and then got involved with Crystal Meth. He was the sweetest, kind and loving Partner and father to my son. Until He met Crystal! We were together for almost 7 years! Inseparable! But crystal changed our lives as she overtook his mind, body and soul, he turned into Somebody that didn't even know anymore! He lied, deceived and even stole to get his high! When the abuse started, I became afraid, could see the Aggression in his eyes and left him many times. I would return as I loved him, I could see how crystal started controlling him and there was nothing I could do but walk away as he loved her so much he was in denial that he was addicted. After 16 months of walking away! I still feel sad to think of how Crystal has destroyed Our relationship, Broken our bond and my sons heart as he has lost a father and I have lost the love of my life. We Are of no existence to Him ! All that Matters Now is CRYSTAL !!

  • Amy Allen by Amy Allen
  • 7 years ago

To the one who wrote this reply, you wrote something I believe is a poem that's true straight from the heart and ends with a lot of people heartbroken from your love and feeling cheated on.

  • Jenjen by Jenjen
  • 8 years ago

I'm keep you in my prayers...this really helped me.

  • Nikole by Nikole, AR
  • 11 years ago

You don't have to be the addict to suffer from addiction. I lost the life I once had because of the drug. I had to quit school and my job and move back home to completely start over from even less than what I had when I started. Not because I had a bond with the drug but because even I couldn't break the bond that my loved one had with it. Ole crystal meth was there before me and as far as my loved one was concerned she would be there when I was gone. True enough but her "love" was far different from mine in that it was lethal.

  • Badlandsbabe by Badlandsbabe
  • 1 year ago

Thank you for writing this. Someone else out there understands. I've been through it all from the other side. Sacrificed it all for the person I love who's too messed up to see it. In the meantime, I realize everything I've given up and missed out on is all on me. I struggle with resentment because I'm a believer in love, truth, and respect. The very things that all relationships should contain, and finding out that the addict gets robbed of all those things and becomes a stranger that I've sacrificed everything for. Each day I resent him and the addiction he's chosen more and more.

  • Leona Jarvis by Leona Jarvis
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for writing this! Both of my brothers had an affair with crystal meth, one of them didn't make out alive and the other one struggles everyday. They tried to explain it to me, and the poem you wrote sounds exactly like what they said. Thank you for your honest feelings and for sharing them. It helps to try to understand why he has trouble getting away from it. Meth is tricky and evil, I hope you beat it!

  • Bedford by Bedford, Texas
  • 12 years ago

This poem is so painfully truthful and real about Meth Addiction. My first date with her was at age 11, I'm now 43. She has always been the Love Of My Life. Always there and never lets me down, excepted me for me, and had no other needs or wants, just ME!... She has been a very toxic relationship! Living with her and Bipolar Disease has been a challenge, and continues to be. Just another wasted life, tragic but true. She's highly jealous and controlling. Took me away from all my friends and ALL my family... Parents, kids, everyone is gone, but she still remains strong and solid by my side!

  • M.C by M.C
  • 13 years ago

I have been addicted to meth since I was 16.. I am now 23 with a beautiful daughter. though I know I want different for my daughter, I struggle every day with that knowledge that at any moment I could go back to how I was... My thoughts and prayers go out to those who suffer the same struggles everyday.

  • Faith Williams by Faith Williams
  • 13 years ago

My parents are drug addicts and I don't know why. But this poem helped me understand a little more.

  • Ellie Nb by Ellie Nb
  • 13 years ago

I can really relate to this because I know him very well he is my sons father and I've been thru everything with him. he is very talented and I can assure you his love for meth is still there even though he is now in jail. I hope he keeps writing and stays sober.

  • Maj by Maj, Lusaka
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched me. I have always had a soft spot for drug abusers as it's a choice that they make and now, that they are hooked find it hard to go back to being clean. We all make mistakes, but drugs just seem that little harder to get over. I offer prayers to drug abusers and say... 'One day it will end, just like a bad dream'....

  • Donna White by Donna White
  • 15 years ago

The love and hate relationship that I feel with Meth everyday, even after 2 yrs of sobriety haunts me.19 yrs of painstaking Meth usage, I wonder if I will ever beat the Monster! Thank You for the poem it was GREAT!

  • jessica by jessica
  • 15 years ago

this actually made me cry. you couldn't have chosen better words to sum up how meth makes you feel after a while. this love hate relationship is frustrating....sad that I'm actually with my love right now :-/

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