Letting Go Of The Past Poems
Published: October 2019

For many, the past year was tough. There were unforeseeable changes, unexpected diagnoses, broken relationships, the loss of loved ones, and many heartbreaking disappointments. It was a discouraging and frustrating year, one many would never want to relive. We look toward the New Year with great expectations and a yearning for the hope that things will be better. If it was a defeating year, it might feel as though there’s no possible way for things to be better. But we must each choose to move forward and put the past behind us.
Even in the darkness, light is coming. Even in the midst of the storm, a calmness is coming. Even in the midst of brokenness, restoration is possible.
Although we cannot change the past, we can let go of it and move forward. A New Year is a chance to start fresh and leave behind the things that have brought pain and heartbreak.
May these poems give you the hope, inspiration, and courage to let go of the past and embrace the future to pursue a life well-lived.
8 Poems About Letting Go Of The Past And Moving Forward
Changing The Past
The past is the past for a reason.
That is where it is supposed to stay,
But some cannot let it go.
In their heads it eats awayFeatured Shared StoryI really enjoyed this poem. It's so very true. We all have certain regrets or circumstances in life we would give anything to change if we could. Sometimes that is just not possible, and even...
Pain Ends
Breathe in the fresh air,
Put your mind at ease.
Let down your hair,
Let it flow in the breeze.Featured Shared StoryLove this poem, most of us go through our minds taking over in a negative way at some point in life, not just the young, all ages go through our thoughts that play over and over in our minds,...
in Hope Poems
My heart flows through this icy land.
Come and take my lonely hand.
Show me how to make things right.
Cry these tears no more tonight.Featured Shared StoryI'm glad that my poem made you want to try and want to make things better in your life. I understand exactly what you are going through. I went through something similar, and I know my heart...
Starting Over
in Change Poems
I'm trying to find something to base my life upon,
Something in this strange world that goes on and on.
As the years go by and time fades away,
What used to be "good days" are now filled with dismay.Featured Shared StoryThis poem touched me as well. I really don't want to go back in time, but I want to start my life again and change things around and do what I want to do. I want to live somewhere else and...
Don't Look Back
Just keep on walking,
A small voice said.
Don't dare look back.
Look straight ahead.Featured Shared StoryI think everyone can relate at some point in their lifetime. I went through something like this recently where he cheated on me and broke up with me, but he still wanted to hook up and not...
Start Fresh
I wanna start fresh...
and forget this place, the wicked world I live in,
but not forget how glorious and essential it was to me.Featured Shared StoryVery good words have been given to the stronger self-discovered after failures in life. Such attitude is essential to keep moving in today's very competitive life.
Learning To Let Go
in Change Poems
Letting go doesn’t
always look how you think it will.
Sometimes it happens all at once.
Sometimes it’s in phases.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Letting Go
in Change Poems
She was scared to let go.
She was worried that everything might fall apart.
But she felt this heaviness, every day, growing in her heart.
So she took a deep breath.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!