Acrostic Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists

Published: April 2019

Acrostic Poems About Poetry, Relationships, And Special Occasions

These poems have been selected as semi-finalists for the April 2019 Acrostic Poetry Contest. Our Editors determine the winning poem based on content, but you can let us know your top poems by rating, sharing, adding to your favorites and commenting on your favorite poems.

Important Dates:

  • Acrostic Poetry Contest, First Prize $50 Gift Card!
  • Submission Deadline is April 25th.
  • Semi-Finalists Published through April 28th.
  • Finalists Announced: April 30th.
  • Winner Announced: May 6


Submit 1 original Acrostic Poem on one of these topics:

  1. What does poetry mean to you? Pick one word (e.g. hope, encouragement, relief, healing, humor, etc.) and write an acrostic about it.
  2. What does a relationship or occasion mean to you? Pick a relationship (e.g mother, grandfather, little sister, best friend, etc.), but NOT the name of a person OR an occasion (e.g birthday, Merry Christmas, wedding, happy anniversary, etc.) and write an acrostic about it.

What we are looking for:

When crafting your poem, keep in mind that we are looking to publish poems that…

  • Follow the rules of the acrostic form. An Acrostic is a poem where the first, middle or last letters of each line spell out a word. (See How To Write An Acrostic Poem and Examples of Acrostic Poems)
  • Have a clear message
  • Are heartfelt
  • Appeal to a wide audience – your poem is more likely to be shared that way


  • 1 entry per person.
  • All semi-finalist will be published on our website.
  • Winner will be selected by our Editors and will be notified by Email.

Acrostic Poems About Poetry, Relationships, And Special Occasions

  1. Marriage

    • By Linda Harrison
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I am an amateur poet who likes to write about things that have meaning, and I love to have a particular theme to write about. This is the first time I have attempted an acrostic poem and decided I would try and describe what I think marriage should be about.

    in Love Poems about Marriage

    M is for Making a future that will last.
    A is for Accepting both the present and the past.
    R is for Respect for each other every day.
    R is for Remembering those special things to say.


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  2. Father

    • By Jodi M. Kucera
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My dad passed away, and I write to work through it. Hope you like it!

    in Loss of Father Poems

    Forever in my heart,
    Always on my mind.
    Together again we will be, all in God's time.
    Heaven gained another angel the day you left.


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    I am so sorry for your loss. I was searching for words to add to my father's tribute. My sister sent me this poem. I would like to use it with your permission.

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  4. Hope In A Dream

    • By Adalia Medina
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Hi. My poem is about a certain attitude or mindset you should have while going after your dreams.

    in Dream Poems

    Hold onto your dream while mindful of time.
    Optimism required, let your light shine.
    Persistence prevails, while some may cast doubt.
    Expectation desired is what it's about.


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  5. Grandma

    • By Ilona M. Blake
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Today was the hardest day of my life. I attended my grandma's funeral. Seeing my mum so upset broke my heart. Although my grandma was 94, no time is ever a good time to say goodbye. Grandma, may you be happy tonight as you rest in peace side by side with Grandpa. Going to miss you so much. Love you with all my heart.

    in Grandmother Death Poems

    Grandma is one special angel, a
    Really gentle, beautiful soul.
    Angel of God, so pure and whole.
    Never leave me, stay close by.


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  7. Friends

    • By John P. Read
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Real friends walk in when the rest of the world walks out.

    in Life Long Friend Poems

    F- Friends are precious gifts
    R- Rare and hard to find
    I- Invisible when life is good
    E- Ever near when your sun doesn't shine


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    Friends are everything you say in your Acrostic poem Brother John. Flowers that we gather along life's highway, are friends kept in memory's floral bouquet. When you've a good friend you...

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  8. Love Stays Hopeful

    • By Katelynn A. Thacker
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This short acrostic poem is told in the perspective of someone who is promising to have hope and continue to be by someone's side, even through the obstacles and pains life throws at you.

    in Hope Poems

    However many tough things we go through
    Or any regret we can't undo,
    Please know I will be here.
    Even far away, I will still be near.


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  9. Summer Time

    • By William Wilson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an acrostic poem about my favorite time of year. It's about living in the moment and having memories forever.

    in Summer Poems

    Sun shines on your skin and mine
    Until it sets way after nine.
    Memories made with a cold drink in hand.
    Moments to cherish with feet in the sand.


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  10. My Father

    The bond between a father and a daughter is special. For every daughter, her father is the world...her rock-solid support and personal superhero.

    in Father Poems

    F is for Friendly; with him, fun times I share.
    A is for Amazing; his heart is full of compassion and care.
    T is for Truthful; his values have helped me stand tall.
    H is for Helpful; his generosity is valued by all.


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  11. Sweet Dreams

    • By Rosemarie DiEmedio
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this to the man I love and sent it to him with some Sweet Dreams teabags. I said to him, "I wanted to wish you sweet dreams - dream of us tonight." We always say, "Sleep well, sweet dreams," when we text each other at nighttime.

    in Passionate Love Poems

    S- You are so Special to me!
    W- You are a Wonderful man whom I love Wholeheartedly!
    E- I am in Ecstasy when I am with you!
    E- Every touch Energizes and Electrifies my body.


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    I fell in love with this sexy poems and I wish to read more because it lift my heart and I wish to share with someone I love. I want to feel what love is through this sexy poems, I want to...

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  12. You Are God's Glorious Gift!

    • By Lalitha A. Mishra
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    God put years in my life; she put life in my daughter! When she gurgled in my arms as a newborn, I was ecstatic! When her baby lips called "mamma," my heart did cartwheels. When she clutched my thumb tight on her first day of school, I felt a pang too. With her achievements, my chest swelled with pride. With her disappointments, I was crestfallen too. Now, watching the chrysalis emerging into a butterfly, a rainbow of emotions envelops me. Truly, as a daughter grows, a mother glows!

    in Daughter Poems

    D azzling is your smile; it lights up my way
    A s I go about my mundane chores every day.
    U nfailingly, I look forward to our daily chat.
    G enuine and deep is our bond, I believe that.


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  13. My Mother

    This is an acrostic poem about my mother who has always been a very significant person in the journey through my life. Behind every man's success, there is a woman, and surely that woman is no one other than my mother. This poem is a kind of tribute to her for the sacrifices she made for me and to tell her that I love her as always.

    in Mother Poems

    M-My life would be a mess without you.
    O-Of many sacrifices, I can remember you made and ever do.
    T-The selfless love and kindness is an abundant blessing.
    H-Heart of yours as beautiful as the view of a sun rising.


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  14. Grandmother

    • By Shrabasti Batabyal
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My grandmother (Aparna Sengupta) left us on March 12, 2017, on the day of Holi. The gods welcomed her in their garden after a year of extreme pain and suffering. Two years have passed, but I still miss my granny a lot. She was the person with whom I spent the long lonely hours. She was the person with whom I used to sleep. Her presence was the relief, the place of confession that my young mind searched for. I missed her for the last two years, I miss her today, and I will always miss her in my life.

    in Grandmother Poems

    G for the Glamour of her wrinkled, old face.
    R for the way my mind she used to Refresh.
    A for her Anger, which knew no bounds.
    N is how she Nurtured us without a sound.


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  15. Resurrection

    • By Eric R. Harvey
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    The church contains, according to traditions dating back to at least the fourth century, the two holiest sites in Christianity: the site where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, at a place known as "Calvary" or "Golgotha," and Jesus' empty tomb, where he is said to have been buried and resurrected. This is my version of the resurrection.

    in Easter Poems

    Ridiculed and mocked, nailed to a cross.
    Each of his followers mourning his loss.
    Set down from on high, placed in a cave.
    Unmovable stone in front of his grave.


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  16. My Children Are My World

    • By Kathy Murphy
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    My 3 sons mean everything to me. I would do anything for them, and they, for me. I am truly blessed.

    in Children Poems

    M...y life is good., I'm glad to be me.

    C...hildren running everywhere,


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  17. Graduation

    • By Margaret A. Dworek
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I was a mother and a nurse back years ago. Once my two children were in 4th and 5th grade, I decided to go back to get my BSN degree going part time. It took about 5 years, but I accomplished this back in 1986. At that time, I thought this was a good incentive to inspire my 2 children to do well in school. I figured I was a" role model" for them. I got good grades and graduated with honors. They walked in my footsteps and went on to college also and became successful.

    in Graduation Poems

    G is for the Grades that got you here.
    R is for the Recommendations from teaches back there.
    A is for the Attitude you had in class.
    D is for the Determination; your goal was to pass.


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    I was always told that anything can be taken away from you but your education. How true this is! You can lose your mate, your house, your job, your child, your parents...etc. I was always a...

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  18. My Love

    • By Joydip Dutt
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is my first attempt to pen an acrostic poem. It is written for the love of my life.

    in Acrostic Poems

    My heart doesn't belong to me.
    You have its only access key.

    Life is meaningful because of you.


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  19. Forgiven

    • By Elaine G. Brock
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    On entering the poem contest, I looked over the rules that say to tell what poetry means to you or to write about a person or an occasion in you life. The "occasion" that came to me was the day I realized I was loved and forgiven by God.

    in Religious Poems

    R emembering days
    E ver so gray.
    S ad with despair.
    T hen Jesus stepped in,


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  20. God's Grace

    I think by grace I am able to write poems and have people enjoy them, but only through God.

    in Religious Poems

    G-is for the Gift that God has given to us.
    R-is for the Righteousness he gave to guide us.
    A-is for the Almighty God we love to serve.
    C-is for the Cross he was on that set us free.


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  21. Silent Healing

    I believe I suffered much since my father died. I've had depression because of sadness, but I was able to heal myself when I started writing about what I feel. Everything that I can't voice out loud is all written and expressed through writing.

    in Hope Poems

    How hard it is to heal a broken heart.
    Everything seems so dark,
    And it seems like the stars even lost their spark.
    Loneliness just pulled me apart.


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  22. Escape

    • By Fran Peck
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Writing poems is an escape for me, and my issues and concerns are usually my inspiration.

    in Acrostic Poems

    Every time a rhyme goes through my mind,
    Something special takes place that I find,
    Creating a place for my soul to dwell,
    Away from the pressure of having to tell


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