A Life Well-Lived Poems

Published: September 2017

Advice Poems About Living Life To The Fullest

We are all looking for practical guidance to help us live a more meaningful life. These uplifting poems are filled with inspiring advice. They encourage readers to make small, daily choices that will better their quality of life. Open your heart to all this world has to offer. Although life is filled with many ups and downs, we can learn to make the most of every opportunity, overcome struggles and hardships, and put the past behind us. Focus on what matters most, enjoy the simple things, and live in the present. We hope these poems encourage you to live life to the fullest.

29 Advice Poems About Living Life To The Fullest

  1. Live Life

    • By Livelovelaugh
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

    My beliefs in life, because not everyone realizes just how precious it really is. Poem on living life to the fullest.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Life is crazy
    And totally unpredictable...
    It's going to push you over,
    Kick you while you're down,


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    Such a wonderful poem with precious advice! Most people seem to get inevitably entangled in the most peculiar behaviors so specifically characterized in homo sapiens: He gets tired of his...

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  2. Each Moment Is Precious

    I wrote this poem to express the importance of each moment in life and living it to the fullest.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    Live in the moment,
    Just take it all in.
    Pay attention to everything,
    Right there and right then.


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    That was touching. It really said my whole life. I'm too busy with everything and I'm memorizing this to my heart. I'm busy with school. I take too much time thinking about tomorrow than...

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  4. My Credo Of Life

    This is my philosophy of life and how to live it. Experience every moment, stay open minded, and cherish life for all that it is.

    in Meaningful Poems

    Let me live within the moment.
    Let me feel all that I can.
    Let me cherish life for all it's worth,
    With everything I am.


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    Hi Pat! I love this poem and others that you have submitted. You seem to write about life, and I do the same. I like to write from the heart and so do you. They make you stop and think how...

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  5. This Is A Daily Reminder

    • By Nicolette
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem for anybody who needs a daily uplifting reminder. I am a firm believer that one positive thing can make a person's day, and that is the message I try to include in my poems. I know when someone says something nice or uplifting to me, my day is made. I hope this and my future poems help you guys out. For whoever is going through a hardship, stay strong, I'm here for you.

    in Inspirational Poems

    This is a daily reminder
    To relax,
    To not get angry over small things,
    To stay calm.


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    This is a lovely poem, obviously written by a lovely, caring person. I wish my son had this poem before he took his life. I wish he'd read it daily and maybe he'd have had a wife. I wish...

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  7. If You Must Go

    • By Terry Gouveia
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

    These are a few things I have learned from my experiences in life.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    If you must go, then go for a while
    Remember that first step is a hard traveled mile.

    To learn what lessons life has in store,

    Poem With Words Of Advice, If You Must Go

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    I, too, was motivated by your poem. Like Arimoon, I also allow my past to hold me back. I am so hard on myself for my past mistakes, regret, bad decisions, etc... but with each new day that...

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  8. A Life Worth Living

    I wrote this poem for my niece before she was born because I want her to have the best life and live it to the fullest.

    in Inspirational Poems

    I can't wait to hold you in my arms
    And kiss your tiny nose.
    Cherish every moment,
    Knowing just how fast you'll grow.


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  9. What Matters Most

    • By Louis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2017 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem while I was in jail. I missed a lot of things while I was gone, and the one thing that I missed that really gets to me is my daughter's graduation. I've done a lot of soul searching and looking for answers, and what I've come up with is that there is nothing more precious than time. You can't turn it back and you can't start over. I have a lot of guilt, but life is a learning experience, right? So I'm going to turn this into a positive thing.

    in Graduation Poems

    Embrace who you are,
    And love like a fool.
    Try not to judge,
    And never be cruel.

    Graduation Poem To Daughter, What Matters Most

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    I was reflecting today about my desire to feel like a Daddy's girl. Here I am, in my mid-fifties now, and I still want to feel like a cherished daughter. As my own (largely...

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  10. Never Stop Being You

    This poem I wrote was an inspirational look at life in general and the reason we live as we do because some of us never stop.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    Never stop caring about the little things in life.
    Never stop dreaming, and don't give into strife.
    Never stop wondering are we on our own.
    Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown.

    Uplifting Poem About Making Life Better, Never Stop Being You

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    Well, it's true. No matter how tough life has been and may seem, the best thing to do is to keep moving forward, even when it hurts with the assurance that you are not alone. God is there,...

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  11. Speak The Language Of Your Heart

    Too often in life, we fail to tell our loved ones how important they are to us. We need to do that every day before it's too late.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    Each day we wake is such a gift;
    No moment's guaranteed.
    Tomorrow isn't promised,
    But to fate we must concede.


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    This touches my heart deeply. I believe life is more about what "IS" rather than the what "WAS" with unresolved issues between family or friends. I am in recovery with four estranged...

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  12. Praise With Grace

    • By Rabab N. Hammoud
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about making it through tough times and trials with a positive outlook. It is the ultimate result that determines who you are.

    in Courage Poems

    When all the doors shut in your face,
    Have faith and continue to praise.

    When you can't bear the thought of yesterday and dread tomorrow,


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  13. Dance

    • By Paul Hayward
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

    Inspirational poem encouraging a positive attitude in life.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Open your heart to happiness.
    Let every pore absorb light.
    Swim in the joy of the here and now,
    And cast off the darkness of night.


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    I found this very true. I recently had a big hit, and I was surprised how just sitting and talking with my friend brought me some healing.

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  14. Time Goes By

    • By Crystal Lewis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem as I considered how often it is that we go through life assuming and judging others, while we do not fully understand their actions. At the time I wrote this poem there was a lot of distress in my family, and I realized that so often we become disconnected, angry, and hurt that it impacts our relationships. The poem speaks of forgiveness and understanding that we only have individuals in our lives for a certain amount of time and that it is better to heal rather than to blame.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Time goes by and slips away
    Just as the sky turns from blue to grey.
    We are here but only for a short stay.
    Don't let life pass with words you never say.


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    I was touched by this poem because it reminded me of my relationship with my son. He was adopted and loved so very much. I was with him every day. He had his struggles growing up, but I did...

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  15. Enjoy Life!

    • By Mae
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

    Life passes just once; we have to make the most out of it.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Life's too short to be wasted.
    It passes just once, so make the most out of it.
    Live life the way you want it to be.
    Live it to the fullest, feel free!


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    Great poem with a feel good tone to it, good work.

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  16. The Time Is Now

    With this poem, I want to motivate the reader to live their life to the fullest, to make the most of their life...

    in Inspirational Poems

    We have but a short time
    On this earth,
    So value your life
    For what it's really worth.


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  17. A Journey To A New Year

    • By Sumira R. Arain
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

    My poem is about the beginning of New Year’s Day…what we celebrate and the start of a new journey to lead a successful life. Forget your mistakes and lead a new life with hope and courage.

    in New Year's Poems

    First day of the New Year.
    It's time to shine for a new day.
    Forget your past,
    Your sorrow, your pain.


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    I printed this poem to read to my mother who is in the hospital. She has been there for two weeks, missed Christmas and will also miss New Years. I am not sure what the future holds, but we...

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  18. The Number 24 Bus

    • By Paul Hayward
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2018 with permission of the Author.

    I have wasted too much time looking forward and anticipating what I think will be ahead of me instead of living for today and enjoying life now. Suddenly I am a middle-aged man with more time behind me that in front. I now know that I must live for the moment and take in the colors and the scenery that surround me.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    Life is like a journey on the number 24 bus,
    So welcome aboard, young one; come, sit here with the rest of us.
    Let's hope you're going to be on here for more than just a while.
    Look out of the window, young one, and enjoy every single mile.


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  19. Easy Strides

    It is a little note to self, written at a time I found myself trying to do too much, too fast.

    in Work Poems

    There are times to hurry.
    Some things in life call for speed.
    But more than ever, I'm learning
    That pace is really what I need.


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  20. Recipe For A Life Well-Lived

    With these ingredients, you can't go wrong for a happy life...

    in Inspirational Poems

    Start off with faith and trust in God.
    Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
    Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
    Mix them with passion and dedication.


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  21. Pebbles

    • By Derek T
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

    Too often in life, people don't appreciate the things they have - the simple things that money cannot buy. They get too caught up in looking to tomorrow, the future, that they don't stop to appreciate today, the memories they are currently making. I wrote this to open the eyes of those who go through this life too fast. Those who only concern themselves with material possessions and forget the value of a simple smile....cheers.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    Time has grown frantic
    Moves by us so swiftly
    Too often overwhelmed
    Losing sight of life's gift


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  22. Thoughts For Life

    • By Annanya
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about life, as to what one should remind oneself each day. Life is about living this journey on earth. This journey of life might end any day. One ought to choose to live life.

    in Inspirational Poems

    We are on this planet for a limited span of time;
    Validity of our life's visa can end anytime.

    Begin your day with enthusiasm and end with satisfaction;


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