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Poems About Having An Eating Disorder
  • Published: February 2020

Eating Disorder Poems

Eating Disorder Poems

We are all bombarded with messages about how we should look and how much we should weigh. Many people struggle with eating disorder tendencies. For some people, they binge and purge. Others significantly restrict their consumption of food and over-exercise. It’s all in pursuit of the “perfect” body. What can begin as a desire to be healthier can quickly turn into a paralyzing obsession. It feels as though the number on the scale is never good enough. The figure seen in the mirror is severely distorted in the mind of someone with an eating disorder. As with any other mental illness, it’s important to seek help from professionals who are trained to bring healing and restoration.

Every year, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is held during the last week in February. It's a time to raise awareness about these disorders and offer resources and support to those who are facing these struggles. If you would like to know more about eating disorders, use a screening tool for yourself or a loved one, or find out how to get the necessary help, check out National Eating Disorders Association.

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  • Poems 8
Inspiring Poems To Celebrate Black History Month
  • Published: February 2020

Black History Month Poems

Black History Month Poems

One of the celebrations that takes place during February is Black History Month. It’s a time to celebrate the accomplishments of African Americans. The world of poetry has been touched by these individuals. Poets like Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou have helped to encourage, influence, and change the world with their words.

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  • Poems 25
Be My Valentine Poems
  • Published: February 2020

Will You Be My Valentine?

Will You Be My Valentine?

Many people have a crush on someone but don’t say anything. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take a chance on love. These poems are for readers who wish to make a crush aware of romantic feelings. Who do you want to be your valentine?

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  • Poems 9
Poems About Finding Happiness In Life
  • Published: February 2020

Poems About Happiness

Poems About Happiness

We are all searching for happiness. We want to face each day with a smile and enjoy the time we have on this earth. But how do we find it? These poems highlight the search for happiness and share the secrets people have found to truly living a joyful life.

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  • Poems 12
Valentine’s Day Poems From Parents To Kids
  • Published: January 2020

Valentine's Day Poems To Kids

Valentine's Day Poems To Kids

Valentine’s Day is not only for those in romantic relationships. It can also be a time for families to celebrate their love for each other. Parents can use the holiday as an opportunity to share with their children how much they’re loved and valued in the family. Maybe this year is the year to start a new family tradition on Valentine’s Day.

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  • Poems 8
Valentine’s Day Poems To Share With Friends
  • Published: January 2020

Valentine's Day Poems For Best Friends

Valentine's Day Poems For Best Friends

Valentine's Day is not only for those in romantic relationships. It can also be a time for friends to tell each other how much they mean to one another. What a blessing it is to have someone by your side through all life's ups and downs. Share these poems with your friends - with the people who've celebrated your triumphs and held your hand through the tears.

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  • Poems 44
Poems About Veterans For Veterans Day
  • Published: November 2019

Poems To Honor Veterans - November 11

Poems To Honor Veterans - November 11

In the United States, we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th every year. It was first celebrated as Armistice Day on November 11, 1919, a year after the armistice agreement was made between Germany and Allied forces to cease fighting during World War I. The Great War ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The ending of WWI was formalized on June 28, 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

Veterans Day (or Armistice Day) was first celebrated on the first anniversary of the end of World War I, which makes 2019 the 100th anniversary of this holiday.

In the United States, Veterans Day is a holiday to thank veterans for their services. The focus is on living veterans, as opposed to Memorial Day, which is a day to remember those who gave their lives for our country.

The United Kingdom and some other countries celebrate this holiday as Remembrance Day. Two minutes of silence is observed at 11am on November 11th to remember all those who have died during war.

No matter how you celebrate this holiday, it’s a wonderful time to be thankful for the brave men and women who have served their countries.

This collection is filled with poems to celebrate veterans and honor them for their service.

Be sure to check out our Memorial Day Poems and other War Poems

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  • Poems 15
Poems About Alzheimer's Disease For Alzheimer’s Awareness Month - November
  • Published: November 2019

Poems That Bring Awareness To Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia

Poems That Bring Awareness To Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. It was first established by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. At that time, less than two million people suffered from the disease. It has now grown to over five million patients in the United States alone. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia, there are treatments that help slow down the progression of the disease.  

The Alzheimer’s Association has wonderful resources on their website about signs of Alzheimer’s, tips for living with the disease, help for caregivers, information on research and getting involved with support groups.

Whether you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or have a loved one fighting this disease, we hope these poems will remind you that you are not facing this alone. 

November is also National Family Caregivers Month. There are millions of people who care for their loved ones. These people selflessly make sacrifices to care for those with special needs, chronic illnesses, disabilities, and aging bodies and minds. This month is a time to honor family caregivers and give them the support they need.

Be sure to check out our other Aging Poems.

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  • Poems 19
Poems About Perseverance And Overcoming Challenges
  • Published: October 2019

Overcoming Hard Times Poems

Overcoming Hard Times Poems

Each one of us will face hard times at some point in life. Sometimes the hardships come for a short season, and other times they seem to last longer than anticipated. Even though those moments feel like they are going to break us, we each have incredible strength that can push us forward. Having the determination and mindset to persevere can make all the difference.

Even though the struggles in life are not fun, and we wish we could do without them, they help develop our character. They teach us lessons we would not learn when things are pleasant. Each struggle we overcome is one more that shows us we can make it through anything. We hope these poems inspire you to find the courage to keep fighting whatever you are facing at the moment. Get ready to put the past behind you and embrace the future.

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  • Poems 28
Poems About Accepting Who You Are
  • Published: October 2019

Self-Acceptance Poems

Self-Acceptance Poems

Each one of us is unique. We have each been given gifts and talents that we can use to make the world a better place, but too often, we allow society to make us feel interior. We struggle with low self-esteem and buy into the lie that we don't have anything to offer the world. We look at the strengths of other people while only focusing on our weaknesses. These thoughts become self-destructive, and before we know it, we begin hating who we are.

We all must walk the journey toward self-acceptance. For some, the path is smooth, while for others, it has many bumps and twists along the way. These poems showcase the journey many people have walked to find self-acceptance and truly love who they are. May you find the strength and courage to love yourself and see your unique qualities as strengths and not weaknesses.

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  • Poems 16
Poems About Accepting What The Future Holds
  • Published: October 2019

Embracing The Future Poems

Embracing The Future Poems

Looking to the future can be scary, but it can also be exciting. We are constantly presented with new opportunities. Let’s step out and take hold of those opportunities, even when we don't know how things will turn out. 

Change is constant, and life is a journey. We don’t know what the future holds. Although there are bound to be tough things ahead, there are also going to be incredible moments that we could never have imagined. 

Take a leap of faith. Set out to do something you’ve always wanted to do. 

Look to the future with hope. There are amazing possibilities ahead. Don’t allow fear to hold you back, for a life filled with regrets of not chasing your dreams is a life filled with sorrow and bitterness. It's time to let go of the past and embrace what the future holds. 

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  • Poems 8
Encouraging Poems About Believing In Yourself
  • Published: October 2019

Believe In Yourself

Looking for inspiration and encouragement? Check out our selection of poems about believing in yourself and your own abilities. These uplifting poems will remind you of your strength and help you overcome any challenges that may come your way

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  • Poems 4
Poems About Letting Go Of The Past And Moving Forward
  • Published: October 2019

Letting Go Of The Past Poems

Letting Go Of The Past Poems

For many, the past year was tough. There were unforeseeable changes, unexpected diagnoses, broken relationships, the loss of loved ones, and many heartbreaking disappointments. It was a discouraging and frustrating year, one many would never want to relive. We look toward the New Year with great expectations and a yearning for the hope that things will be better. If it was a defeating year, it might feel as though there’s no possible way for things to be better. But we must each choose to move forward and put the past behind us.

Even in the darkness, light is coming. Even in the midst of the storm, a calmness is coming. Even in the midst of brokenness, restoration is possible. 

Although we cannot change the past, we can let go of it and move forward. A New Year is a chance to start fresh and leave behind the things that have brought pain and heartbreak. 

May these poems give you the hope, inspiration, and courage to let go of the past and embrace the future to pursue a life well-lived

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  • Poems 8
Poems About Success And Hard Work
  • Published: October 2019

Success Poems

Success Poems

We all want to be successful. But what is success? Too many times, we measure it by a person's wealth or status. We often use those markers to determine whether or not we have been successful in life. Basing it on that criteria alone means that a lot of people will never meet the world's definition of "success."

Success is attaining a purpose or goal you have set out to accomplish. The poems in this collection take a deeper look at other definitions of success. It's not about living up to the world's standards. Being successful is much more than money or popularity. It's about being yourself, working hard to achieve your dreams, learning lessons from your mistakes, and living your best life.

The start of a new year is marked with many resolutions. Some look at keeping those resolutions as a marker for success. But for many, it's challenging to accomplish the goals we have at the beginning of the year. This year, instead of resolutions of losing weight or getting organized, why don't we focus on our character? Let's look for ways to be kinder, more encouraging, and present with those around us. Let's not get distracted by the expectations of the world. Instead, let's live out our own definition of success.

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  • Poems 15
Poems About Climate Change Awareness
  • Published: September 2019

Climate Change Poems

Climate Change Poems

Climate change is a hot topic in the world today. This collection of poems brings attention to the way humans are treating the Earth, and the poets implore people to turn an eye toward the destruction that humans are causing to our planet and make changes.

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  • Poems 14
Structured Poems For Kids – Poetry Contest
  • Published: August 2019

Summer Poetry Contest Winner And Semi-Finalists

Summer Poetry Contest Winner And Semi-Finalists

We are excited to announce that "Candy Tree Shops" has been selected as the Summer Poetry Contest winner! Congratulations, Beryl L. Edmonds! Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to the Summer contest.

These poems have been selected as semi-finalists for the Second Annual Children's Summer Poetry Contest, First Prize $50 Amazon.com Gift Card!. These poems have been written for children and follow one of the following structured formats: Acrostic, Haiku, Limerick, or ABC poem.


  • 1 entry per person.
  • All semi-finalist are published on our website.
  • Winner will be selected by our Editors and will be notified by Email.

What types of poems are we are looking for?

  • Are targeted to elementary school aged children. (ages 5-11)
  • Have literary techniques integrated (e.g. rhymes, similes/metaphors, repetition, alliteration, imagery, symbolism, personification etc.) when appropriate.
  • Follow the rules of the poetry form you select.
  • Can be used by teachers in elementary schools for poetry lessons.


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  • Poems 13
Haiku Love Poems About Relationships
  • Published: July 2019

Love Haiku Poems

Love Haiku Poems

These haiku love poems showcase how it feels to be in love with someone special. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.

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  • Poems 6
Haiku Nature Poems About Spring
  • Published: July 2019

Spring Haiku Poems

Spring Haiku Poems

Spring is a time of great renewal. The grasp of winter no longer holds us, and nature reveals incredible beauty. We see budding leavings, opening flowers, rainstorms that showcase rainbows, and the glowing warmth of the sun. Bees buzz from flower to flower, and the birds’ songs are heard again in the early morning hours. These nature poems highlight the loveliness spring. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5. Although they are short, they capture the charm of this exquisite season.

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  • Poems 8
Haiku Poems About The Beauty Of Fall
  • Published: July 2019

Fall Haiku Poems

Fall Haiku Poems

These poems highlight the season of fall. They are written in the form of a haiku, a three-line poem that follows the syllable count of 5-7-5.

Be sure to check out our other fall poems

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  • Poems 5

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