Featured Poets Of Instagram - Page 2

  1. God Is Still Right There

    • By Bethny Ricks
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2021 with permission of the Author.

    No matter our situation or circumstance. Whether we are walking atop hope, full of peace, wrestling with fear, or overwhelmed with life in general...God is always present. In our victory and turmoil His concern and love for us never waivers. And through all my weeping, these roads paved with tears and joy, God has never failed me. Or forgotten me.

    in Faith Poems

    our weeping may only endure
    for the night, but
    even when joy finally drapes
    our sunrise


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    Lovely poem that touched my heart. God is always with us. He hears every prayer.

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  2. Bright Light

    • By S.C. Lourie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Hope Poems

    I see you, darling.
    Holding on to your hope with both hands.
    Feeling exhausted with all the turbulence.
    But not letting go.


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    Wow! That is an awesome piece. I really like it. It's very moving. I love the flow and the word choice. I am so glad I stumbled onto it. Thank you.

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  4. The Strength In You

    • By Blake Auden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2021 with permission of the Author.

    I’ve spent my entire adult life struggling with anxiety, always worrying about the worst case scenario. Even now I don’t know how to love something without being terrified of losing it. If I’m honest, some days I feel like I’m built entirely of glass.
    But I think there may be something profound in suffering; in the realisation that you’re stronger than you thought. I think back to the things I’ve been through, and while those experiences left their mark, I take solace in the fact that I’m still here; still pulling breath into these lungs. Maybe strength is a label that’s only earned from resilience; from enduring.
    The truth is, I had no idea how much I could take until the world showed me. There is strength here, even if I never wanted to find it.

    in Poems about Life Struggles

    There is
    a strength in you
    you haven’t even
    begun to find.


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    So true in that we really don't know how one will react until one has been there and has done it! Suffering is an important life experience. Great poem, thanks.

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  5. The Terrifying Thing About Love

    • By Madalina Coman
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2020 with permission of the Author.

    This is a popular piece from Madalina Coman's poetry book Unforgettable.

    in Short Poems

    It is a terrifying thing
    to watch love
    walk in your direction
    when you believe


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    Very well written and, in my opinion, very true. I like it and agree totally with it.

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  7. Someone To Walk With Me

    • By Raquel Franco
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    You are whole all on your own. Forever love is finding the one who will walk alongside you.

    in Short Love Poems

    I was never looking
    for another half
    to make me whole,
    just someone


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    It is really pleasing that the poet has portrayed the highly weighted thought behind the poem in such a short and simple manner. I love the concept. It is true that everyone is a...

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  8. Just Us Two

    • By Amy O Connor
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

    For all the hopeless romantics and eternal believers in love, empaths and dreamers, poetry lovers and soft souls. Never change - you bring a vital compassion to this arduous world.

    in Passionate Love Poems

    Pull away the world
    so that it is just us two.
    Silence the chaos
    inside and outside our heads.


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    Talk about rekindling something lost; that will do it. Good read and flow.

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  9. I Want To Tell You

    • By Lorelei
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in I Miss You Poems

    There’s so much I want to say to you,
    words I buried in my mind
    but when it’s time to sing the verses
    the melodies come out wrong.


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    Being in a one-sided love situation is never good. Putting yourself on hold for an undetermined amount of time can put a person in a space that's hard to come back from. There's no easy way...

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  10. Final Moments

    • By Amy O Connor
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

    Have you ever had a final moment with someone that you wish you could change?

    in Breaking Up Poems

    It wrecks me, that last moment
    that played out so wrong.
    Our hopeless eyes locked
    just a few seconds too long.


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    Short but powerful. My favorite kind. This poem shows what can happen when two people who can't be together (for whatever reason) don't want to be apart.

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  11. You're Better Off Without Me

    • By Blake Auden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2021 with permission of the Author.

    I often picture what it would be like to see you again. To hear your voice, or feel the weight of your hand in mine. I rehearse what I'd say to you, whether or not I'd tell you about the poetry, how I'd reply if you asked me if I was happy, yet.

    But the truth is I'll never tell you any of it. I won't call or find my way to your door. As much as I miss you, I know that you will want to love me - to pick up the pieces of me and hold them together, the way you always used to. And we'll end up back where we were, with you ignoring how much it hurt to try and love me - still giving even when there's nothing left for me to take.

    If we're honest, we both know you're better off without me. If I really want you to be happy, then I have to accept that it means being far away from me. So I will love you from a distance, even if that means you believe the worst of me.

    in Hurting Poems

    I’ve written you
    so many letters
    I won’t send.
    I’ve rehearsed


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    It is funny how things can be funny, even if when they are not. Distance was said to separate but in my experience, I realized that it brings people even closer (thus, more concentrated in...

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  12. Trying To Balance Grief

    • By Liz Newman
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2021 with permission of the Author.

    One of the biggest things I’m learning about grief is how it demands different things from you every day. Some days, you’re able to get a lot done. You’re able to smile and be fully present with people. Everything feels fully balanced and manageable...steady. But other days, even normal daily tasks feel impossible to balance. And despite your best efforts, you can’t do it all. You try and build your schedule to match the day before, but it wobbles and leans and comes crashing down at your feet.

    Grief will demand different things of you every day. Some days will be harder than others, but please don’t be harder on yourself because of it. The harder days need the most kindness, the most support, the most gentleness. The harder days need the most grace. If today is a harder day, I’m praying with you. I’m hurting with you. I’m holding on to hope with you.

    in Grief Poems

    Grief stacks
    Itself up


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    This poem reads the mind of a person affected by grief. "But right now/You can't" has the logic. It depicts the hope that there will be a time with "can."

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  13. Let Love Grow

    • By Sabina Laura
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Love Poems

    I want to live in a world
    where nobody is afraid
    to fall in love
    or admit it


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    Very well done. And I would like to live in a place like that too. As a matter of fact, in my own world, I do.

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  14. Take A Bow

    • By S.C. Lourie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Take a bow, lovely one.
    Because you’re tired
    And still you’re doing it.
    You’re feeling empty


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    I'm convinced that those close to you are grateful to know you and to have you around. This is a very uplifting and motivating piece. I like it. Thanks again.

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  15. Just Tell Me You Don't Love Me

    • By Lauren Bowman
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Confused about Love Poems

    Just tell me you don’t love me;
    I can live with that.
    I can acknowledge an ending when I see a period
    firmly in place,


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    I like this one very much. Holding on to false hope will lead to real hopelessness. It takes a special talent to recognize when it's time to let go, and it takes courage to do it.

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  16. There Will Be Days

    • By S.C. Lourie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Meaningful Poems

    There will be days
    when your heart will break.
    And there will be days when
    your heart will soar.


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    Inspiring. Truthful and well-written. I like it. Good read.

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  17. What I Would Have Done Differently

    • By M.B.Victoria
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Life Lesson Poems

    There would have been
    so much I would have
    done differently
    if only I had known


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    First off, I like the poem. I too have pondered that same notion about going back in time and changing things for a better outcome. It's hard to say either way. Things could have been better...

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  18. Finding Hope

    • By Sabina Laura
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Poems

    I am learning to find hope
    in the smallest and most unexpected places
    like the whispers through the forest
    and the velvet evening sky


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    This poem speaks to me. I really like it. We spend so much of our time focusing on things that really don't make life better and we miss out on many of the things that do.

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  19. He Asked Me If I Missed Him

    • By Alfa Holden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Betrayal Poems

    He asked me if
    I missed him
    and I told him
    no. Even though


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    Recovery can be the hardest thing we do, but it's always worth it.

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  20. You Have Shattered Every Memory Of Us

    in Hurting Poems

    You have drowned every emotion of us,
    Held it under water until it could no longer breathe.
    You have shattered every memory of us,
    Like glass, touching it I risk hurting every time.


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    The hard truth of having one too many last changes. Sometime there is no coming back from crossing the line. We may not be able to fix what we broke, but learning from it can help prevent us...

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  21. The One

    • By Alfa Holden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Relationship Poems

    I hope you find
    the one who quiets
    the screams.
    I hope you find


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    Another job very well done. Very insightful and very easy to read. I like this style.

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  22. The Thing About Love

    • By Alfa Holden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Love Poems

    The thing is:
    Love will break you.
    That is a guarantee.
    Yet at the same time,


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    Wow! This is too cool. I really like it. And I really agree. Very good job.

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