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Poems About Remembering September 11th
  • Published: September 2021

September 11th Poems

September 11th Poems

On September 11, 2001, the unthinkable happened as terrorists attacked the United States. Nearly 3,000 people died as a result. Terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. A fourth plane did not reach its intended destination. The courageous passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 fought to regain control of the aircraft, and it crashed in Western Pennsylvania. 

May we remember all the people who lost their lives that fateful Tuesday morning and those who've had to live with the lingering effects. May we also remember how we came together as a country to support one another. We thank all the brave men and women who were first responders that day and the military personnel who fought to keep us safe. We will not forget!

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  • Poems 5
Children's Poems On Twitter And Instagram
  • Published: October 2021

Children's Poetry On Social Media

Children's Poetry On Social Media

Children's poetry is a fun and engaging way to teach children about language. It can be used to make children laugh or inspire them to chase their dreams. Some poems are silly, while others are motivational and teach essential life lessons. You don't have to be a child to enjoy children's poetry. 

Many poets share their work on their social media accounts. We have collected some of our favorite children's poems from Instagram and Twitter with the poets' permission.

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  • Poems 43
Favorite Poems From Top Poets On Family Friend Poems
  • Published: February 2022

Featured Published Poets

Featured Published Poets

Family Friend Poems would not exist without our wonderful poets. We’ve had the honor of publishing poems from thousands of poets, and we are thankful for each of them for sharing their hearts with our poetry community. We are incredibly grateful for the poets who have been faithful contributors over the years. They consistently submit high-quality poems that we publish, and they engage with our community by leaving comments on other poets’ work.

We are excited to say “thank you” by showcasing favorite poems by our top poets. These poems have been hand-selected by the poets themselves. We had the opportunity to interview each poet to learn more about why a particular poem means so much to them. We also found out where they get their writing inspiration, why they love poetry, and their favorite experience from being published on Family Friend Poems. The interviews can be found on each poem page in this collection. 

Thanks again to everyone who makes Family Friend Poems a community that shares the highs and lows of life. Let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the poets who vulnerably share their hearts with the world. 

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  • Poems 20
Poems Celebrating Love On Valentine's Day: Poems For The Solo Soul
  • Published: December 15, 2022

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Valentines Day Alone Poems

Being alone while everyone is celebrating love in their lives can be an incredibly lonely and depressing experience. Valentine's Day is a time for sharing our love with those who are important to us. Not having someone to share this with does not mean, however, that we cannot also participate. All of us have people who are meaningful and special to us, these people can become an outlet for expressing our love and sharing in the festivities of celebrating love. In this way, Valentine's Day can be a time for sharing love with others even if not the traditional expression.

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  • Poems 8
Famous Poems On The Human Experience And Life's Journey
  • Published: December 16, 2022

Famous Life Poems

Famous Life Poems

Since the dawn of civilization, artists of all forms have sought to express the essence of the human condition and the full range of human experience. Poetry has been one of the most common forms of this expression from the ancients until now. These words have an ability to capture the abstract emotions and concrete experiences that have been part of our humanity throughout the ages. Turning to the words of classic poems can help us to clarify and understand our own experiences better by connecting us to those others who have sought to do the same.

This collection of famous poems explores the human experience and the journey of life. From love and loss to joy and sorrow, these poems delve into the emotions and challenges that shape our lives. Whether you're seeking inspiration or a deeper understanding of the world around you, these poems offer a poignant and thought-provoking look at the human condition.

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  • Poems 30
Poems About Joyful Childhood Memories
  • Published: December 22, 2022

Poems About Childhood Friendships

Poems About Childhood Friendships

There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.

This collection of poems celebrates the joy and wonder of childhood memories. From playing outside with friends to holidays with family, these poems capture the magic and innocence of growing up. Whether you're looking to reminisce on your own childhood or share a bit of nostalgia with loved ones, these poems are sure to bring a smile to your face.

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  • Poems 4
Poems Of Apology And Regret To Family
  • Published: December 22, 2022

I'm Sorry Family Poems

I'm Sorry Family Poems

When you live in close proximity with other human beings there will be many times that you will offend each other. Families inevitably hurt each other from time to time. Saying "I'm sorry" are the two words that can repair your relationship. Without apologies the bad feelings are allowed to grow until eventually they grow into something so big and ugly that it is almost impossible to repair. It is difficult to humble ourselves and admit that that we may have made a mistake. However, when you think about the repercussions of not making a simple apology, you will realize that it's worth the effort.

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  • Poems 10
Poems On Friendships In Conflict And The Journey To Reconciliation
  • Published: December 23, 2022

Poems About Friends Fighting

Poems About Friends Fighting

Fighting is part of every real relationship. The key is knowing how to resolve the fight without breaking up the friendship. Often it is the individual who knows how to communicate by sharing his feelings and not pointing fingers who can diffuse the situation. Since both members of the friendship are feeling defensive, it becomes a risky and sensitive venture. It may talk a couple tries to fully resolve your differences but you will come out with a stronger friendship at the other end.

Fighting friends poems explore the struggles and challenges that can arise in close relationships. These poems often delve into the emotions and experiences of individuals as they navigate conflicts and try to find their way to reconciliation. They offer insights into the complexities of friendships and provide a reflection on the difficulties that can arise when two people care deeply about each other. Whether through heartache, anger, or forgiveness, fighting friends poems offer a powerful and relatable look at the ups and downs of close relationships

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  • Poems 6
Poems Reflecting On Friendships That Have Faded With Time
  • Published: December 23, 2022

Poems About Losing A Friend

Poems About Losing A Friend

Someone with all the money in the world but no one to enjoy it with, would be depressed. Admittedly that's an extreme example, but the truth is that all of the enjoyable things in the world get old quickly without a friend to share them with. On the other hand, if a person was experiencing all the hardships in the world, they may go insane without the aid of a friend. People that don't have anyone to socially interact may lose their minds and develop an imaginary friend just to ease the loneliness. Human interaction is necessary. It is simply the way that we are wired.

Discover the power of poetry to connect with and honor the friends we have lost touch with over time. These poems explore the emotions and memories associated with faded friendships and offer a poignant reflection on the connections that endure despite distance and time

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  • Poems 6
Friendship Poems About Betrayal
  • Published: December 23, 2022

Betrayed Friend Poems

Betrayed Friend Poems

"Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar". Perhaps the most famous words in English literature speak of a betrayal of a friend. Julius Caesar is saying that if even his close friend Brutus is stabbing him, then he has no hope. Our friends are the ones that we expect will stand by us through thick and thin. When are going through hard times, we ask that they be "like a bridge over troubled waters". If we cannot count on our friends to pull us through, then who can we count on?

Explore betrayal in friendships through our collection of powerful poems. These poems write about the emotions and feelings of betrayed friends as they try to go forward and heal after betrayal.

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  • Poems 12
Poems Of Longing: Expressing The Pain Of Missing A Friend
  • Published: December 23, 2022

Poems About Missing A Friend

Poems About Missing A Friend

When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.

Find solace and connection through our collection of poems about missing a friend. These poems explore the emotions and feelings of longing for a friend who is no longer present in our lives and the enduring power of friendship

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  • Poems 10
Poems On Enduring Friendships
  • Published: December 28, 2022

Forever Friend Poems

Forever Friend Poems

Forever is a very long time. How is it that people can talk so casually about a concept that we cannot even wrap our minds around? Sometimes we have a friend and we sense that our souls are very closely connected. We know that the connection is above time and space. We know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off. This is what people mean when they say friends forever.

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  • Poems 12
Poems About Lost Love
  • Published: January 3, 2023

Lost Love Poems

Lost Love Poems

The loss of a lover, whether because they have passed on or for any other reason is a heartbreaking experience. Some never fully recover. There might always be a small place in your heart that holds the pain of this experience. This is natural and fine. Even when you find another person to love, it is OK to hold a place for the lover that has passed. You shared something profound together. The previous relationship that you had is not like your new relationship. Every relationship is unique and should be allowed a place in your heart.

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  • Poems 37
Beautiful Adoption Poems About The Emotional Journey Of Adoption
  • Published: January 4, 2023

Adoption Poems

Adoption Poems

Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal their child's adoption thinking that it will only cause him pain and a sense of non-belonging. Others choose to tell their chosen child thinking that he will find out anyway. When a child finds out that he is adopted, it may give rise to feelings of confusion and alienation. The important thing to remember is that having parents that love you whether biological or chosen is a tremendous gift.

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  • Poems 10
Teenager Poems - Navigating The Challenges Of Adolescence
  • Published: January 5, 2023

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Poems Between Parents And Teenagers

Much has been written about the period of adolescence. This is a time when a child begins to question the value systems of his family and society and strives to form his own opinions. It is a time of great confusion and upheaval because he has thrown away the old values and has not completely formed the new ones. Parents often become shaken when they see their teenage son or daughter begin to question the values that he or she grew up with. Parents should not worry. In fact they can feel relieved that their child is beginning to become his or her own person.

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  • Poems 8
Friend Funeral Poems - Tributes For A Friend's Funeral
  • Published: January 5, 2023

Funeral Poems For Friends

Funeral Poems For Friends

There are many traditions from around the world that determine what a funeral looks like. In some cultures the body is cremated and the ashes may be kept in an urn. In other cultures, the body is put into the ground itself without a coffin. Some traditions have people who are designated wailers who are there to help people cry. Eulogies may be said in honor of the departed. What these cultures all have in common is the desire to mark the importance of the individual's life and to mourn for the loss of the departed.

Looking for the perfect words to honor a dear friend who has passed away? Our collection of memorial poems includes poems for eulogies, speeches, and tributes. From short poems for funerals to longer, more personal tributes, you'll find the perfect poem to express your love and grief. Use these poems to help you say goodbye to a dear friend who will be greatly missed."

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  • Poems 12
Love Forever Poems For Him And Her
  • Published: January 6, 2023

Love Forever Poems

Love Forever Poems

When you fall in love with someone, you hope it will last forever. You picture yourself by their side through all the ups and downs of life. Nothing gives you greater joy than the thought of holding their hand through the journey of life. You feel complete, secure, and like you can take on the world with them by your side. Their love gives you courage, strength, and happiness to take on each day. You take comfort in knowing that you will be together forever.

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  • Poems 20
First Love Poems - Capturing The Magic Of Falling In Love For The First Time
  • Published: January 6, 2023

First Love Poems

First Love Poems

There's nothing like the first love. You've never had these feelings before and you imagine that no one else has ever felt this way about anybody. Your boyfriend or girlfriend are the greatest thing ever and you want to be with them all the time. Your senses become alive as you fall in love for the first time. You're not even thinking of the possibility that you may break up because that has never happened to you before. First love is filled with the optimism that you will be together forever.

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  • Poems 23
Teenage Pregnancy Poems - Poems Of Empowerment For Pregnant Teens
  • Published: January 26, 2023

Poems About Teenage Pregnancy

Poems About Teenage Pregnancy

Many people judge teen parents thinking they are irresponsible, and too young to raise a child. Teen mothers especially are faced with many emotional struggles. How will they finish school? What will their parents say? Should they hide it? Should they abort? What if their baby has no father? Trapped in a sea of these doubts and others, many pregnant teens aren't sure what to do. Some people might tell pregnant teens, "Your life is over when you have that baby". Teens should remember though, having a child doesn't end your life, it simply gives you a new and different future.

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  • Poems 7
Beautiful Poems For Grandparents: Poems To Celebrate Grandparents Day
  • Published: February 2, 2023

Grandparents Day Poems

Grandparents Day Poems

Many people may not know that Grandparents Day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, "must we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?" Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They don't understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparents Day is an official US national holiday, signed by President Carter in 1978 and celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day. The statute cites the day's purpose: "...to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer"

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  • Poems 19

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