Positive Mother-Child Relationships Poems
Published: July 2018

What is love? In Hebrew, the language of the Bible, the word for love is ahava which shares the same root as hav to give. The effort that mothers put in to parenting their children causes wellsprings of love to spring forth from their hearts. The more we give to our children, the more love we will feel for them. We would do well to remember that all loving relationships whether platonic, romantic, or with family members must have giving at its center for the relationship to flourish.
32 Poems Honoring Strong And Supportive Mother Daughter And Son Relationships
Mother, A Cradle To Hold Me
Famous Poem
It is true
I was created in you.
It is also true
That you were created for me.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Mommy, I love you
More than you see.
You have always been there
When I needed you to be.Featured Shared StoryIf it wasn't for my mom I never would have made it in my life. I have always been a daddy's girl and wrote this to let my mom know how I really appreciate and love her even if it seemed I didn't.
Especially For You, Mom
in Mother Poems
I'm writing this poem for you, Mom,
because I want this poem to be
my own special way of showing you
how much you mean to me.Featured Shared StoryThis poem paints an exact picture of my relationship with my mother. I left home when I was about 16 years old and never went back. I was even homeless at one point after leaving home. My mom...
God's Special Creation
in Mother Poems
The hand that rocks the cradle
also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother
that keeps the family strong.Featured Shared StoryThis is beautifully expressed. The introductory lines carry so much truth to keep one pressing on to the end. I love this.
You brushed my hair and tucked me in,
Made me laugh for hours on end.
You kissed my boo-boos when I fooled around.
Mommy, you never let me down.Featured Shared StoryThis is a touching poem from a daughter to mother showing all the little things to the big things that matter in life between a mother and daughter. I love this poem. It's so sentimental!...
My Heart
She's always been there for me.
Just talking to her can make me happy.
She tells me of the hard times she's been through
In hopes that I won't go through them too.Featured Shared StoryI'm using this in my mom's christmas gift, I know she'll love it.
Because You're My Mom
Because you are my mom, you loved me before I was ever seen.
You thanked God for this miracle, this little human being.
So exciting, yet fragile it all must have seemed to you then.
Hearing my little heart beat inside you, now life begins.Featured Shared StorySarah, Please know that ten years ago I had read your message and was touched by what you said. I never got around to replying, and for that I apologize. I hope this still reaches you so...
A True Angel
A mother is special; she's more than a friend.
Whenever you need her, she'll give you a hand.
She'll lead you and guide you in all that you do,
Try all that she can just to see you get through.Featured Shared StoryThis is a wonderful poem. It evoked a strong emotional response & made me think of my own wonderful mother. I very nearly teared up. I couldn't have written it any better. Well done.
A Mother's Love
A mother gives her children
Stepping stones to the stars.
Her love is unconditional;
Her heart has no bars.Featured Shared StoryWow, this is a very beautiful poem. I love it. I can tell this poem came from your heart.
Dear Mum
in Mother Poems
There's no one in this world
Who knows me quite like you.
If ever I'm in need,
You're the first one I turn to.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
The Greatest Love
From the moment
I came into this world,
you gave to me
your heart and soul.Featured Shared StoryThis poem truly made me cry. My mother had open heart surgery twice and has a tumor. She has been through a lot and could pass away anytime. She means more to me than anything, but I didn't...
She's Our Mother
in Mother Poems
She's a gift to her children
Our strong devotion each day
A hand in our hand
A breath of fresh air along the wayFeatured Shared StoryThis is heart-warming and beautifully explained. Love you, Mom. You always help me with everything, and you guide me on the right path.
To My Dearest Mother
My mother is a special part
Of all that's cherished in my heart,
She is my pearl, my soul, my mate;
She is the one to make life great.Featured Shared StoryMy mother passed over 15 years ago. She became my best friend after I became an adult. We shared many great times together. Truly she was a sweet and kind soul and loved every person she...
Mother Unlike Any Other
in Mother Poems
My dear mother unlike any other,
You taught me how to walk,
And you taught me how to talk.Featured Shared StoryMy mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!
My Best And Favorite Girl
in Mother Poems
You brought me my first toy,
My first bike and baseball glove.
You filled my heart with joy,
And you filled my life with love.Featured Shared StoryI really love this poem and it is true - mother is the best of all!
My Mom
in Mother Poems
I will always need my mom,
regardless of my age.
She's made me laugh, made me cry.
Her love will never fade.Featured Shared StoryAw, such a cute poem. It's very inspiration and very true. Mothers have always been there for us.
Precious Gift
When times seem too hard to bear and I feel like giving up,
I envision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such.
The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born
Is a mother and daughter bond that can never be torn.Featured Shared StoryThis story is beautiful, Sorry for your loss of your husband and the blessing of a baby girl who made it through for you.
Mum, I Love You
Mum, it's hard to find the words to say
To show how much you mean to me,
But if it weren't for your love and care,
I don't know where I'd be.Featured Shared StoryI feel so sorry for you. I can feel how sad you are because my dad lost his mum last year, and I know how important mums are to life.
All You Are To Me
in Mother Poems
Thank you, Mom...
for the love, strength, and care,
for in this world that is quite rare.
For being my guardian and my guideFeatured Shared StoryI agree with you wholeheartedly Nan. I have two beautiful daughters with totally different personalities. I had them early in life and people often mistake them for my sisters. We laugh and...
Featured Shared Story
My mom is the happiness of my life. I never laugh as much with other as I do with her. Can never have fun without her. I can never repay her sacrifices. The only thing I can do is to make her...